Cure Emphysema Naturally (120+ COPD remedies from around the web)

This is not what I personally do or recommend – THIS IS JUST A COMPILATION of all the Recommendations out there in cyberspace & books to save you (and me) time. I will create a new post with what I’ve tried and what is working for me & others in the near future.
Remember that everyone is different; our unique cell health, lifestyles, environments, etc. all play a role in both cause & cure. I suggest reading over everyone’s suggestions, & seeing if there are things that resonate with you & jot them down. Become an expert in you. Research more about methods you have chosen to see if it will have negative interactions with your medication or if it leads you down another path that might be more helpful. Follow where the research takes you – take an interest in your own well-being. The answers are everywhere, we just have to sort through them to figure out which ones are relevant to us & our unique circumstances. We can only do what we can do with the resources we have available to us, in the lifestyle we are in, and in the unique environments & situations we are in. There are many things on this list I wouldn’t even try based on who I am as an individual with my own unique belief-systems, on my own journey. I look at what might be a step ‘towards’ health, that fits in with my knowledge so far, and that’s what I try. I generally try a new thing every week, and it takes a few months to see results, and sometimes I’ve already quit a method because I don’t feel it’s for me. I guess what I’m saying, is don’t make it hard. Learn about your body & mind, do what you ‘can’ do, focus on baby-steps towards health and bit-by-bit, try to get rid of the stress in your life. Free yourself. Allow yourself to make mistakes. This is a difficult diagnosis for any of us, but the thing that makes it even harder is our own negative attitudes towards life & change.
Last Update to this post: March 2nd, 2014
The research so far has been a combination of the following results:
Diet, Parasites, Herbs, Chinese Medicine, Water, Supplements, Mindset, Gratitude, Spiritual, Hydrogen Peroxide, Detox, Breathing, Exercise, Mold/Fungus Cleanup, Clothing, and Future Research
~ Dr Richard Schulze
- Remove all sugar from diet. (01) (02) (03) (04) Pathogenic cells do not care if the sugar is natural or processed. (05) (06)
- Eliminated carbohydrates (bread, cereal, potatoes) (07) (08) (09) (10)
- Eliminated everything except protein (beef, pork, chicken and fish and fresh vegetables) (11) (12)
- Free-range meats. Not contaminated by antibiotics/steroids. (13)
- Coconut oil (not Olive Oil) for frying. (14)
- Salads. Raw & steamed vegetables (15) (16) (17)
- Eliminate dairy products, especially pasteurized. (Pasteurized = more mucus) (18) (19) (20) (21)
I’ve removed all sugar, carbohydrates, and dairy from my diet excepting any that I have in my daily coffees. In fact, this advice has stayed at top of the page because I feel, aside from mindset, that the diet change has been the most beneficial to date (for both me and hundreds of others).
At the start, I felt that raw was the best way to go, then changed to a mostly plant-based diet, and basically I don’t follow any rules and change whenever I feel like it, but I mostly eat a lot of green leafy vegetables & salads, some steamed vegetables, lots of juicing, smoothies every week, and meat/fish once or twice a week approximately. I do not eat free-range meats (no idea where to source it).
I haven’t gone completely off the potatoes, but I did deliberately abstain for the first approx. 6 months & I only have about 1 potato a month (if that). I also buy sweet potatoes often but forget to eat them.
Dairy definitely creates more mucus. Less dairy = noticeably less mucus.
The biggest thing for most is to get off the bread, but it also helps SO much with respiratory problems! but I already found that easy to do as I had been on & off bread over the past decade anyway. If you have breathing problems or congestion, please get rid of bread, or try this as an alternative (link to learn about what breads are safe)
Though not listed, I surprisingly found getting off grains to be beneficial too (cutting down on rice to about once every 2 months, removing pasta (except when ‘someone else’ makes it for me), and even cutting down on lentils & chickpeas.. maybe twice every 2 months). I feel noticeably ‘better’ without them.
Coconut oil was something I had not even heard of, now I buy it in bulk. It’s everything to me, I eat it, cook with it, apply it on my skin & hair, it’s my toothpaste, cleanser, moisturiser and a whole lot more. Something that was not even in my life at the start of this, is now a ‘staple’ in my life; something I’ll never be without.
