What I really eat: [Food Diary Jan 30]

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.. keeping a record of everything I eat to inspire me to be ever-conscious about what goes into my body, to look for holes, to inspire more research, to motivate me to get rid of unhealthy habits, and to become accountable to my choices.
This post goes hand-in-hand with the following 2 posts (became too big to have on the one page)
- Food Diary PRELUDE (basically my beliefs about foods – my rules)
- Known Toxins I was exposed to this week
Food Diary Prelude Toxins Jan 30
Thursday 30th Jan 2014
Weather Check: Stinking Hot 41°C (73.8°F)
Mood Check: Calm, content, over-confident, then under-confident
Sleep Check: 5 Hours
Activities: Chatting on Facebook, DNA research, Google scholar research on lung stem cells & lung regeneration, Listening to Podcasts, Returning DVD, Buying bread for sister, Updating Cure Emphysema post, adding new COPD conversation posts, parasite food web browsing.
- 1750 ml Water
- 1 Avocado
- 1 baby Banana
- 16 Olives
- 1 capsule Probiotics (before meal)
- 1 tsp MSM + Vitamin C (sipped with water throughout day)
- 1 tsp Vitamin C (sipped with water throughout day)
- Magnesium oil (rubbed into lower-legs before retiring)
- 2 tsps Bicarb Soda (before retiring)
- 2 x Salads (Kale, Capsicum, Spring Onions, Pumpkin, Broccoli, Shaved Zucchini)
- 2 x Salad Dressing (Flaxseed oil, Balsamic Vinegar, Apple Cider Vinegar)
- Leftover 2 x small Lamb Chops & Mashed Potato that my nephew (Zane) didn’t eat :)
- Icecream that my other nephew (Jay) didn’t eat
- Icecream at Service Station (yep, no excuse.. it was hot, and I was foolish)
Nuts & Seeds
- Sunflower Seeds
- Pumpkin Seeds
- 1 x Brazil Nut
- Walnuts
- Flaked Almonds
- 1 tsp Chia Seeds
- 1 tsp Hemp Seeds
Spices / Other
- Nutritional Yeast
- Nori Flakes
- Possibility of Salt, Margarine & Milk in Mashed Potato (my sister made it)
- Possibility of Salt & Allspice on Chops (ditto)
- Butter
Other Good
- Manuka Honey & Coconut Oil on Face
- Castor Oil on Eyebrows & Outer-Eye area
- Activated Charcoal & Coconut oil on teeth
- Dry-Skin Brushing
Other Bad or Debatable
Friday 31st Jan 2014
Weather Check: Hot 32°C (57°C), evening cooled down to 21°
Mood Check: Concerned, Energetic, Content, Calm, Peaceful
Sleep Check: 7 Hours
Activities: Facebook, copd & diabetes research, Listening to Podcasts (listened to this one (Ep #31 – Dr. John Apsley – How To Heal From Advanced Cancer Using The 4 Pillar Approach) 3 times so far today, I love it because he is so in alignment to my thinking on cellular repair, soooo good to hear someone speak what I’m already thinking), Driving to Work (40 mins), Work for 5 Hours (non-stop walking), Driving home from work (1 hour), Facebook, this blog post and the “Prelude” version explaining what I try to do in a nutshell, & cancer/dna research intended for rest of evening.
- 750 ml Water
- Juice (Carrot, Apple, Lemon, Orange)
- Juice (Carrot, Apple, Lemon, Pineapple)
- 750 ml Water
- 1 tsp MSM + Vitamin C
- Magnesium oil (rubbed into lower-legs after work)
- 2 tsps Bicarb Soda & Water
- Small Handful Grapes
- 1 Large Banana
- 8 Blackberries
- 1 Peach
- 8 Olives
- 1 Potato Cake
- Salad (Kale, Capsicum, Spring Onions, Pumpkin, Broccoli, Shaved Zucchini)
- Salad Dressing (Flaxseed oil, Balsamic Vinegar, Apple Cider Vinegar)
- 2 x Small Lamb Chops
Nuts & Seeds
- Sunflower Seeds
- Pumpkin Seeds
- 2 x Brazil Nuts
- Walnuts
- Flaked Almonds
Spices / Other
- Black Pepper
- Cayenne Pepper
- Turmeric
- All-Seasoning
- Nori Flakes
- Parmesan Cheese
- Butter
Other Good
- Manuka Honey & Coconut Oil on Face
- Homemade Toothpaste
Other Bad or Debatable
- Cigarettes
- 3 x Coffees
- Normal deodorant (03) for 7 hours
Saturday 1st Feb 2014
Weather Check: Hot 37°C (66°F), evening cooled down to 23°
Mood Check: Worried about the human race, Energetic, Content, Happy
Sleep Check: 6 Hours
Activities: Facebook, toxic dumping research after hearing the distraught news about the Great Barrier Reef, Blog post (Despicable Human Species – not yet published), Listening to Podcasts (listened to same one as yesterday again 3 times, Driving to Work (30 mins), Work for 5 Hours (non-stop walking), Driving home from work (45 mins), started questionnaire for improving health (not yet published), 2 hour phone call with friend from Sunshine Coast about conscious living, saving the world, health, and attitude, Dinner, updating this blog post, and plan on not doing much for the rest of the evening (it’s 11pm and I have to work tomorrow, so hope to “slow down” now.. we’ll see!) :).
