Smoothie-a-Day [Food Diary Mar 18]

IN Food Diary & Recipes
Brown Smoothie
  • Updated:4 years ago
  • Reading Time:11Minutes
  • Post Words:2471Words
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Definitely want to do the Liver Cleanse soon, but there are 2 things holding me back.
1.) That I really wanted to do the 20 day Kidney cleanse first because when I look at my face, the kidneys seem to be the organs that need the most help and I don’t want to overload them by doing a liver detox, and
2.) That I don’t have enema stuff to be able to do the enemas that are supposed to be part of the liver cleanse protocol (even though I’m hesitant about doing it all, the fact that I’m still talking about “doing it one day” means that I believe that it will be in my future.
So this week is not really planned. I did buy some meat from the butchers, so probably this week will involve a bit of chicken and lamb. I think it’s partly because I can see my future as being all raw or at least meat-free at least for the next year while I embark on all these organ cleanses, so maybe the “self-sabotage” person inside me, wants to grab hold of the meat while I’m still “undecided”.
The other thing, is my teeth are in terrible shape, especially lately. They are getting browner and look yuck, and I know that I am missing ‘something’ from my diet in regards to teeth health and I know one of those possibilities could be meat. Although the fact that I still smoke and drink coffee is definitely a 90% factor. Anyway, have no real “plan” for this week, except I want to have a smoothie everyday. So let’s see how I go.

Tuesday 18th Mar 2014

Weather Check: Cool/Warm/Cool 24°
Mood Check: Headache, a little bit ‘off’
Sleep Check: 8.5 Hours

What I Ate: Veg Burger, Sweet Potato, Kale, Beet, Olives

1 Veggie Burger (fried with coconut oil), 1 Purple Sweet Potato (steamed – added himilayan salt, black pepper, and butter), 1 Beet (roasted), 1/2 Large Kale Leaf, 1 Spring Onion, Handful Mixed Olives, Nutritional Yeast, Nori Flakes.

Banana1 Banana


  • Facebook
  • Coffee
  • Vitamin B Capsule
  • Coffee
  • Breakfast/Lunch/Dinner in One today
  • Banana
  • Watching SEO Video for 2 hours (ugh, terrible.. definitely don’t want that life again)
  • Reading about life
  • Re-arranging my Cleanse plan for this coming year, creating an excel sheet for it, adjusting the hidden blog post about it
  • Listening to Podcasts
  • Facebook
  • Listening to a Webinar
  • Oxypowder Capsules x 2

Wednesday 19th Mar 2014

Weather Check: Cool/Warm/Cloudy 28°
Mood Check: Deep in thought, energetic
Sleep Check: 5 Hours

What I Ate: Brown Smoothie

900ml Brown Smoothie :) Beetroot & Beet Leaves, Kale Leaf, Celery Stick, Cucumber, Coriander, Mint Red Grapes, Black Grapes, Strawberries, Orange, Banana 2 Tbsp: Chia Seeds, Hemp Seeds, Coconut Flakes 1 Tbsp: Coconut Oil, Cacao Powder 1 tsp: Moringa Powder

900ml Brown Smoothie
900ml Brown Smoothie

Purple Sweet Potato, Brussels Sprouts, Rocket Walnuts, Olives, Seeds, Lamb Chops

Purple Sweet Potato, Brussels Sprouts, Rocket, Olives, 4 x Lamb Chops, Cherry Tomatoes Almonds, Walnuts, Sunflower Seeds, Brazil Nuts, Pumpkin Seeds , Nutritional Yeast, Butter, Nori Flakes, Black Pepper, Himilayan Salt

Purple Sweet Potato, Brussels Sprouts, Rocket Walnuts, Olives, Seeds, Lamb Chops
Purple Sweet Potato, Brussels Sprouts, Rocket, Walnuts, Olives, Seeds, Lamb Chops, Cherry Tomatoes