- Niacin rich foods: olives, cabbage, lettuce, carrots, brewer’s yeast, apricots (24)
- Apparently niacin (nicotinic acid) and nicotine are chemically linked. (25)
- The niacin receptors in the brain feel deprived when you quit smoking from what they were tricked into believing was a nutrient.
- Niacin can help you get past the craving for the nicotine.
Olives, Lettuce, Carrots are 3 things that are now (almost) daily staples for me. All of my juices have carrots, at least 1-2 meals a day contain lots of greens, from different varieties of lettuce to kale or tuscan cabbage, sometimes red cabbage, sometimes green cabbage. I buy mixed olives from the deli, and eat it regularly, a tub of olives every week.
I don’t eat apricots as they are too expensive.
I tried brewer’s yeast but I had an asthma attack (which was probably the ‘bread’ I had it on, but I still don’t know how to ‘eat’ brewer’s yeast without bread, so I have avoided it ever since that day.
I don’t know about the craving for a nicotine thing but I’m the right person to test this experiment on since I’m a heavy smoker. I do know that when I’m at work, I never feel the need to ‘go outside for a cigarette’. I don’t have cravings like I used to.
- Vitamin A & Carotenoid Rich Fruits & Vegetables (such as carrot, beet, red pepper, orange, mango, cantaloupe, peach, nectarine and tomato) (26)
- Ginger, Garlic, and Onions (27) (28) (29) (30)
- Drink plenty of fluid, herbal teas and soups. (31)
- Avoid Dairy, Sugar, Refined Flour, Processed Foods (32) (33) (34) (35)
- Horseradish &/or Radishes (36) (37)
- Thyme, Rosemary, and Oregano (38) (39)
- Apply warm heat packs to your chest (40)
- Use essential oils, burn or place a few drops on a tissue to inhale such as eucalyptus, tea tree, peppermint, thyme, citrus oils and/or lavender.
- Ginger is a gentle circulatory stimulant and its warming nature is perfect for alleviating respiratory congestion and reducing inflammation. (41)
- Garlic & onions have mild anti-inflammatory actions and are shown to be anti-microbial. They can help fight infection, reduce congestion, inflammation and allergies. (42)
- Horseradish/Radishes are helpful for respiratory congestion (43)
- Thyme, Rosemary, & Oregano are natural anti-microbial herbs (44)
- Heat packs alleviate pain, inflammation and congestion (45)
- A diet high in plant foods such as the cruciferous family, apples, grapefruit, berries, pomegranate, garlic, onions offer significant protection against the development of lung cancer.
At the start, I definitely upped my intake of carrots, beets, red peppers, oranges, and tomatoes. I had loads and loads of freshly squeezed juices in the first few months. Now I’m down to about 6-10 juices per week.
I’m not a fan of cantaloupe or mangos. I’ve had 2 mangoes in the past year, so I can’t comment about their effectiveness here.
Since the heatwave here, I’ve also upped my intake of nectarines, peaches, plums & grapes.
At the start, I also loaded up on ginger, garlic, and onions. I think they were really useful for expelling years of thick gunk out of my lungs. I still regularly add them to my diet, but not nearly as much as I did as those first few months. I think that’s because now that my lungs feel ‘clean’ and I no longer cough up any crap, that I don’t need to reach for my ‘natural medicine’ of garlic, ginger, and onions any more. I still seem to buy spring onions every week or every other week and usually have at least 1 spring onion per day.
At the start, I also drank heaps more water. I probably was close to getting about 3 litres of filtered water every day. (Now that I feel better, I’ve ‘normalized’ back down to about 6-8 glasses per day, even on hot days, but I still drink juices and have lots of fruit so that’s probably where I’m getting most of my “fluids” from.. so it’s probably closer to about 1.5 litres a day of health-giving fluids).
Definitely am “anti” processed & refined foods now. I don’t buy anything for my pantry that you wouldn’t call ‘food’. I do on the occassion still have take-away foods like KFC or McDonalds – working on that! I don’t even enjoy it so it must just be a convenience thing or possibly a self-sabotage thing. Who knows, but they have to go. (Organ cleansing is next on my list)
I used to be able to fill a kitchen bin of boxes of processed crap that I was eating. Now the only thing that goes into that kitchen bin is food scraps (I really need a compost).
