Respiratory Investigation: [Food Diary Feb 19]

My health focus today:
Respiratory Investigation
An exciting thing happened today. Ok, most people would not be OK with this news, but for me, anything I can learn about my body that can help other people too, is exciting.
Last night I started to get breathless again, COPD/Asthma like symptoms with a noticeable thickness in my lungs again, particularly my right lung, was coughing up mucus, and needed my asthma inhaler several times to feel “safe” enough to sleep (the inhaler didn’t make me breathe well again but I didn’t feel an urgency to go to hospital or anything). Today I woke up coughing, and needing to expel lots of thick, pale-yellow mucus (yep, don’t pass out on me, this is a normal bodily function lol – it’s only “gross” because society brainwashed you *smile*). My body is trying to get rid of something, trying to protect me from something. It’s doing exactly what it’s supposed to do & what I welcome it to do if it means staying alive.
Approximately October last year (2013), I was still very sick, and still held the firm belief that I was dying soon, maybe within a few months, maybe within a year if I could hold-on. That’s not really very long ago.
I started a new casual job anyway (I wanted to pay a friend’s debt off before I died, and also hopefully get transferred to QLD so that I could live longer & fulfill a “dream” that I had). I also continued to change my lifestyle, and quickly, within 2 months (I noticed a dramatic change in January, but was also noticeably improving in late December) I felt “cured”.. no more breathing problems, my depression faded and disappeared, my skin & hair improved, I had a “bounce” in my step, no more fatigue, I could breathe all the way in & out without sounding like I was 120 years old, I lost a few dress sizes, I no longer woke up filling buckets of mucus, and life started to feel great again. I started planning for a “better, and longer” life. To take “back” what I lost and renew/change my life in a different direction. I was “normal” as far as anyone, including myself could tell. I couldn’t pinpoint the exact moment when I noticed that I was no longer dying, but it happened and I was free again.
Last night & this morning, I got a cruel reminder of what life used to be like, not so long ago.
So now I get the exciting investigative challenge of figuring out what I did so “differently” yesterday that could cause this instant & complete turn-around of my health.
To begin with, here’s a breakdown of my day yesterday:
Wednesday 19th Feb 2014
Weather Check: Hot 24° but there’s a storm brewing.
Mood Check: Happy
Sleep Check: 7 Hours
Activities: Facebook, Podcast – Donna Gates, Mum, KFC, Slow-Shopping, walking around a centre, Spent almost an hour in the Health shop, Hair Cut – noone noticed even though it’s like 5″ shorter lol, so I guess it doesn’t look any different (actually think I do a better job or the same job.. but at least when I do it, I don’t do any fancy weird curly kinda short bit cuts so that I now probably have to “straighten” my hair before going anywhere – something I’ve had the luxury of not needing to do for about a year or so), Fresh Produce Shopping, making Chicken Bone Broth, this post, Facebook, Podcast, Dinner, TV with sis (The Block), this post. Now I have done all the “hard stuff” (shopping & the bone broth), tomorrow should be much easier so I can be a lot more productive I hope :) I’ve got a lot of ideas that I’m trying to put together. Also need to think about leaving town – really want to make my dream of living in the Sunshine Coast “real” this year, so that means I actually have to put it on the agenda to think about how I might make that happen :)
What I ate:

2 x Date Mix Balls &
1 x Handful Grapes (no photo)
1 x Handful Blueberries (no photo)

1 Pc KFC Chicken

Potato, Salmon, Egg, Asparagus, on bed of Wild Rocket
More Date Mix
- 4 Glasses Water
- Spoonful Bone Broth
- Blueberries
- White Grapes
- Korean Ginseng Capsule (Mid-Morning)
- Probiotics Capsule (Before Dinner)
- Melatonin Capsule (Upon Retiring)
- Nori Flakes (on Dinner)
- 1 x Pc KFC