  • Facebook
  • 2 x Coffees
  • Breakfast/Lunch: 900ml Brown Smoothie
  • Coffee
  • Replying to Indigo, Dan, and getting absolute clarity about myself
  • Researching more into Indigo
  • Grocery Shopping
  • Listening to podcasts (‘Latest in Paleo’ and ‘Quantum Physiques‘)
  • Dinner: Lamb Chops & Veggies
  • Started writing a blog post about what podcasts I listen to (not yet finished)
  • Feeling good, finding clarity, seeing “why” I have been doing things .. even why this site is the way it is.. it’s all coming together
  • Replying to Dan
  • Facebook
  • Reading more about Indigo
  • Writing

Thursday 20th Mar 2014

Weather Check:Perfect 29°
Mood Check: Loving life, living free, enjoying the sunshine, enjoying being alive, feel really good about where my life is, no worries, no stresses, just happy
Sleep Check: 6.5 Hours

What I Ate:

Beetroot Smoothie

900ml Brown Smoothie similar to yesterday :) Beetroot & Beet Leaves, 2 x Kale Leaves, 2 x Celery Sticks, 1/4 Cucumber, Handful of Red & Black Grapes, 1/2 Punnet Strawberries, 1 Orange, 1 Banana, 2 Tbsp Chia Seeds, 1 Tbsp: Hemp Seeds, Coconut Flakes, Coconut Oil, Cacao Powder 1 tsp: Moringa Powder

Beetroot Smoothie
Beetroot Smoothie

Glass on the right for breakfast, Mason Jar on the left for lunch

Chicken and Rocket Salad

  • 1 Chicken Tender
  • Handful Rocket
  • 2 Cherry Tomatoes
  • Sml Handful Walnuts
  • 1 Tbsp Flaked Almonds
  • 1 Tbsp Sunflower Seeds
  • 1 Tbsp Pumpkin Seeds
  • Apple Cider Vinegar (1 capful)
  • Balsamic Vinegar (1/2 capful)

Chicken Rocket Salad
Chicken Tender, with Rocket Salad
Chicken Rocket Salad
After Slicing the Chicken

Chicken Broccoli Rocket Salad

  • Chicken
  • Broccoli
  • Rocket (Arugula)
  • 2 Cherry Tomatoes
  • Sunflower Seeds
  • Walnuts
  • Flaked Almonds

Chicken Broccoli Rocket Salad
Chicken Broccoli Rocket Salad
Chicken Broccoli Rocket Salad
Chicken Broccoli Rocket Salad (Close-up)


  • Extreme Health Radio Forum
  • 2 x Coffees
  • Hanging out with Jay
  • Breakfast: 1/2 Beetroot Smoothie
  • Walk with Jay (nephew) to playground and around the block
  • Coffee
  • Helping Mum & Sister with Mulching the front garden, and sitting in the sun, full of gratitude for the beautiful day
  • Lunch: 1/2 Beetroot Smoothie
  • Downloading new batch of Podcast shows
  • Hanging out with Jay (nephew) again for a couple of hours (Looney Tunes mostly lol)
  • Washing my crystals to recharge in tonight’s full moon
  • Dinner.. the chicken salad was SO delicious, that I’m going to have it again tonight I’m sure
  • Listening to the latest podcast from ExtremeHealthRadio #219 Dr Robert Young – Lose Weight, Reverse Disease, Increase Energy
  • Dinner #2 .. yep, made another chicken salad, this time with broccoli, tasted so sweet, so delicious
  • Hanging with the family
  • Responding to ExtremeHealthRadio forum messages, responding to COPD forum comments
  • Updated this post, and now plan on heading to bed with a book or maybe listen to the latest podcasts that I just syncd.. oh I don’t know, decisions to decisions, both of them sound good, I wonder if I can read a book at the same time as listening to my new podcasts.. hmm, let’s see :)

Friday 21st Mar 2014

Weather Check:Can’t remember, warmish-coolish ?
Mood Check: Had a great day yesterday, was happy and upbeat all day, and even at work I didn’t come across anyone with nasty vibes that I could pick up on, so all around, great day
Sleep Check: Can’t remember

What I Ate:

Beetroot Smoothie

Beetroot Smoothie

Almost a “twin” of yesterday’s meals all around.