Also upped my intake of radishes at the beginning, buying a bunch of radishes every week and having at least 2-3 per day. I think it also helped with cleansing the lungs out.
I couldn’t find ‘real’ horseradish, so I did use supplements with horseradish at the start too.
Never been fans of Thyme, Rosemary or Oregano, but I did deliberately add thyme on occasion, but I don’t think I added enough to make a comment about whether it helped me or not.
I definitely had heat packs on my chest and back. I had an electric one – I would plug it in, and I couldn’t sleep without it either on my right lung or back. It definitely helped me when I was at my worst, I’m sure it helped save my life several times, or at least allowed me to get some sleep when I otherwise would’ve been coughing, choking, crying and spitting the whole night.
At the start when I was at my worst, I had an essential oil diffuser, I purchased a bunch of Doterra Essential oils (the ones that are purified enough where you can actually consume them safely). I filled that diffuser and had it going day and night with eucalyptus, tea tree, hydrogen peroxide, peppermint, lemon, and lavender (only one oil at any one time, although sometimes I’d mix hydrogen peroxide with any of them). I no longer need to do this since my lungs are cleared up, but it’s a really nice experience and do feel like it helped me breathe easier.
I juice a lot of apples. Now that it’s hot and berries are in-season, I have also been consuming a lot of berries like blueberries, blackberries, and strawberries. But when I was at my worst, they weren’t in season and I couldn’t afford them, especially since I was too sick to work and was living off virtually nothing.
I’ve only ever tried one pomegranate (can’t say I’m much of a fan) and I’m not a fan of grapefruit either, so can’t comment on the benefits of these 2.
- Arugula (rocket); prevent lung & esophageal cancer (46)
- Broccoli; prevent lung & esophageal cancer, reduce risk of breast & cervical cancer, neutralizes carcinogens, cancer-fighting (47)
- Broccoli Rabe (turnip green); prevent cellular degeneration (48)
- Brussels Sprouts; inhibit cell proliferation, detoxify toxins, suppress cancer cells (49)
- Cabbage; protection from breast cancer (50)
- Carrots; cut lung cancer in half (51)
- Cauliflower; anti-cancer, disarm carcinogenic (52)
- Added all except Broccoli Rabe to my diet. No results yet but then how do I tell anyway? suspect it’s just a good low-risk thing to do for my general health
Rocket is now a staple in my diet.. a big bag every few weeks, sometimes every week, it all depends on how fresh they look in the grocer when I buy it (definitely need to grow my own). Not only do I love the taste and texture but I love that the research I did on it shows that it prevents many types of cancers.
Broccoli is now daily or almost daily. I only avoid it when it looks ‘foreign-grown’ (I did a year of fruit-picking while travelling and I know what ‘fresh’ broccoli is supposed to look like). So I try and buy it only when it’s in-season. But it’s something I love to eat, and know that I’m getting a lot of benefits from consuming. It’s really a super-food.
Looked at Broccoli Rabe but it was expensive considering I also had no idea what to do with it lol, so I’m yet to try it.
Brussels sprouts – had HEAPS of these when I was at my worst.. I was buying them by the bagful and eating about 5-6 per day. They are out of season now so I haven’t had them for a few months, but will go back to them when they are back in-season.
Cabbage & Carrots, already mentioned previously.. consume them regularly.
Cauliflower – another daily staple. Every week I buy and consume at least half a cauliflower.
- Broccoli may help the immune system to clean harmful bacteria from the lungs. (55) (56)
- To ensure that the lungs function correctly, white blood cells called macrophages remove debris and bacteria that can build up in the lungs and cause infection. This cleaning system is defective in smokers and people with COPD. (57) (58)
- Researchers have figured out that a chemical pathway in the lungs called NRF2, involved in macrophage activation, is wiped out by smoking. They also found that sulphoraphane, a plant chemical that is made by broccoli, cauliflower and other cruciferous vegetables when damaged, such as when chewed, can restore this pathway. (59) (60)
- In the presence of sulphoraphane, the NRF2 pathway was boosted and the macrophages’ ability to recognise and engulf bacteria was restored. Sulphoraphane is present in broccoli in its precursor form and is converted to the active compound by enzymes present in saliva and intestinal bacteria. (61) (62)
See above, both broccoli & cauliflower are essential and daily staples in my diet.