- 750 ml Water
- Juice (Carrot, Apple, Orange)
- Juice (Orange, Carrot, Apple, Celery, Beetroot, Vita Booster)
- 1 tsp MSM + Vitamin C
- 1 tsp Vitamn C
- 1 tsp Bicarb
- Small Handful Grapes
- 1 Small Banana
- 6 Blackberries
- 1 Yellow Peach
- 1 Yellow Nectarine
- 8 Olives
- 1 Potato Cake
- Salad (Kale, Capsicum, Spring Onions, Pumpkin, Broccoli, Shaved Zucchini)
- Salad Dressing (Apple Cider Vinegar)
- 1 Roti Bread (my nephew ate my chickpea roti that I had defrosted, so I ate his roti)
Nuts & Seeds
- Sunflower Seeds
- Pumpkin Seeds
- 2 x Brazil Nuts
- Walnuts
- Flaked Almonds
- Chia Seeds
- Hemp Seeds
Spices / Other
- Nori Flakes
- Parmesan Cheese
Other Good
- Manuka Honey & Coconut Oil on Face
- Homemade Toothpaste
- Coconut oil in hair
- Doterra Whisper (essential oils) as perfume (Patchouli, Bergamot, Sandalwood, Rose Absolute, Jasmine Absolute , Cinnamon oil, Citrus Absolute, Vetiver, Ylang Ylang, Cocoa Bean Extract, Vanilla Bean Extract)
Other Bad or Debatable
Sunday 2nd Feb 2014
Weather Check: Heatwave 41°C (74°F)
Mood Check: Energetic, Content, Happy, Full of Life, Full of gratitude, Feeling Fabulous
Sleep Check: 4.5 Hours
Activities: Listening to Happy Music, Driving to Work (30 mins), Work for 2hrs 45mins (non-stop walking), Driving home from work (50 mins), making the zucchini pasta, updating this blog post, creating new blog post about the “Known Chemicals & Toxins I was exposed to this week“, helping my wonderful nephews bring water to their sandcastle, laundry.
- 750 ml Water
- Juice (Carrot, Apple, Beetroot, Watermelon)
- 1 litre Water
- 1 tsp Tyrosine
- 1 tsp Vitamn C
- 1 tsp Flaxseed oil
- Magnesium Oil (rubbed into legs & arms after work)
- 1 Small Banana
- 1/2 Avocado
- 1 Potato Cake
- 1 Shaved Zucchini
- 4 Cherry Tomatoes
- 1 Garlic Clove
- Pinch Sundried Tomatoes
- 1 Spring Onion
- Veggie Burger
- Chickpea Roti
Nuts & Seeds
- Sunflower Seeds
- Pumpkin Seeds
- Crumbled Walnuts
- Flaked Almonds
Spices / Other
- 1/2 Tsp Cayenne Pepper
- Pinch Black Pepper
- Pinch Nutritional Yeast
- 1 Tsp Flaxseed Oil
- Pinch Nori Flakes
- Pinch Dried Oregano
- Pinch Shaved Parmesan
- Butter
Other Good
- Made a new Homemade Toothpaste today (Bicarb Soda, Coconut Oil, Hydrogen Peroxide, White Vinegar,Clove Essential oil, Lemon Essential oil, Peppermint Essential oil.
