Poverty Week [Food Diary Mar 5]

Kinda lacking in money this week, due to only getting 7 hours of work last week, and having my car registration come in, as well as my hosting, domain names, etc. Arrgh. So have to look after the budget this week, which didn’t help that the first place I went to was “Coles” instead of my normal Fruit & Veg grocer so 13 items cost me almost $50.. normally I can get quadruple the amount of food for less than that at the grocer.. so it’s insane (considering they all probably have the same ‘source’ for food.. I don’t understand why Coles is more than double for some items than the grocer) … you live and learn :)
Wednesday 5th Mar 2014
Weather Check: Warm & Wet 24°
Mood Check: Happy, Energetic
Sleep Check: 7 Hours
Activities: Facebook, Driving to work (30mins), Work (5hrs), Driving home from work (35mins), Listening to Podcasts on Quantum Touch healing, Hangout with Family, making dinner (9pm), this blog post, adding all the stuff that I wanted to “giveaway” to one of those “Free” groups on Facebook, read a Quantum Touch book I just purchased via Amazon kindle in bed.
What I ate:

Green Smoothie:
1 Banana, Handful Frozen Berries, 1/4 Cucumber, Handful Mixed Lettuce, Handful Baby Spinach, Handful Rocket, 1 tsp Chia Seeds, 1 tsp Hemp Seeds, 1 tsp Moringa Powder, 1/4 tsp Vitamin C Powder
1 Freshly Squeezed Juice (Apple, Carrot, Lemon, Ginger)
1 Potato Cake
On way home from Work
1 pc KFC Thigh Chicken & Nachos (D’oh!)
Handful Olives, 3 Cherry Tomatoes, Pinch Sunflower Seeds, Pinch Pumpkin Seeds, Handful Mixed Lettuce, Handful Baby Spinach, Handful Rocket, 1 cap Balsamic Vinegar, 1 cap Flaxseed Oil, 2 capfuls Apple Cider Vinegar
- 750ml Water (with MSM, Vitamin C, Moringa)
- 1 Freshly Squeezed Juice (Apple, Carrot, Lemon, Ginger)
- 1 Probiotic Capsule
- 1 Korean White Ginseng Root Capsule
- 1.5 tsp Moringa powder
- 1/2 tsp MSM + Vitamin C
- 1 tsp Vitamin C Powder
- 2 capfuls Apple Cider Vinegar
- 1 capful Balsamic Vinegar
- 1 capful Flaxseed oil
Nuts & Seeds
- 1 tsp Chia Seeds
- 1 tsp Hemp Seeds
- Pinch Sunflower Seeds
- Pinch Pumpkin Seeds
Spices / Other
- N/A
- 1 Banana
- Handful Olives
- Handful Frozen Berries
- Apples/Lemons in Juice
- 2 Handfuls Baby Spinach
- 2 Handfuls Rocket
- 2 Handfuls Mixed Lettuce
- Fresh Ginger Root (in Juice)
- Carrots (in Juice)
- 3 Cherry Tomatoes
- 1/4 Cucumber
- 1 Potato Cake
- 1 pc KFC Chicken
- 10 Corn Chips with Cheese & Tomato
Other Good
- All Homemade Natural Makeup today at work
Other Bad or Debatable
- Cigarettes
- 3 x Coffees (2 Tbsp Milk, 1 tsp Raw Sugar)
- 1 x Latte (300ml Milk, 1 tsp White Sugar)
- The potato cake
- The KFC
Thursday 6th Mar 2014
Weather Check: Warm 23°
Mood Check: Happy, Energetic
Sleep Check: 7 Hours
Activities: Reading the quantum touch book, Breakfast, Driving to work (35mins), Work (7.5hrs), Driving home from work (30mins), Listening to Podcasts on Quantum Touch healing again, Facebook – responding to messages for my stuff lol, this blog post, and now it’s bedtime .. wow.. groundhog day.. will try and read some more of that Quantum Touch book.
What I ate:
Cauliflower, Broccoli, Baby Spinach, Rocket, Mixed Lettuce, Olives, Nutritional Yeast, Balsamic Vinegar, Apple Cider Vinegar, Cayenne Pepper, Nori Flakes, Turmeric, Pumpkin Seeds, Sunflower Seeds, Cherry Tomatoes

1 Freshly Squeezed Juice (Apple, Carrot, Lemon, Ginger)
1 Spinach & Cheese Filo Thing?
Afternoon Break
Another Freshly Squeezed Juice (Apple, Carrot, Lemon Ginger)
1 Potato Cake