- Red meat
- All Dairy Products especially milk, cheese, butter, and any foods containing butterfat
- Liver, Brain, Chicken Skin
- Shellfish
- Egg Yolks
Avoid Mucus-Forming White Flour & Gluten: (64)
- White flour products
- White bread
- Pasta
- Many cereals
Avoid Salt: (65)
- Avoid Excess sodium (salt)
- Red meat & dairy products are known mucus-forming foods. By eliminating them from your diet, you will reduce mucus production. The most dramatic result of eliminating these animal foods from your diet is the anti-inflammatory effect you will see.
- If you stop eating these mucus-forming animal foods, you will have effectively eliminated sources of arachidonic acid from your diet. As a result, you will decrease the inflammatory response occurring in your bronchial walls
- White flour contains alloxan, which studies have shown destroys the beta cells of the pancreas, & is also toxic to the liver & kidneys. Read food labels carefully. Many processed foods contain gluten in additives or fillers.
- Excess sodium (salt) in the bloodstream not only can raise blood pressure, it also reduces the amount of water in the tissues of the bronchi & bronchioles, causing the mucus in the respiratory tract to become thicker & more viscous. Excessive salt also promotes elevation of histamine levels, which further provokes the inflammatory process.
I don’t really eat red meat. I used to love eating lamb and that was my main meat to eat. But I don’t eat red meat much anymore, I don’t buy it. It’s not that I really avoid it, but lamb is too expensive right now, and I personally don’t like any other red meat.
Definitely have avoided dairy, although I used to consume a lot of yogurt, I stopped when I noticed that I had less mucus when I didn’t consume it. I stopped buying cheese except parmesan which I only have little ‘shavings’ off occasionally (like a Tbsp per month?).
Although I avoided butter like the plague at the start, I’ve now become a ‘butter’ fan. I don’t think butter causes mucus, if it did – I would definitely be having mucus problems now. Although maybe in Australia the butter is better quality? I have no idea. I add butter to my steamed vegetables, meat, potatoes, and sometimes when cooking (when coconut oil doesn’t seem to ‘fit’ the meal)
Don’t really eat liver, brain or chicken skin so can’t comment.
Have always been allergic to shellfish, so have avoided it and haven’t tried it since I was a kid, so can’t comment.
Egg Yolks. I avoided eggs when I was at my sickest, but I’ve been adding some again lately (I had about 8 last week). So I’m not sure if I can agree with it being mucus-forming either. I do buy organic, free range, etc. I don’t know if that makes a difference (except to my pocket) but maybe the ill effects only happen when you over-eat it or add other stuff with it. Who knows, but I can’t say whether eating eggs has helped or harmed.
Definitely have avoided all flour products, bread, pasta, and cereals. At the start though, I did start eating oatmeal daily because I was following a ‘quit smoking’ diet and thought it was good for me. Then I learnt that it was possibly bad for me and stopped. But now I have it on occasion in moderation (1/3 cup, every few weeks). Anything I’m “unsure” about, is my “moderation” food now. Sometimes we think it’s best to just completely ‘quit’ a food that we’re unsure about, but sometimes the studies are split down the middle good/bad, and rather than cutting it out completely, I’ll just add it sparingly.
Salt.. hmm.. touchy subject, one that I could write for hours on. In fact, I’ve written very lengthy conversations and ebooks about salt and my experience. In a nutshell, despite people thinking it’s beneficial (especially sea salt or himilayan salt).. I found that I had to “completely” eliminate any added salt to my diet.. and that once I did that, I’m sure that was the “key” – the last piece of the puzzle as to how I was able to finally cleanse my lungs of the gunk. When I added salt, my mucus stopped (so the gunk was still in my lungs!). I stopped ‘adding’ salt and allowed my body to do it’s ‘natural’ cleanse over about 4-6 weeks or so (I’m not sure 100% on how long it took after I eliminated salt coupled with all the things I was trying at the same time). But right now, I’m very convinced that it was extremely important for me to quit salt while I detoxed my lungs, and that it’s possibly safe for me to start adding it in small amounts back into my diet on occasion.