Breakfast & Lunch = Brown Smoothie. Beetroot & Beet Leaves, Kale Leaves, Celery Sticks, Cucumber, Red & Black Grapes, Strawberries, Orange, Banana, Chia Seeds, Hemp Seeds, Shredded Coconut, Coconut Oil, Cacao Powder, Moringa Powder

Glass on the right for breakfast, Mason Jar on the left for lunch..

lol even the photo almost looks exactly the same as yesterday..

I remember feeling way “too full” after this.. it was too much to try and ‘eat’ before work, and I probably should’ve had about half.

Beetroot Smoothie
Beetroot Smoothie

Chicken Rocket Salad

  • 2 Chicken Tenders
  • Handful Rocket
  • 2 Cherry Tomatoes
  • Sml Handful Walnuts
  • 1 Tbsp Flaked Almonds
  • 1 Tbsp Sunflower Seeds
  • 1 Tbsp Pumpkin Seeds

Another quick dinner, this one was a pretty ‘late night’ dinner that I had to cook up after the household was already asleep, so very quietly I whipped up the same thing I had the previous day, except used 2 chicken tenders instead of adding any other veggies.

Chicken Rocket Salad


  • 2 x Coffees (milk + raw sugar)
  • Breakfast: Beetroot Smoothie
  • Supplement: Vitamin B
  • Lunch: Beetroot Smoothie
  • Drive to work (30 mins)
  • Work (4 hours)
  • Snack: 2 Potato Cakes
  • 1 x Small Latte (milk + raw sugar)
  • Drive home from work (20 mins)
  • Recording nephew Jay dancing to the song “Happy”
  • Facebook
  • Late-Night Dinner: Chicken tenders, rocket, cherry tomatoes, walnuts, flaked almonds
  • Listening to new podcast shows
  • Sleep

Saturday 22nd Mar 2014

Weather Check:Cold 18°
Mood Check: Content, Tired, Slow
Sleep Check: 8 Hours

What I Ate:

Muesli, Strawberries, Banana

Had just 5 mins to try and eat something, so no time to make a smoothie this morning (should’ve pre-made it.. but it’s not a ‘habit’ yet, so I don’t remember to do these things right now.. but definitely would’ve made for a more energetic day).

Muesli, Milk, Brazil Nut, Almond Flakes, Shredded Coconut, 1 Large Strawberry, Handful Walnuts, Sunflower Seeds, and a Banana for the road.

Carrot, Apple, Celery, Beetroot, Lemon Juice

During my break at work, I got a really large freshly-squeezed juice from the juice bar and 2 potato cakes. Carrot, Apple, Celery, Beetroot, and Lemon Juice

Cookies & Cream Kit Kat
Cookies & Cream Kit Kat

On the way home.. got some petrol and somehow found myself buying Kit Kats again. DOH!

Veggie Burger, Egg, Carrots, Cauliflower, Rocket Salad

Ready in less than 10 minutes.. quick meal to stop the temptation of eating Pizza that the in-laws had brought over. The smell of the pizza was very tempting, but happier with my choice.

  • 1 Veggie Burger
  • 2 Dutch Carrots
  • 2 Cauliflower Florets
  • Handful Baby Rocket Leaves
  • 2 Cherry Tomatoes
  • 4 Olives
  • Sunflower Seeds
  • Pumpkin Seeds
  • Walnuts
  • 1 Spring Onion
  • Nutritional Yeast
  • Turmeric Egg on Top
  • Nori Flakes & Black Pepper

Veggie Burger, Carrots, Cauliflower, Rocket Salad
1 Veggie Burger, 2 Dutch Carrots, 2 Cauliflower Florets, Handful Baby Rocket Leaves, 2 Cherry Tomatoes, 4 Olives, Sunflower Seeds, Pumpkin Seeds, Walnuts, 1 Spring Onion, Nutritional Yeast, Nori Flakes & Black Pepper