- 6 x Date Mix Balls
- Egg
- 2 Small Potatoes (Steamed & Mashed)
- 1/2 tin Red Salmon
- 1 Asparagus Spear, Steamed
- Broccoli Floret
- 1/4 cup Frozen Peas & Corn (steamed)
- Handful Wild Rocket Leaves (Arugula)
- Handful Baby Kale Leaves (Steamed)
- Parmesan Cheese Shavings
- 1 Spring Onion
- 1 Raw Garlic Clove, smashed
- 2 Garlic Cloves, Boiled
Nuts & Seeds
- Lots in the date balls
- 1 x Brazil Nut
Spices / Other
- Cayenne Pepper
- Turmeric
- Black Pepper
- Himilayan Salt
- Butter
- Hair Oils (Sweet Almond, Coconut, Olive, Castor)
- Magnesium oil on legs
- Manuka Honey & Coconut oil on face
- Oregano oil on bottom of feet
Other Bad or Debatable
- Cigarettes
- 4 x Coffees (2 Tbsp Milk, 1 tsp Raw Sugar)
The Investigation
The change in breathing happened within 30 mins of dinner, so I can discount anything I did “after” 9pm. and likely put the blame on something around 8-9pm, although I’m not discounting the day’s activities as possible culprits.
The suspected candidates are:
- Korean Ginseng Capsule
- Probiotics Capsule
- Chemicals from the Hair Dresser
- Potato
- Red Salmon
- Wild Rocket
- Bone Broth
- Parmesan
- Cigarettes
- Coffee (milk)
Based on my current lifestyle, what I know affects me, what I have regularly without symptoms, and what the “new” changes are, I think the most likely suspects are the chemicals at the hairdresser or the Red Salmon can:
- Korean Ginseng – I’ve only had one capsule before yesterday, didn’t notice anything the first time, so unlikely to be this, but this is something “new” for yesterday & new for my diet in general.
- Doubtful it’s the Probiotics capsule, as I’ve been having them intermittently for a few weeks without any negative symptoms.
- Chemicals from the Hairdresser – I have a mostly chemical-free life, having taken most of the toxins out of my lifestyle over the past few years, and been especially pro-active the past 13 months. My current ‘known’ toxin exposure is listed on this post. Yesterday it is likely that I was exposed to hundreds of chemicals within the hairdresser shop itself (other customers getting hair dyes), as well as 3 different chemical-laden concoctions that they put on my hair prior to the hair cut.. just shampoo, conditioner, and something else, but between the 3 treatments, there is probably at least 90 chemicals that my body hasn’t been exposed to for maybe a year. And they blow-dried my hair which is another hazard I just thought of.
- I don’t think it’s the KFC, I only had 1 piece of chicken, and I used to eat KFC by the bucket-load, but I haven’t discounted it yet since we all know KFC is a chemical shit-storm, and that the food preparation cannot be counted on. The other reason I doubt it’s the KFC is that the symptoms didn’t occur until about 5 hours later.. so it just seems unlikely to be related.
- I also don’t think it was the potato because I have potato every couple of weeks without an issue, but I haven’t discounted it as a lot of people who have given up potato, have improved respiratory problems.
- Red Salmon – definitely this is the most suspicious for me, for one – I’ve been allergic to seafood since a child, and have been slowly re-introducing different types of fish as an adult, to see if I have built up my immune system enough to where it doesn’t affect me, as I want to add fish as a food source. Symptoms of allergy are usually puffy eyes, itchy skin, weepy eyes, nausea, and swollen / itchy lips/throat, scaly skin & mild breathing problems sometimes. I didn’t get any of those symptoms excepting moderate breathing problems, but perhaps I “have” built up my immune system sufficiently where I got a different reaction to it than the “old days”. However, sometimes when I’m eating Hake, I get a tingling of the above symptoms which suggests to me that the old symptoms are still a more reliable tell-tale sign. I have never eaten Red Salmon before – and I think it’s dodgy to eat it (or anything) from a can. Although I only had 1/2 a small can last night (as a test and because the thought of eating it was gross to begin with), this one is starting to be the highest most-likely suspect.