Limit Nitrite & Nitrate exposure (especially Cured Meats & Preserved Foods)
(67) (68) (69) (70) (71) (72)
High Nitrite & Nitrate Food Sources:
A safe daily limit, known as the Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI), has been set for the amount of nitrite we eat.
- The acceptable daily limit of nitrate is up to 3.7 mg per kg of body weight per day, or 260 mg per day for a 70 kg person. (80)
- ‘Dietary Vitamin C’ can possibly inhibit the nitrosamine formation (81) (82)
- Ascorbic acid (Vit C), erythorbic acid, and a-tocopherol (Vit E) inhibit nitrosamine formation due to their oxidation-reduction properties. (83)
- * Most vegetables which are enriched in nitrate are also rich in antioxidants such as vitamins C & E that can act to prevent the unwanted nitrosation chemistry. (84)
- * Vegetables are the major source of total exposure to nitrates and nitrites. Since vegetables are good for health it is important to maintain these in our diet. Vegetables grown in heated glasshouses have higher nitrate contents than those grown outdoors, and hydroponically grown leafy vegetables have higher nitrate levels than conventionally grown. We are exposed to nitrite and nitrate when we eat vegetables and processed meats. (85)
Nutshell version from Penny: Avoid processed meats & food, filter your drinking water, and eat plenty of fresh fruit & vegetables that are high in vitamin c & vitamin e, limiting the high nitrate vegetables to small daily amounts.
Important note:cigarettes contribute to your daily exposure as well as air pollution, toxic chemicals, dust, potentially your workplace, fertilizers in our food sources, heating, & so much more (honestly far too varied & broad to list all on this one page). I’m going to have to create a new article just on nitrites & nitrates to cover everything. But basically.. we especially need to have a high intake of “dietary” vitamin C and to limit our exposure to nitrite & nitrate as much as we can.
- Nitrosamines mediate their mutagenic effects by causing DNA damage, oxidative stress, lipid peroxidation, and pro-inflammatory cytokine activation, which lead to increased cellular degeneration and death. (86)
- All humans are chronically exposed to nitrogen oxides, including nitric oxide. Exposure is primarily dependent on where people live and the industry in which they work. Everybody is exposed to small amounts of nitrogen oxides in ambient air. Exposure to high levels of nitrogen oxides, particularly nitrogen dioxide, can damage the respiratory airways. It has been estimated that exposure to nitrogen dioxide levels of 560-940 mg/m3 (300-500 ppm) may result in fatal pulmonary edema or asphyxia and that levels of 47-140 mg/m3 (25-75 ppm) can cause bronchitis or pneumonia. (87)
- Toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth is formulated with up to 5% (5,000 ppm) potassium nitrate, which is higher than the concentration found in vegetables. Since toothpaste is not commonly swallowed, the net contribution to nitrate and nitrite exposure cannot be accurately estimated. But, nitrate and nitrite as water soluble ions are likely to be extracted from the toothpaste and mixed with saliva. The total exposure could therefore be equivalent to or greater than that contributed by water or cured processed meats. (88)
- Nitrate itself is generally considered to be harmless at low concentrations. Nitrite, on the other hand, is reactive especially in the acid environment of the stomach where it can nitrosate other molecules including proteins, amines, and amides. Nitrite is occasionally found in the environment but most human exposure occurs through ingested nitrate that can be chemically reduced to nitrite by commensal bacteria often found in saliva. (89)
- In the presence of acid (such as in the stomach) or high temperature (such as via frying), nitrosamines are converted to diazonium ions. Certain nitrosamines such as dimethylnitrosamine and N-nitrosopyrrolidine form carbocations that react with biological nucleophiles (such as DNA or an enzyme) in the cell. If this reaction occurs at a crucial site in a biomolecule, it can disrupt normal cell function leading to cancer or cell death. (90)
- Processed meats, dairy products, and poultry products provide only minor contributions to the human exposure. (91)
- Nitrogen oxide exposure may also occur from administered pharmaceuticals which have not been considered in this analysis. (92)
- When meat containing nitrites is heated (particularly at high temperatures) and mixed with amines, a compound naturally present in meat, the result is nitrosamines. Nitrosamines is also a component in cigarettes. The smoke carries significant doses of carcinogenic tobacco specific nitrosamines (TSNAs), which have been implicated as causes of oral, lung, oesophageal, & pancreatic cancer. (93)
- The nitrites used as a preservative in the meats might be a potential culprit. Nitrites can produce molecules shown to harm the lungs of lab animals; there’s a biological mechanism by which nitrites can damage the lungs. (94)
- It’s also possible that the high levels of salt in cured meats might contribute to problems with COPD. (95)
Barely have bacon (but love it). I buy a couple of slices every other month, and that’s it. I was in a relationship with a muslim for a few years and in that time, we ate no Pork, and now I don’t miss it (except the bacon).