  • 1 x Coffee (milk + 1 tsp raw sugar)
  • Quick Breakfast (Muesli, Strawberry, Shredded Coconut, Sunflower Seeds, Almond Flakes)
  • Supplement: Vitamin B
  • Drive to work (30 mins) (1 x Banana for the Road)
  • 1 x Sml Latte before Work (milk + 1 tsp raw sugar)
  • Work (4 hours)
  • Snack: 15 min break: 2 x Potato Cakes, 1 x large Freshly-Squeezed Juice (Carrot, Apple, Celery, Beetroot, Lemon)
  • Snack: Drive home from work (30 mins) – stop at petrol station – Kit Kats
  • 1 x Coffee (milk + 1 tsp raw sugar)
  • Facebook & Documentaries
  • Trying to fix iPod :(
  • Watching movie with nephews, although when I realized I was the only one still watching the movie.. I left too
  • Nephews grandparents turned up with pizza.. smell filled the house.. very tempting..
  • Quick Dinner: Veggie Burger, 2 Dutch Carrots, 2 Cauliflower Florets, 1 Spring Onion, 3 Cherry Tomatoes, Rocket, Olives, Walnuts, Flaked Almonds, Sunflower Seeds, Pumpkin Seeds, Nutritional Yeast, Butter, and a Turmeric Egg on top
  • 1 x Coffee (milk + 1 tsp raw sugar)
  • Supplement: Cranberry 10,000
  • Facebook
  • Updating this post now.
  • Very tired today.. don’t even feel like reading. might watch a documentary and have an early one.. got an early start tomorrow.. wish I’d made a smoothie for the morning but the rest of the house is already asleep so too late now.

Sunday 23rd Mar 2014

Weather Check:Cold 20°
Mood Check: Content, Tired, Slow
Sleep Check: 7 Hours

What I Ate:


1 Banana


During my break at work, I got a really large freshly-squeezed juice from the juice bar and 2 potato cakes. Carrot, Apple, Celery

Chickpea Roti Chicken Kale Brussels

Chickpea Roti Chicken Kale Brussels Sprouts
Chickpea Roti Chicken Kale Brussels Sprouts

Lunch: Chickpea Roti Bread, 1 Chicken Tender, 1 Kale Leaf, 2 Brussels Sprouts, 2 Cherry Tomatoes, Sunflower Seeds, Walnuts, Almond Flakes, Nori Flakes, Olive Oil, Shredded Coconut

Chicken, Sweet Potato, Cauliflower, Dutch Carrots, Kale, Brussels Sprouts

Dinner: 1 Chicken Tender with Cracked Black Pepper
Steamed Sweet Potato with Butter, Himilayan Salt, Lemon Pepper
Cauliflower with Nutritional Yeast
2 Dutch Carrots
1/2 Kale Leaf
2 x Steamed Brussels Sprouts
Walnuts, Flaked Almonds, Sunflower Seeds, Nori Flakes, Coriander, Flat-leaf Parsley

  • Banana
  • Freshly-squeezed juice from the juice bar (Carrot, Apple, Celery)
  • 2 potato cakes
  • Chickpea Roti Bread
  • 2 Chicken Tenders
  • 1.5 Kale Leaves
  • 4 Brussels Sprouts
  • 2 Cherry Tomatoes
  • Sunflower Seeds, Walnuts, Flaked Almonds, Shredded Coconut
  • Cracked Black Pepper, Lemon Pepper, Himilayan Salt
  • Olive Oil, Butter
  • Sweet Potato
  • Cauliflower
  • 2 Dutch Carrots
  • Nori Flakes, Coriander, Flat-leaf Parsley

Veggie Burger, Carrots, Cauliflower, Rocket Salad
1 Veggie Burger, 2 Dutch Carrots, 2 Cauliflower Florets, Handful Baby Rocket Leaves, 2 Cherry Tomatoes, 4 Olives, Sunflower Seeds, Pumpkin Seeds, Walnuts, 1 Spring Onion, Nutritional Yeast, Nori Flakes & Black Pepper