- 2 x Cold Showers
- Dry Skin Brushing
- Doterra Whisper (essential oils) as perfume (Patchouli, Bergamot, Sandalwood, Rose Absolute, Jasmine Absolute , Cinnamon oil, Citrus Absolute, Vetiver, Ylang Ylang, Cocoa Bean Extract, Vanilla Bean Extract)
- Castor OIl on Hair, Eyebrows, Eye-area
Other Bad or Debatable
- Cigarettes (tobacco, water, & 147 different chemicals)
- 1 x Coffee (1 tsp Nescafe, 2-3 TBSP Milk, 1 tsp Raw Sugar)
- 1 x Iced Coffee (2tsp Nescafe, 1/2 cup Milk, 1 tsp Raw Sugar, 1 tsp Molasses, 20 small ice cubes)
- Normal deodorant (10) for 4 hours
- 1 Frozen TimTam (hey, if you don’t want me to eat it, don’t leave a whole packet open in the freezer…)
Monday 3rd Feb 2014
Weather Check: Hot & Muggy 38°C, cool 21 in evening
Mood Check: Bleary-eyed and fatigued. Happy though.
Sleep Check: 7 Hours
Activities: Woke up with a pain in my left ankle and have random, undetermined coughing (in throat, not lungs). Maybe too much milk yesterday, or the ciggies. Or both. Been months since I’ve woken up coughing. (fine now 1 hour later). Small blemishes showing up on left chin & right cheek (I’ve had clear skin for a couple of weeks and I’ve really loved it, plus my wrinkles have been disappearing.) Damn that tim tam moment-of-weakness!.. hmm or maybe something else.. will keep an eye-out. Facebook, got called into work, working on this blog post, updating all copd conversation posts, shower, new quick & tiny blog post about cached websites, getting ready for work, breakfast, quick comment on facebook, and now off to work, driving to work (25 minutes), work for 5 hours (2 hours non-stop walking, the other 3 hours was not as much movement), driving home from work (1 hour), made dinner, now back on this post, facebook again, listening to another ExtremeHealthRadio podcast that I love Dr. Charles Partito (11) . Got a pain in my right knee now, and tonight at work I knelt down and my knee “clicked” lightly, but I couldn’t walk on it for a few minutes, dunno what’s going on but need to figure it out as I want strong bones, and a strong body, not one that is going to “click” and cause pain :)
- 3 Glasses Water
- 750 ml Water
- Juice (Carrot, Apple, Celery, Lemon)
- 1 tsp Tyrosine
- 1 tsp Vitamin C powder
- 3 Handfuls Grapes
- 1 Small Banana
- 1 Potato Cake
- Veggie Burger
- 1 Kale Leaf
- 2 Cherry Tomatoes
- 1″ Red Capsicum
- 2 Broccoli Florets
- 1 Egg
Nuts & Seeds
- 2 Brazil Nuts
Spices / Other
- Nori Flakes
- 1 Lid Flaxseed Oil
- Nutritional Yeast
Other Good
- Manuka Honey & Coconut Oil on Face
- Coconut oil, Sweet Almond Oil, Castor Oil, Olive Oil on Hair
- Activated Charcoal on Teeth
Other Bad or Debatable
- Cigarettes (tobacco, water, & 147 different chemicals)
- 4 x Coffees (1 tsp Nescafe, 2-3 TBSP Milk, 1 tsp Raw Sugar)
- Hair Conditioner & Body Soap
- Normal Deodorant (10 hours)
Tuesday 4th Feb 2014
Weather Check: Warm & Windy 25°C
Mood Check: Good mood, concerned about my knee.
Sleep Check: 6 Hours
Activities: Pain in right knee worse this morning. I better make ‘joint health research’ my next priority. While taking a sip of my morning cuppa, got called into work “now”, so within 8 minutes I miraculously got dressed, deodorant, tie-hair-back, filled up water bottle, grabbed a bunch of grapes & a banana for-the-road, and drove in 40 min peak-hour traffic. 4 Hours not-stop walking, but I wasn’t as fast as normal due to my knee, thankfully it wasn’t very busy. Drove home (1 hour). Made lunch (Olive Pizza), and now updating this post and will start to research joint health to see what I can do about this damn knee. Went for a walk with sister & nephews to the park.. came home early because I wanted to rest my knee rather than continue walking. Used “alone-time” opportunity to have a long magnesium bath. Feel a little better, especially in the left knee, but it hasn’t “fixed” the right knee unfortunately. Downloaded heaps of new podcast episodes from lots of different podcast channels on iTunes. Made Dinner – was really hungry so had 2 x Hake (Shark) that I had in the freezer and a small salad & more olives. Sat on couch with nephew after dinner and watched tv at an angle (40 mins), and now my neck/shoulders are in pain. Dunno what’s going on with my body today and yesterday but something is definitely up! This is actually the first time in a really long time that I’m a bit confused as to what to do.. why are my joints and muscles kinda failing at the same time. Maybe it was the magnesium bath (though to other people, that usually “helps” rather than makes the problem worse). I dunno, actually I’m pretty perplexed this time. I guess it could be work, but I normally work a lot harder without same symptoms. I know the work floor is not good for my feet & probably my job is not too good on my knees. But normally I would just get sore feet if I work too hard, not knees that I can barely walk on and muscle pain. Ah dear.. will see what a good night’s rest will do.