Don’t eat hot dogs, ham, luncheon, corned silverside, salami, hamburgers, beer, processed meat, processed fish, so can’t comment on those.
Replaced my toothpaste with a chemical-free, natural version (I do different recipes each time, but mostly coconut oil + bicarb + vinegar + hydrogen peroxide.. argh, it’s different everytime, but always has coconut oil and bicarb soda) – See recipes.
I filter my water, but I’m sure my budget water filter doesn’t do as much as some of the better, more expensive ones out there. Decent water purifier is on my wishlist.
I eat lots of fresh fruit & vegetables.
I add vitamin c powder to water and sip throughout the day, most days but I do skip days too.
See also: conversation about Nitrosamines in the COPD group
- COPD patients who want to make significant improvements should have a diet consisting of at least 50% raw, organic food.
- Raw foods meaning plant-foods in their natural, uncooked state.
- If you have severe inflammation associated with chronic bronchitis, increase raw foods to 75%
- Juicing is another way to deliver high-quality, concentrated nutrients to your body that are usually assimilated within 30 minutes.
- Switching to a predominantly raw food diet has helped many seriously ill people improve their health.
- It will help your body detoxify itself and build immunity, significantly reduce inflammation, and decrease mucus formation, allowing you to breathe easier, regain energy & strength, and foster a new level of vitality & mental acuity.
- Raw foods also contain enzymes that help your body more efficiently digest food.
- Juicing is particularly beneficial for people with COPD. It is an excellent means to reduce inflammation & mucus, detoxify the body, and build immunity in order to increase vitality & resistance to infection.
I don’t yet have access to Organic foods. I’ve only been back at work a short while, have lots of debts to pay off since I’ve been sick for a couple of years, and I’m currently only working approx 3-7 hours per week. I want to grow my own food (ideally), and have started a herb garden, but I also need a more permanent place to live before I start a proper garden.
I do on the other hand, eat a lot of raw plant-foods. I would say about 80% or more of my diet is plants. But I do steam my veggies occasionally – especially when the weather is cooler. I do want to move to a hotter climate so that I can continue to drink juices, smoothies, and fruits, and vegetables in their raw state. As well as the added benefit of hotter weather = outside more often, more access to sun, more outdoor activities, closer to nature, etc. The benefits to health are far greater when you live in a warm or hot environment (in my opinion).
My goal for this year is to have at least 50% of my diet being green plants. Cooked or not, I want this year to be 50% green.
As already mentioned, I juice a lot. Not every day, but approximately 6-10 a week. Which is 6-10 more than I used to have in my old life when I was part of the living dead.
- Parasite removal. (98) (kill all parasites, bacteria, viruses and fungi) (99)
- Removing pollutants. (remove the toxic molds, metals and chemicals in our foods and body products.) (100)
- Clearing gallstones and kidney stones. (clear away and wash away the stones, secretions and debris already formed, that hinder healing.) (101)
- Aid healing (use herbs and special food factors to hasten healing, being very careful to use pure products.). (102)
- Parasites overtake the energy-making centres of our cells using the oxygen we need to maintain good health and to reproduce them & cause allergies.
- Allergies obstruct our airways and deprive cells of oxygen.