- Bone Broth is unlikely too, I only had a “spoonful” of it with dinner (i.e. I used a spoonful of it to cook my egg & heat my salmon), and the only ingredients in the bone broth were chicken necks, garlic, and cauliflower. It just seems very unlikely that the amount I had would have any effect at all.
- Parmesan would be something I might’ve blamed in the past, but not this time, I use shaved parmesan cheese sparingly, I only use a tiny bit each time (equivalent of about 1 -2 tbsp or less) and I haven’t had any symptoms from it in the last few months, despite making pizzas with it a few weeks ago, so I just find it highly unlikely this time, especially last night only using a few tiny shavings (equivalent of about 1 tsp).
- And the reason I’m discounting cigarettes is that I have been “cured” for months whilst still heavily smoking, not that I shouldn’t quit because it’s completely dumb to smoke, but that because I’ve been on-top-of-the-world for months even while smoking, that it just seems unlikely that “all of a sudden” it would cause the new respiratory problems last night & this morning.
- Also unlikely to be the milk in the coffee as yesterday I had the same amount as what I normally have & only had coffee in the morning (so symptoms should’ve showed up much earlier in the day).
So first thing I’m going to do today is wash out all the chemicals in my hair. I highly suspect the chemicals in my hair causing my respiratory problems or at least to be part of the problem.
Then I’m going to research side-effects of the Korean Ginseng since I can remember reading something at the time when I was first researching it, and I want to also scour forums to see if anyone else has had similar symptoms.
I steamed another white potato and a sweet potato last night, that I put aside for today’s meals, and the bone broth is also going to be in today’s meal plan. So I should be able to rule these out by the end of the day (if my instincts are correct).
I’m going to discard the remaining Red Salmon. It’s not something I want in my regular diet anyway, I am very cautious about tinned food of any kind, and I really don’t think the supposed “health benefits” are worth the risk. I am leaning towards this being the cause the most since the symptoms started within 30 mins of dinner and I feel that everything else on my plate was more “trusted”, although I’ve never had “wild” rocket before, and don’t know the difference between “wild” rocket and normal rocket, but to me, wild rocket actually sounds more health-beneficial, but I guess if it’s wild, it could be exposed to something unknown.. nah, I dunno, I really don’t think so, but I’ll keep it in the back of my mind.
So, if I can “cure” myself again today from removing chemicals & tinned salmon, which I think are the 2 most likely causes, then I’ll know it’s at least one of them that was the cause, which might be helpful for someone out there who is experiencing the life I “used” to have and never want to have again..
Although I’ll update later on in the day if I notice any worsening after the potato & bone broth.
And later in the week when I re-add Korean Ginseng and Probiotics which will likely discount them too, but we’ll see.
Unlikely to have KFC again this week due to finances :) But that’s very low on the scale of potential causes here based on the amount that was consumed & the time of the symptoms appearing.
Thursday 20th Feb 2014
Weather Check: Slightly cool 18°
Mood Check: Breathing problems, excited about researching, Bit stressed out, Annoyed by loud noises, Much improved happiness & calmness after eating lunch, irritated a little bit about the bad hair cut. Bummed out about something else that I thought about. Unenthusiastic about research lol. Now content.
Sleep Check: 8 Hours
Activities: Got a deeper sleep last night – I think the melatonin helped but will see over a few days – impressed with 8 hours of deep, undisturbed sleep though. Woke up with the same breathing & mucus problems that I went to bed with – a lot more mucus this morning though, updated this post, Facebook, Google analytics, washed all chemicals out of hair, manuka honey & coconut oil on face, skipped breakfast, made a healthy salad/veggie lunch. My hair now dried naturally .. looks RIDICULOUS! Seriously. *REMINDER TO SELF*.. keep cutting your own hair and don’t trust hairdressers. I’m going to have to straighten my hair before leaving the house. Ugh! So much for low-maintenance and 5 minute getting ready for work. Hopefully should be ok in a couple of months *sigh*. Really annoyed though. publishing a new post on Eye Floaters + hours of research & reading books.