- 4 Glasses Water
- 350 ml Water
- Juice (Carrot, Apple, Lemon, Orange)
- 1 tsp Tyrosine (morning)
- 1 tsp Vitamin C powder (throughout day)
- 1 Capful Olive-Leaf Extract (morning)
- 1 Capful Olive-Leaf Extract (evening)
- 1 tsp bicarb soda (before retiring)
- 1 Bunch Grapes
- 1 Small Banana
- Approx 20+ Mixed Olives
- 1 Potato Cake
- 1 Lebanese Flat-bread
- 2 Cherry Tomatoes
- 1″ Red Capsicum
- 2 Spring Onions
- 2 Florets Broccoli
- 1/2 Large Radish
- 1/2 Large Kale Leaf
- Sun-dried Tomatoes
- 2 x Baked (Frozen) Battered Hake
Nuts & Seeds
- 2 Brazil Nuts
- Sunflower Seeds
- Pumpkin Seeds
- Walnuts
- Flaked Almonds
Spices / Other
- Large Pinch Nutritional Yeast
- Shaved Parmesan Cheese
- 1/2 tsp Dried Oregano
- 1 Tbsp Tomato Paste
- 1 tsp Balsamic Vinegar
- 1 tsp Flaxseed Oil
- Large Pinch Nori Flakes
- 1 tsp Apple Cider Vinegar
- Juice of 1/4 Lemon
- Pinch Black Pepper
Other Good
- Manuka Honey & Coconut Oil on Face
- Ancient Minerals Magnesium Flakes & Epsom Salts Bath
- Oregano Oil Essential Oils on bottom of feet before sleeping.
Other Bad or Debatable
- Cigarettes (tobacco, water, & 147 different chemicals)
- 1 x Coffees (1 tsp Nescafe, 2-3 TBSP Milk, 1 tsp Raw Sugar)
- 2 x Coffees (1 tsp Nescafe, 2-3 Tbsp Milk, 1 tsp Molasses)
- Normal Deodorant (6 hours)
- Hair Masque & Hair Toner
Wednesday 5th Feb 2014
Weather Check: Warm 20°C, heading towards 30°C
Mood Check: Good mood, calm, relaxed, happy
Sleep Check: 9 Hours
Activities: All pain has subsided, have a slight ache in left lower calf and a little noticeable area in right knee, but aside from that, it seems one or more of the methods might of worked (either the olive leaf extract, magnesium bath, oregano essential oils, or 9 hours of sleep) Hooray. Also the acne is completely gone again. Another win. Facebook. This blog post. Updated my olive leaf extract information site-wide. Making brunch (Sweet Potato Pizza). Listening to podcasts, went for a walk. Sat at park. Drove to watergardens for a frozen yogurt, yum. Went for another walk with sister & nephews as Zane got a new bike this morning. Made dinner (Chia & Tuna Sushi Rolls). Listened to about 5 hours over the day of various health podcasts that I downloaded last night. Midnight now.. after reviewing this week (below), I’ll go to bed :)
- 9 Glasses water
- Olive Leaf Extract (morning)
- Probiotic (afternoon)
- 1 tsp MSM + Vitamin C
- Olive Leaf Extract (evening)
- 10 Dates
- 10 Mixed Olives
- 6 Blueberries
- 2 Cherries
- 3 Strawberries
- 1/4 Kiwi Fruit
- Steamed Sweet Potato
- Lebanese Bread
- 1 Large Kale Leaf
- 2 Broccoli Stalks
- 1 Spring Onion
- Sundried Tomatoes
- 5″ Pumpkin
- 3″ Red Capsicum
- 275g Frozen Banana, Strawberry & Watermelon Yogurt
- 3″ Red Cabbage
- 5 slices Zucchini
- 1/2 Carrot
- 2 Tbsp Sushi Rice
- 1 Can Tuna
Nuts & Seeds
- 1 Tbsp Mixed Pistachio & other Nuts (on my yogurt)
- 2 Tbsp Chia Seeds (in my sushi)
Spices / Other
- Tomato Paste
- Parmesan Cheese
- 1 tsp Wasabi Sauce
- 2 tsp Bragg’s All Purpose Seasoning
- 2 Nori Sheets
Other Good
- Activated Charcoal on Teeth
- Rebounding in the sun for 10 minutes
- Slow walk around the block in this beautiful, perfect weather. (30 mins)
- Faster walk around the block with sister & nephews. (30 mins)
- Manuka Honey & Coconut oil on face
- Castor oil on eyebrows
Other Bad or Debatable
- Cigarettes (tobacco, water, & 147 different chemicals)
- 2 x Coffees (1 tsp Nescafe, 2-3 Tbsp Milk, 1 tsp Molasses)
Amount spent this week…
… on Healthy choices:
- Fruit & Vegetables: $26.15
- Deli Mixed Olives: $6.30
- 10 Chickpea Rotis: $5
- Probiotics (12) : $41.10
- Juice Bars $4 + $4 + $4 + $7 +$4 + $4 +$4: $31
- Pitted Dates: $1.50
- Sam’s Special Mixed Deli Olives: $4
- 5 Fresh Lebanese Roti’s: 60c
… on Debatable (hopefully healthy but more research needed) choices:
… on Toxic choices:
- Cigarettes: $134.80 (HOLY SHIT.)
- Icecream: $3
- Potato Cakes: $5
At the Grocer:
Discount Bag of Ripe Bananas $2
1 Head Broccoli 70c
1/2 Pumpkin $1.26
1 Red Capsicum 31c
Bunch Spring Onions 99c
Bunch Big Radishes 99c
Zucchini 57c
1 Yellow Nectarine 99c
1 Clingstone Nectarine 36c
2 x Avocados $5
Fresh Ginger Root $1.44
1 Yellow Peach 55c
Bunch Grapes $1.52
Bunch Fresh Mint $2.49
Punnet Blackberries $3.99
Bunch Kale $2.99
316g Deli Mixed Olives $6.30
Deli “Sam’s Special” Mixed Olives: $4
Week Reflection
Cigarettes: Ok this week is over, a new week begins tomorrow. I cannot believe the amount I spent on cigarettes. That is unbelievably horrifying. On the plus side, seeing those figures adding up over the week was a good wakeup call for whatever is in my psyche holding me back. I reviewed my May 2013 plan for quitting cigarettes again and will start to incorporate everything from tomorrow. The good thing is that most of them I’ve already done, I just skipped past a lot of the mental exercises that I had intended, the other things, the diet, etc. Is already in full swing and a lot of the complaints I had back then are already completely resolved.
Toxic Exposure: Second thing I learnt from my diet this week is how many toxins I am still exposing myself to. It was good to keep myself accountable because I had already replaced a lot of the toxic crap from my everyday life and now see that even with just a few little everyday habits that I have, that I still have a little way to go (260 toxins this week and I still haven’t finished researching), but looking at the items, I can easily find non-toxic replacements for them, the goal is very achievable.
Supplements: As I had already predicted, I’m not very good at taking supplements. It’s because I don’t believe in their benefits. In my philosophy I don’t think we’re “meant” to – nor do I think it’s been proven ‘healthy’ (or otherwise) to take supplements everyday for the rest of our lives if we want health. That to me, is a sentence that is the same as the medical industry. It doesn’t sit right with me. I want to be getting all the benefits from my food – that makes more sense to me (even with today’s depleted minerals, & toxicity, etc.) That, and I don’t trust the supplement industry, I think they are bordering on being as bad as the pharmaceutical industry, and I’m concerned about how “unconcerned” they are with contamination, and that there isn’t many proven studies on the benefits of “mixing supplements” – just because we need particular vitamins, doesn’t necessarily mean our bodies are able to properly assimilate the ones that have been processed & manufactured by these companies. I think our bodies are more complex than that.. but as I don’t know any more than any of ‘them’.. I still buy them occasionally in case I’m “wrong” – even though I’ve never been tested to know exactly what I might be deficient in (which would be the smart choice rather than just taking them as a “guess”)
I did well on the things that were my “natural” supplements (flaxseed oil daily, brazil nuts daily for selenium, apple cider vinegar, bicarb & the daily iodine from my nori) and I also did well on the vitamin c powder daily, and adding other nuts & seeds in moderation for many different benefits (chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, walnuts, almonds), but I did not do well taking the “manufactured” supplements (probiotics – 2/7 days, MSM – 4/7 days, Tyrosine – 3/7 days, Calcium + Vit D – 0/7 days), and I only took the Olive Leaf Extract to try and resolve my leg pain, and I stopped putting the magnesium oil on after 3 days as I started to wonder whether it was actually having a negative effect on my legs.