- Parasites produce free radicals that attack cell membranes and the mitochondrial furnaces of the cells, making it more difficult for oxygen to get into the cells where it can fuel the energy process. (103)
- All illness comes from two causes, PARASITES and POLLUTANTS. (104)
Been doing parasite cleanses on and off for years. When I was at my sickest, I was zapping day & night with Dr Hulda Clark’s zapper. But I didn’t have access to the expensive parasite cleanse. I plan on doing that sometime in the next 12 months (after the liver, colon, and kidney cleanses)
Removing pollutants. Spent the past 12 months removing as much chemicals from my life as I can. Learning new recipes. I don’t wear makeup now (maybe a little bit once a month), I have replaced all my skin & hair products with natural home-made concoctions, mostly with these ingredients: bicarb soda, apple cider vinegar, coconut oil, essential oils. I even make my own mascara.
I also don’t use chemical household cleaning products. Just bicarb & white vinegar for most things. The only chemical I still have is a small amount of laundry powder in my homemade concoction to give it a bit more boost, although I’ll look into alternatives to this soon too.
Mould and pollutants was absolutely a huge trigger for me. My last house was killing me, I most certainly would’ve died if I had’ve stayed there. I had no idea how toxic it was until I moved house. So definitely if you haven’t figured out why you are so sick, start listening to your guests – do they feel ‘sick’ or ‘headachy’ when they visit you for a length of time? Do other people in your household also have health issues that are unrelated to diet? The house.. moulds, pollutants, toxins of some kind could be the culprit, and it’s time to clean out what you can, and investigate what could be the problem (gas leak, chemical leak, chemicals from appliances like clothes dryers, hair dryers, refrigerators, and so on..) if you think this could be an issue – read up and see what other people have found in their houses.
Gallstones & kidney stones – this is part of the plan for this coming year. I just did the research today actually. So can’t comment on this but just “know” already that this is going to be greatly beneficial to overall health.
(More from Hulda Clark – extract from The Cure for All Diseases)
Killing parasites, removing pollutants and clearing gallstones and kidney stones from your body is a powerful combination of treatments. It is so powerful you can change yourself into a new person in half a year. And then go on improving for years more.
We have only two problems: parasites and pollutants.
Parasites are things that live on us, using up our food and giving us their wastes. Pollutants are toxic things in us making it difficult for our organs to do their work.
These two things are responsible for all our other problems.
- Our bodies have been trying to rid us of these by making stones, making secretions, giving us swellings, inflammations and benign tumors. We develop deficiencies and disabilities.
- Finally, some permanent damage is done. Our hair turns gray, we develop cataracts, the spine bends, nerves and muscles die. We weaken.
Our strategy to undo all this will be a logical one:
- First, we will kill all parasites, bacteria, viruses and fungi.
- Second, we will remove the toxic molds, metals and chemicals in our foods and body products.
- Third, we will clear away and wash away the stones, secretions and debris already formed, that hinder healing.
- Fourth, we will use herbs and special food factors to hasten healing, being very careful to use pure products. (These act more quickly when given intravenously but the emphasis in this book will be on oral consumption.)
- Finally, for repairs that are beyond our abilities, we will seek help from health and medical professionals. (105)
- Candida will steal your breath, your energy, and your life. (109)
- The immune system must be strengthened, and activated to further deplete Candida or fungal overgrowth. (110)
- The health of the intestinal tract must be rebuilt. This may be accomplished through reseeding the colon with friendly flora, and by normalizing the pH of the gastrointestinal tract. (111)
Didn’t start taking probiotics until just recently, so not sure I can comment on this since I already felt ‘better’ without doing anything deliberate about my gut or colon flora.
- Ground cayenne pepper (or Cayenne tincture) 3 times a day (1/2 teaspoon in warm water) (112)
Started eating a lot of red chilli’s when I was sickest, not sure if it made a difference or not. I don’t have them at all anymore, and I think that’s mostly because now that I eat mostly raw foods, the chilli is ‘too strong’ for me.
But, I still have cayenne pepper almost daily. Just a little bit on my salad or veggies.. between 1/2 to 1 tsp nearly everyday.
Honestly don’t know factually whether it’s making any difference, but I’ve been trusting my instincts a lot more over the past few months, and I haven’t “stopped” taking this regularly which to me, tells me that my body still needs it, since I’m not doing it for taste, I’m doing it for health.