What I ate:

Steamed Potato with Skin, Curly Kale, Red-Leaf Lettuce, Asparagus, Spring Onion, Sundried Tomatoes, Olives, Cauliflower, Broccoli, Walnuts, Flaked Almonds, Sunflower Seeds, Pumpkin Seeds, Nori Flakes, Black Pepper, Cayenne Pepper, Turmeric, Balsamic Vinegar, Apple Cider Vinegar, Flaxseed Oil, Wild Rocket

Made some Sweet Potato Cakes served with Wild Rocket, Red-Leaf Lettuce, Curly Kale, Apple Cider Vinegar & Flaxseed Oil.
Ingredients of Sweet Potato Cakes: Cauliflower, Peas, Corn, Garlic, Basil, Butter, Coconut Oil, Sundried Tomato, Turmeric, Black Pepper, Nori Flakes, Cayenne Pepper, Curry Powder, Spring Onion, Baby Roma Tomato, Olive Oil, Sunflower Seeds, Pumpkin Seeds
- 2 Glasses Water
- 500 ml Vitamin C & Bicarb Water
- 6 Olives
- 1/2 tsp Vitamin C Powder
- 1/4 tsp Bicarb Soda
- Nori Flakes
- Apple Cider Vinegar
- Balsamic Vinegar
- Flaxseed Oil
- Melatonin capsule
- 2 x Large Florets Cauliflower, Steamed 2 mins (still hard)
- Raw Broccoli Floret
- Handful Red-leaf Lettuce
- 1 Curly Kale leaf, Half Steamed, Half Raw
- 2 Spring Onions
- Medium White Potato, Steamed with skin
- 2 Handfuls Wild Rocket
- 3 Sundried Tomatoes
- 1 Raw Asparagus Spear
- 1 Sweet Potato, Steamed, Mashed, and Fried
- Frozen Peas & Corn
- 1 Baby Roma Tomato
- 2 Garlic Cloves
Nuts & Seeds
- Walnuts
- Flaked Almonds
- Sunflower Seeds
- Pumpkin Seeds
- Date Mix
Spices / Other
- Cayenne Pepper
- Turmeric
- Black Pepper
- Butter
- Curry Powder
- Coconut Oil
- Olive Oil
- Dried Basil
- Manuka Honey & Coconut oil on face
- Magnesium oil on legs
- Olive oil on face & hair
- Oregano Oil on bottom of feet
Other Bad or Debatable
- Cigarettes
- 3 x Coffees (2 Tbsp Milk, 1 tsp Raw Sugar)
- 8 x Blocks of 70% Cocoa Chocolate
Ok sadly, I have not conclusively come up with a reason why my breathing was so bad. Although I spent the day without any problems, and thought that I had it licked, when I went to retire last night, I had breathing issues again, and this morning I still woke up with mucus albeit neither of the issues were as bad as the previous day, and it took only a few minutes to feel better this morning, but they normally are not there at all – so it’s possible that I missed something, maybe something small.
Who does this? Micro-manages their health? Am I crazy? lol. Yes! I do it. Crazy “me” does this. Because I’m healthy now, and I want to stay healthy, and that means listening to my body signals and trying to figure out what my body needs and doesn’t need. On this journey to a better life, I’m ever asking the question “why” and moving towards a more optimal, healthier, and happier life. Doing what I can and not stressing about what I can’t. Knowing that life is unfolding exactly the way it’s meant to. This is part of the person I am, I am becoming who I am.