Another Freshly Squeezed Juice (Apple, Carrot, Pineapple, Lemon, Ginger)
Dahl & Rice from an Indian Takeaway thingy
- 750ml Water (with MSM, Vitamin C, Moringa)
- 2 Freshly Squeezed Juices (Apple, Carrot, Lemon, Ginger)
- 1 Freshly Squeezed Juice (Apple, Carrot, Pineapple, Lemon, Ginger)
- 1 Korean White Ginseng Root Capsule
- 1 tsp Moringa powder
- 1/4 tsp MSM + Vitamin C
- 1/2 tsp Vitamin C Powder
- 1 capful Apple Cider Vinegar
- 1 capful Balsamic Vinegar
- Pinch Nori Flakes
- Pinch Nutritional Yeast
Nuts & Seeds
- Pinch Sunflower Seeds
- Pinch Pumpkin Seeds
- Handful Olives
- Apples/Lemons/Pineapple in Juices
- 1 Handful Baby Spinach
- 1 Handful Rocket
- 1 Handful Mixed Lettuce
- Fresh Ginger Root (in Juice)
- 10 x Carrots (in Juices)
- 3 Cherry Tomatoes
- 1 Potato Cake
- 1 Spinach & Cheese Filo Thingy
- Dahl & Rice dish
Spices / Other
- 1/4 tsp Cayenne Pepper
- 1/4 tsp Turmeric
Other Good
- Tea-Tree Oil
Other Bad or Debatable
- Cigarettes
- 3 x Coffees (2 Tbsp Milk, 1 tsp Raw Sugar)
- The potato cake
- The Spinach & Cheese filo thingy
- The rice in the indian dish perhaps
- Wore some non-homemade foundation
Friday 7th Mar 2014
Weather Check: Warmish 25°
Mood Check: Frustrated, Angry/Sad (couldn’t figure out which), Confused, “Drama Queen”, Judgemental
Sleep Check: 5 Hours
Activities: Driving to work (60mins), Work (5hrs), Driving home from work (35mins), Facebook (responding to messages for things I’m giving away, arranging pickup times, contact details, etc.), Cleaning/Organizing stock for pickup, creating a space at the front with everyones names/products they are collecting, Making dinner, hanging out with the family, facebook browsing, this post, browsing for natural icecream recipes, facebook again, and now will try and finish reading the quantum touch book & sleep :)
What I ate:
Breakfast (7am)
Coffee & Small Banana
Morning Break (11:30am)
Leaving Work (1:45pm)

Kit Kat
Late Lunch (2:30pm)

Dinner (7pm)

4 x Vegetarian Samosas with Hot Chilli Sauce & Mint/Coriander Sauce
Tempeh, Olives, Rocket, Broccoli
Dessert (9pm)
Icecream & Coconut & Cacao & Hemp Seeds (no photo)
- 750ml Water (with MSM, Vitamin C, Moringa)
- 5 Glasses Water
- 1/4 tsp Moringa powder
- 1/4 tsp MSM + Vitamin C
- 1/2 tsp Vitamin C Powder
- 2 capfuls Apple Cider Vinegar
- 1 capful Balsamic Vinegar
- Pinch Nori Flakes
- Pinch Nutritional Yeast
Nuts & Seeds
- N/A
- 20-30 Olives
- 1 Banana
- 1 Handful Baby Spinach
- 2 Handfuls Rocket
- 1 Handful Mixed Lettuce
- 6 Cherry Tomatoes
- 4 Samosas
- 1/2 Broccoli, lightly steamed
Spices / Other
- 1/4 tsp Cayenne Pepper
Other Good
- N/A
Other Bad or Debatable
- Cigarettes
- 3 x Coffees (2 Tbsp Milk, 1 tsp Raw Sugar)
- 1 x Large Latte (Full Milk, 1 tsp White Sugar)
- The Samosas maybe
- The Icecream
- The Kit Kat
Lessons for today?
Found myself surrounded by arrogant, non-compassionate, agro people today. For a few hours, I was “them”, the people I definitely do not want to be like. I can normally ‘locate the funny side within myself and just internally ‘giggle’ off the negativity, nasty essences, and overly dramatic outbursts of anger where they have no regard for how to conduct themselves in a pleasant, kind way towards others. Sometimes, if I can’t just ‘smile it away’, I turn my heart towards their health – I think they possibly have liver or kidney damage and that’s why they are behaving like terrible human beings, so I try and find empathy for the meanest ones and try and ‘give them a break’. But today.. I let them all “get to me” somehow.. I have no idea how they did it because I’ve been shielded by the ‘b.s.’ for a while now, maybe because it was the cumulative effect of so many of them being aggressive at the same time, but yeah, they got in there somehow.
From my end, maybe from the lack of proper sleep last night, no proper breakfast today (just coffee and rush-out-the-door, (so maybe the lack of nutrition), could’ve been stress brought on by driving with barely any petrol in peak-hour traffic.. I really hope that it was just something ‘off’ inside me that is ‘gone’ now, but gosh – today was a real test, that I could find no lesson about.. it was just off.. and I kept on questioning.. what is the lesson here, what am I supposed to learn from this? I was feeling the negative energy from everyone today, I even managed to have a bit of a cry out of frustration in my break.. which actually helped a bit to be honest, so maybe that’s also what I needed. I’m hoping it’s the obvious lessons – ensuring I have enough money for petrol so that I’m not running on fumes in peak-hour traffic, leaving earlier, not drinking coffee too late so that I could get a better sleep, eating something nutritious for breakfast, etc. Even the juice place that I go to.. their juicer “broke” just as I arrived at the counter, so I had to buy a coffee instead of a juice lol, what am I supposed to learn from that? lol
Saturday 8th Mar 2014
Weather Check: Hot 31°
Mood Check: Happy & Motivated for a “Spring Cleaning”
Sleep Check: 8 Hours
Activities: Facebook, getting stuck into sorting out drawers & boxes full of paperwork.. woah, forgot about lunch (was hungry but too busy), still much more to do, but inspired and motivated.. hope to keep the momentum up but Im working tomorrow & then going to a seminar in the city, then working on monday too, so it will be Tuesday before I can look at this paperwork again.. hope I’m still ‘this’ motivated.
What I ate:

Handful Dates
Lunch / Dinner

Hamburger ~ ‘kinda’. In Chickpea Roti bread.
Hamburger, Cherry Tomatoes, Avocado, Olives, Lettuce, Rocket, Eggs, Cheese, Black Pepper, Nori Flakes

Handful Dates
- 8 Glasses Water
- Pinch Nori Flakes
- Pinch Black Pepper
- Magnesium oil (on legs)
Nuts & Seeds
- N/A
- 10 Olives
- 3 Cherry Tomatoes
- 1 Handful Rocket
- 1 Handful Mixed Lettuce
- 1 Hamburger (thanks sis)
- 2 Eggs
- 1/4 Avocado
- Handful Cheese
- 2 Chickpea Roti
Spices / Other
- Squeeze Tomato Sauce
Other Good
- Bicarb/ACV Spoo/Cond
Other Bad or Debatable
- Cigarettes
- 4 x Coffees (2 Tbsp Milk, 1 tsp Raw Sugar)
- The hamburger
- The cheese
- The tomato sauce
- Melatonin to try and get to sleep
Sunday 9th Mar 2014
Weather Check: Hot 32°
Mood Check: Happy, Energetic, Open
Sleep Check: 6 Hours
Activities: Driving to Work (18 mins) ~ listening to a podcast on Olive Leaf extract from ExtremeHealthRadio, Work (4 hours), Driving Home from Work (30 mins), Answering FB Groups (1 hour), Trying on my sister’s clothes that she’s giving away, driving to Richmond (40 mins), attended talk on Rebirthing-breathwork by Zeroum Law which was insightful and makes me want to learn even more (4 hours?), driving home (1 hour), stop-off at McDonalds, chatting with Zeroum on Facebook, and now updating this post and will head to bed with my Quantum Touch book again.
What I ate:

Handful Dates
Freshly Squeezed Juice (Lemon, Celery, Apple, Pineapple, Ginger)

Freshly Squeezed Juice (Lemon, Apple, Ginger, Pineapple)
Potato Cake
Late Afternoon

Bean & Lettuce Taco

McDonalds on the way home from city
Chicken Aioli Wrap, Small Fries, Apple Pie
- 1.5 Litres Water
- Freshly Squeezed Juice (Lemon, Celery, Apple, Pineapple, Ginger)
- Freshly Squeezed Juice (Lemon, Apple, Ginger, Pineapple)
- Vitamin B Complex
- Bicarb
Nuts & Seeds
- N/A
- Handful Dates
- Potato cake
- Bean & lettuce taco
- Chicken & Aioli wrap
- Fries
- Apple Pie
Spices / Other
- N/A
Other Good
- Bicarb in work water today
Other Bad or Debatable
- Cigarettes
- 2 x Coffees (2 Tbsp Milk, 1 tsp Raw Sugar)
Monday 10th Mar 2014
Weather Check: Hot 32°
Mood Check: Happy, Energetic, Open
Sleep Check: 6 Hours
Activities: Watching YouTube Videos “Dr Hew Len”, Driving to work (25min), Work (4 hours), Driving home from work (40mins), Taking Kids to Park / Walk (1 hour), Dinner (left-over Indian from in-laws), Family Time “The Block”, and now back to watching Dr Hew Len playlist (ho’oponopono).
What I ate:

Green Smoothie – from Boost Juice
Caribbean Green: mango, passionfruit, banana, spinach, mango nectar, coconut milk, coconut water & ice.
Medium Latte

- Green Smoothie (mango, passionfruit, banana, spinach, mango nectar, coconut milk, coconut water & ice)
- 350ml Moringa & Bicarb Water
- 4 x Glasses Water
- Vitamin B Complex
- Bicarb
- Moringa Powder
- Oregano Oil Capsule
- Olive Leaf Extract x 4 capfuls
Nuts & Seeds
- N/A
- N/A
- Butter Chicken
- Rice
- Pasta
- Cucumber, Tomato, Red Onion
Spices / Other
- N/A
Other Good
- Bicarb in work water today
- Green Smoothie
Other Bad or Debatable
- Cigarettes
- 4 x Coffees (2 Tbsp Milk, 1 tsp Raw Sugar)
- 1 Medium Latte (Milk & White Sugar)
- Ice in the Smoothie (wish I had’ve known so that I could’ve asked to remove – ruined it, and not good for body)