Unhealthy Food: Not too upset with how I went this week… a couple of icecreams that shouldn’t be there, a couple of tim-tams, the potato cakes are a little bit of a problem (5) but I don’t see them as too bad. They fill me up without losing my energy when I’m at work (I order a $1 potato cake and a really huge freshly-squeezed juice from the same juice bar). Ideally I’d want to switch that to something healthier, but to be honest, I don’t really look at them as “so bad”. I put the potato cake in between some paper napkins while I’m waiting for my juice,to squeeze out any extra oils. But it’s mostly the batter & the way it’s cooked that I should be concerned about, but everything else on their menu is expensive. Perhaps I just need a better “pre-work” organization. I thought I was only getting 2 shifts this week, so I wasn’t expecting to be called-in last minute and not being prepared (no time to make a salad, juice, or food beforehand). Maybe I should pre-make some salads that I can eat on the way. Fruit (which is what I did a couple of times) was the easiest to “eat and go”. Salads tend to take longer to make, take longer to eat, and are a bit too messy to “eat on the way”.
Healthy Food: Had 7 huge fresh juices, which is great. But none of them were made by my own hands. Which is not so great. I had the ingredients to be able to make my own fresh juices or smoothies, but the week was so weird with work that I ended up buying them, costing me an extra $31 to my meals which was unanticipated. On the days where I was unorganized, I didn’t eat enough. But aside from that, the week was fairly good as far as variety, eating a rainbow, getting in different types of nutrients from foods. It wasn’t boring, and I used almost everything that I purchased from the grocer (see above).
I had to throw out the radishes, mint, 1/2 punnet of blackberries, 1/2 avocado, and most of the bananas due to them all going off (the heat wave), but the rest of the food didn’t go to waste but I’m almost completely out of food now so I’m glad that tomorrow is a new grocery day. (I had to get inventive for dinner tonight by eating a can of tuna, a little sushi rice, a little chia seeds, and a few veggies that wouldn’t normally go in sushi.. and it turned out fabulous & delicious, but a weird combination to put together at last minute).
Overall I think the week was fairly balanced, lots of salads, olives, daily nuts & seeds. I had lamb twice, fish twice, an egg once, and the rest of the week was completely plant-based meals – fruit, veggies, & salad. And I think that’s a nice, balanced diet that gives me a variety of different nutrients. I also ate bread this week – shock, horror. I never eat bread. I picked up some flat-bread (Lebanese bread) for 60c and decided to use it to make a couple of healthy olive pizza’s. I know it’s not traditional bread, but I still count that on my “naughty” list.
Mood: Everyday except Monday, I was calm, content, happy, & energetic, So I think the food & juicing is truly helpful in that regard (I used to be a stress-head & suffer major depression bouts, as well as being too tired to do anything, which is why I even bother monitoring my daily moods & energy levels). The lifestyle change getting rid of a lot of toxins, and eating a more plant-based diet has definitely made a huge difference in energy & mood. As well as learning how to look at the world in a more positive light for my own benefit, rather than taking on the world’s problems & using the enormity of the world’s problems and my own problems, as an excuse to live a miserable life.
General Health: Considering what I used to complain about (I recently read my list of “symptoms” that I wanted to alleviate and most of them are completely gone from my life), I don’t have much to report except a new joint/knee issue.
1.) After my knee “clicked” while bending down at work, I had problems with my knee joints and legs for a couple of the days. I believe I’m still in “repair” mode for whatever the heck it was. I have no idea the cause or whether what I’m doing has something to do with it, or is helping it. Only time will tell as this is definitely a ‘new’ symptom for me. Possibly caused by work but I want to be strong – so maybe I need to start planning & researching strength instead of the past goal of “getting my health back”.
2.) Monday seemed to be the worst day for health all around. I reported being “bleary-eyed and fatigued” even though I got 7 hours of sleep (which is double what I normally get).
3.) I also woke up coughing that day which subsided over the first hour, something I haven’t experienced in a long time. But truthfully, I look at what I’m still doing to my body and I’m not surprised. I’m still drinking the coffees with milk, and I’m still smoking heavily. I’m sure my body still needs to get rid of toxins every now and then to combat my abuse.