I’m wondering whether it might actually be the garlic stirring up something. Or whether it’s something that I have “stopped” doing that my body is reacting to (I’ve been eating fruit everyday for weeks, and the last few days I’ve barely had any fruit, as well as regularly had fresh juices which I haven’t had the past few days either), or whether it is something to do with the potatoes, cigs, milk in my coffee, chocolate, or even the wild rocket? Or even something in my bedroom or perhaps bathroom. Or perhaps it’s the cool weather change since we’ve had an awesome heat wave for the past month, and for the past couple of nights it’s been really cold. More experiments required.
It sucks that I haven’t been able to conclusively come up with anything, or even a couple of suspects that I know to be the cause, because I was so convinced that I would. I have to work tonight & over the next few days, so that means I am out of time for testing, and need to work on things that will work so that I don’t turn up to work sick and breathless. But I might be able to discount the following as being causes since I didn’t have them yesterday and I still had problems, but it’s not conclusive since I only had ‘light’ problems last night, so I’ve definitely improved somewhat, but for the record, these were not in my system yesterday: Probiotics, Red Salmon, KFC, Korean ginseng, bone broth, parmesan cheese, & the chemicals from the hairdresser.
So today I will be focusing more on what will “fix” me, rather than testing what might “make me sicker” for the sake of experimenting & learning what might help others, because I need to be “well” for work.
Friday 21st Feb 2014
Weather Check: Cool 18°
Mood Check: Disappointed, hopeful, yelling in my car at other drivers (something I never do!), stressed, happy, stressed.
Sleep Check: 7 Hours
Activities: Facebook, researching the meaning of life, researching entrepreneurship for people with multi-interests, researching if there are others out there who are thinking the same way as me :), breakfast, and about to head to the shopping centre to get some fruit & cigs. On way to shopping centre, the drive was stressful, all these cars doing very dangerous things. Serves me right for driving anywhere on “school pickup” time. I even found myself yelling at the air and thinking – wow… I never do that. Upon arriving, I put on a podcast show, and went fruit shopping – got myself some fresh strawberries, grapes, blackberries, and other things I missed in the weekly shop such as fresh watercress and coriander. When I got home, I felt a lot better, and stuffed myself full of some fresh fruit. Seriously miraculous the change in my mood – even just “buying” fresh fruit made me feel better, let alone what my cells are saying to me now that they are using this life-giving, health-giving food. Researching life again. Dinner. Drive to work (45 mins). Podcast. Work (3 hours). Drive home from work (25mins). So stressed out – need a massage, hate my job, feeling ache in back of head and back. Didn’t even smile at the guy I like. Something is not right :) Reading blogs to inspire me. Updating my website. And should sleep soon.
What I ate:

1/4 cup homemade Muesli & Milk
Date Mix 1/2 small tin

Fresh Fruit (Strawberries, Red Grapes, Black Grapes, Plum, Blackberries)

Sardines, 2 Eggs, 2 Mini Roma Tomatoes, 1 Sundried Tomato, Watercress, Wild Rocket, Coriander, Red-leaf Lettuce, Walnuts, Flaked Almonds, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Apple Cider Vinegar, Balsamic Vinegar, Flaxseed Oil
Freshly Squeezed Juice (no photo)
- 2 Glasses Water
- 350ml Water
- Freshly Squeezed Juice (Carrots, Apples, Lemon)
- Plum
- Strawberries
- Red Grapes
- Black Grapes
- Blackberries
- 1 capful Olive Leaf Extract
- 1 Korean Ginseng Capsule
- Apple Cider Vinegar
- Balsamic Vinegar
- Flaxseed Oil
- Bicarb Soda
- 1/4 cup Homemade Muesli
- 1/2 tin Date Mix
- Sardines
- 2 Eggs
- 2 Mini Roma Tomatoes
- 1 Sundried Tomato
- Watercress
- Wild Rocket
- Coriander
- Red-leaf Lettuce
- Broccoli
- Cauliflower
Nuts & Seeds
- Lots in the date mix
- Walnuts
- Flaked Almonds
Spices / Other
- Cayenne Pepper
- Turmeric
- Black Pepper
Other Bad or Debatable
- Cigarettes
- 4 x Coffees (2 Tbsp Milk, 1 tsp Raw Sugar)
Saturday 22nd Feb 2014

Weather Check: Cold 19°
Mood Check: Stressed, hopeful
Sleep Check: 6 Hours (4am-10am)
Activities: Drive to Service Station to put air in my tires and buy milk for the family, grabbed some Macca’s from next door to the servo as I really craved a coffee, Facebook, Reading the entire book cover-to-cover of HealYourself101 (awesome read b.t.w., so I’m going to buy the rest of his books, so in alignment to exactly how I think, I just love finding other like-minds to help keep me inspired to move in the right direction), and now it’s 2pm and I need to think about getting ready for work and making something healthy to eat.