  • 1 x Coffee (milk + 1 tsp raw sugar)
  • Supplement: Vitamin B
  • Drive to work (20 mins) (1 x Banana for the Road)
  • 1 x Medium Latte before Work (milk + 1 tsp raw sugar)
  • Work (4 hours)
  • Snack: 15 min break: 2 x Potato Cakes, 1 x large Freshly-Squeezed Juice (Carrot, Apple, Celery)
  • Drive home from work (30 mins)
  • 1 x Coffee (milk + 1 tsp raw sugar)
  • Lunch: Chicken & Kale Roti
  • Listening to iPod podcasts
  • 1 x Coffee (milk + 1 tsp raw sugar)
  • Dinner: Sweet Potato, Cauliflower, Chicken, Kale
  • Felt ‘breathless’ and ‘wheezy’ after dinner.. not sure if it was the nutritional yeast, lemon pepper, or chicken.. didn’t last long (about 10 mins), just noting for health reasons.
  • 1 x Coffee (milk + 1 tsp raw sugar)
  • Facebook
  • Recording about 10 podcasts,although none of them will be published..
  • Updating this post now.

Monday 24th Mar 2014

Weather Check:Colder 14°
Mood Check: Great, Happy, Super
Sleep Check: 6 Hours

What I Ate:

Kale, Carrot, Strawberries, Banana

Quick Smoothie before work.. Kale, Strawberries, Banana, Shredded Coconut, Dutch Carrot, Celery, Cucumber

Snack at work: 1 Potato Cake

Veggie Burger, Kale, Nuts, Seeds, Carrot

Lunch: Veggie Burger, Kale, Carrot, Walnuts, Pumpkin Seeds, Sunflower Seeds, Nori Flakes, Flaked Almonds

Carrot, Potato, Cauliflower, Chicken, Almond Flakes

Dinner: Carrot, Potato, Cauliflower, Chicken, Almond Flakes, Nutritional Yeast, Butter, Cracked Pepper, Lemon Pepper, Cheese


  • 2 x Coffees (milk + 1 tsp raw sugar)
  • Writing blog post ‘Experiencing Freedom by Speaking my Truth’
  • Breakfast (Quick Smoothie for the Road): Kale, Strawberries, Banana, Shredded Coconut, Dutch Carrot, Celery, Cucumber
  • Drive to work (20 mins) listening to podcasts
  • 1 x Medium Latte before Work (milk + 1 tsp raw sugar)
  • Work (4 hours)
  • Work Break (Snack): 1 Potato Cake
  • Drive home from work (30 mins), listening to podcasts
  • Lunch: Veggie Burger, Kale, Carrot, Walnuts, Pumpkin Seeds, Sunflower Seeds, Nori Flakes, Flaked Almonds
  • 1 x Coffee (milk + 1 tsp raw sugar)
  • Facebook
  • Dinner: Carrot, Potato, Cauliflower, Chicken, Almond Flakes, Nutritional Yeast, Butter, Cracked Pepper, Lemon Pepper, Cheese
  • Facebook
  • Listening to Abraham Hicks YouTube videos and updating this post

Amount spent this week…

… on Healthy choices: $46.40

  • Fresh Produce $20
  • Fresh Produce #2 $18.40
  • Freshly Squeezed Juices: 4+4 = $8

… on Debatable (more research needed) choices: $26.55

  • Butcher $26.55

… on Toxic choices: $74 

  • Cigarettes $57 = $57
  • Kit Kat $10
  • 7 Potato Cakes: $7

Butcher $26.55

10 x Chicken Tenders $10
4 x Lamb Chops $6.55
5 x Veggie Burgers $10

Safeway Approx $20

Can’t find receipt and it was a few days ago.. but it was Carrots, Cucumber, um.. yeah, need to find receipt, can’t remember lol

Fruit & Veg Shop $18.40

350g Walnuts $6.50
100g Almond Flakes $3
Large Punnet Strawberries 500g $2
135g Brussels Sprouts 55c
Purple Sweet Potato 60c
Orange Sweet Potato 40c
Bunch Bananas $2.40
Large Bunch Kale $3


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Penny... on Health
Penny... on Health

Truth-seeker, ever-questioning, ever-learning, ever-researching, ever delving further and deeper, ever trying to 'figure it out'. This site is a legacy of sorts, a place to collect thoughts, notes, book summaries, & random points of interests.

DISCLAIMER: The information on this website is not medical science or medical advice. I do not have any medical training aside from my own research and interest in this area. The information I publish is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, disorder, pain, injury, deformity, or physical or mental condition. I just report my own results, understanding & research.