Listened to podcast (extremehealthradio), Drove to work (20mins), Work (3 hours), Drive home from work (25mins). Facebook, pondering meaning of life again, and now reading a book “Heal Your Face” and then will go to bed as I have an early work day tomorrow and since I don’t normally sleep before 4am, I’m going to do my best to try and get sleepy before midnight so I can get up at 6am.
Update before bed.. I just read the first 86 pages of “Heal Your Face” and I must say I really love it! I read up to the point where it said how important sleep is lol, otherwise I probably would’ve kept reading it through the night but I better get my “beauty sleep”.. night!
What I ate:
McDonalds Latte, Cheeseburger & Small Fries
(Yep.. what the hell was I thinking?)
Fresh Fruit (Strawberries, Red Grapes, Black Grapes, Blackberries)

Kale, Red-leaf Lettuce, Banana, Hemp Seeds, Chia Seeds, Cucumber, Wild Rocket, Coriander, Watercress
- 4 Glasses Water
- 350ml Vitamin C water
- Strawberries
- Red Grapes
- Black Grapes
- Blackberries
- 1/2 tsp MSM + Vitamin C Powder
- 1/2 tsp Tyrosine
- 1 Tbsp Coconut Oil
- 1/2 tsp Vitamin C powder
- Magnesium Oil on legs
- Melatonin
- Cheeseburger & Small Fries
- 1 Large Kale Leaf
- Handful Red-leaf Lettuce
- 1/4 Cucumber
- 1 Frozen Banana
- Watercress
- Wild Rocket
- Coriander
- Pavlova
Nuts & Seeds
- 1 Brazil Nut
- 1 Tbsp Chia Seeds
- 1 Tbsp Hemp Seeds
Spices / Other
- N/A
- Coconut Oil on Face
- Magnesium oil on one leg, to test
Other Bad or Debatable
- Cigarettes
- 1 x Large Skinny Latte with 1 Sugar from McDonalds.. omg.
- 2 x Coffees (2 Tbsp Milk, 1 tsp Raw Sugar)
- Sister brought home left-over Pavlova.. damnit, too tempting
Slowly coming around to the idea that it’s probably more likely what I’ve added over the past few weeks, rather than what I’ve done over the past couple of days that caused the respiratory problems, mood changes, and mucus production. Leaning towards the fact that I’ve added more meat, tinned fish, and more cooked meals instead of mostly raw plants. This was more apparent to me after I read the book Heal Yourself 101 today. I’ve been feeling brilliant, and especially helped along by the heatwave here, I’d been juicing more, eating a lot more fresh fruit and salads, and staying away from meats & cooked meals. The change in weather could be affecting me, but maybe not for the reasons I first thought. There are several differences in the last couple of weeks in my lifestyle, and some of them are directly associated with the cooler weather, others to do with my change of job roles, and some are because of experimenting with my diet.
- I’m not outside getting as much sun or exercise when it’s cold, and inside-air is a lot more toxic & pollutant filled than nature’s oxygen.
- I have taken 2 blankets from storage and put them on my bed, possibly filled with more dust or dispersing more dust particles in the small over-packed room.
- My work roles have changed, before last week, my role required constant movement: fast-paced walking, stairs, and lifting for 5-6 hours straight, which was great “paid exercise”. It also was a role that was focused on helping people, which was also healing my soul. Now it’s dropped down to 3 hours of barely moving, more “standing still” and barely any lifting or cardio. It also now has minimal contact and minimal requirements to help people (in fact, this role, it’s more discouraged because you can’t get your work done in 3 hours, if you are busy helping people). I no longer see my job as benefiting my health, my soul, or for the human life experience, therefore, I no longer see a reason to stay there, the wage I get is pathetic, and whilst I felt health & mindset benefits, I didn’t mind (it was as good as paying for a gym membership), but now that I’m not getting health-benefits, the job needs to change very soon, or I’m out of there.
- I was trying to incorporate more “joint” and “teeth” foods into my diet, which meant more cooked meals, and more of the things that are not normally a part of my diet, such as meat & fish. I was getting most of the vitality benefits from a mostly raw, plant-based diet, and unfortunately it looks like these additions are moving me away from health (and it’s a shame, because I stocked up on tinned fish, and spent hours making bone broth the other day)
- This might sound lame to some, and will be especially surprising for those who know that I really don’t give credence to my looks as long as I’m healthy and comfortable, but the bad haircut is actually affecting my mood too. Even though I’m not big into personal appearance as I take drastic non-society accepting steps towards my health, the fact that I had easy to maintain hair must’ve been important to me, because I’m still really annoyed that I have to damage my hair with straightening methods just to leave the house. It’s not part of who I am anymore, it goes ‘against’ my new natural way of looking at my life, and it’s not very convenient either, and it also means having to blow-dry my hair too which is dispersing more toxins into my lungs, but if I don’t do it, it looks too dodgy. Sigh, so I can’t wait for it to regrow. I’ll also try and “cut it” into a more manageable shape on my next days off from work.
- With the new work hours being mostly in the evening, instead of during the day, my fave juice shop has already “packed up” all the fresh produce before I arrive, so I haven’t been able to have my 2-3 fresh juices everytime I go to work anymore. My hours used to be long enough, where I could purchase a 2nd juice on my break and another after work. Now, I’m lucky if I can even get one in before work because they pack up before I even start (and I always get to work about 30-45mins before I start, just because you can’t trust the traffic in Melbourne)
- My sleeping hours have adjusted too, maybe because of the new hours at work, or maybe not. But I haven’t been going to bed before about 4am this past week. Some of the days, I got to bed about 2am, but mostly about 4. Being in bed by 10pm like some people do, does seem like an impossibility for me. But I would like to at least aim for about midnight or around there to at least be able to wake up with the sun. I definitely want to adjust my bodyclock to be in more rhythm with the sun. But it hasn’t been high priority. Diet and lifestyle, stress, mindset, etc. Then smoking/coffee. I want to get those sorted first, but I should maybe think about at least trying to adjust my sleeping patterns while I’m on the same path.
Very soon, I want to start juice fasting, and doing organ cleanses. I think that’s one thing that I haven’t focused enough on. It was more money-related. Most of the equipment and ingredients cost a lot of money. But I do think it’s going to be imperative to overall health and healing, to remove 37 years of toxic junk from my body. In the past, I’ve already done heavy-metal cleaning, removed my mercury fillings, and done many parasite cleanses and ‘herbal’ colon cleanses, but I have never stepped-it-up to the next level, but it’s been something that I’ve felt strongly about for many years, but that I still feel “like a child” when it comes to knowing much about it, the more I learn, the more I realize everyone has different and often contradicting advice about it, leaving me with more confusion than clarity. So even though I feel it’s important, I still am not sure exactly how to go about it correctly. I might just have to bite the bullet and do it my “own” way, or just keep researching and hope that clarity arrives the more I delve into it.