Herbs in the book ‘Natural Therapies for Emphysema and COPD: Relief and Healing for Chronic Pulmonary Disorders’ by Robert J. Green Jr. (116)
- Lobelia: Calms mind, relaxes body, controls cravings for nicotine (and makes cigarettes taste very bad).
- St. John’s wort: Promotes positive mental attitude. Can have potentially dangerous interactions with some prescription drugs (especially antidepressants, anticoagulants, oral contraceptives, antiseizure medications, drugs to treat HIV or prevent transplant rejection, and more)
- Black cohosh: Safe sedatitve that relieves nervousness & anxiety.
- Blue vervain: Natural tranquilizer used to calm the nerves. Can be used for insomnia.
- Catnip: Soothing effect on digestive system. Helps relieve diarrhea, flatulence, indigestion, upset stomach, headache. Has antispasmodic properties that make it useful for abdominal crapms & chronic coughing. Good for alleviating sleeplessness. Benefial for treating colds & bronchial infections (has antibotic & astringent properties)
- Hyssop: Clearing mucus congestion in the lungs. Alleviate anxiety.
- Skullcap: Helps brain produce more endorphins (naturally occurring chemicals that promote feelings of well-being). Relaxes nervous tension. Renews/revives central nervous system. Aids sleep, improves circulation, strengthens heart, relieves muscle cramps, pain, spasms, & stress. Useful in treating anxiety, fatigue, cardiovascular disease, headache, hyperactivity, nervousness, & potentially drug addiction.
- Slippery Elm: Rich in nutrients. Works with body to draw out impurities & toxins. Soothes the irritated tissues of the intestines, colon, and stomach ulcers.
Other Notes / Warnings / Contradictions:
- Lobelia: May cause nausea & vomiting in increased dosages
- St. John’s wort: Can have potentially dangerous interactions with some prescription drugs (especially antidepressants, anticoagulants, oral contraceptives, antiseizure medications, drugs to treat HIV or prevent transplant rejection, and more)
- Black cohosh: Excessive consumption can irritate the nervous system & can cause nausea. Avoid if you have any heart conditions (large dosese can cause low blood pressure).
- Blue vervain: No known warnings.
- Catnip: No known warnings.
- Hyssop: Not recommended if you have epilepsy or high blood pressure.
- Skullcap: Not recommended if you are nursing.
- Slippery Elm: No known warnings.
I have not used any of these herbs.
- 2 cloves of raw garlic a day (117)
As already mentioned, I added a lot of garlic at the start when I was the sickest and think it definitely helped clear out my congestion. I had approximately 2-3 raw cloves daily, crushing & leaving them, then adding them to salads or just eating them raw.
Now I just add it occasionally to meals, sometimes I steam them, sometimes I bake them, but most of the time I have them crushed and raw, or crushed and heated. I’m now down to about 2-4 cloves per week or less.
- Eating fresh cilantro (Coriander) (120)
- Coughed up thick phlegm / cleared lung congestion within 10 minutes of eating (121)
After I found out the potential of coriander for lung congestion, I started buying a bunch or 2 every week and consuming it with every meal. I still eat a lot of coriander now, but I now alternate between parsley one week, coriander the next. But when I first found this post, I was eating about 1/2 bunch a day and adding it to every meal, for months on end. Coriander has a really strong flavour and a lot of people can’t handle it, but it has so many health benefits (is even a natural parasite killer) and I definitely think it was an important part of clearing my lungs out.

I purchased Olive Leaf extract when I was sick with a cold and trying to get through a really horrible cold when I first started my casual job. I don’t know if it actually helped relieve my cold any faster (it didn’t feel like it at the time), but I researched a lot of the other benefits that it has and I was impressed enough to keep taking it even though I wasn’t sure it was helping. I now take it at the first ‘sign’ of a cold, or when I know I haven’t been sleeping very well, or when I am feeling a bit run-down. I just take a capful for a couple of days, then stop, although many take this daily and swear by it.
Jack’s Healing Formula (126)
- Put the seed pods (tops) of 6 “great mullein” plant into a gallon of water, bring to a boil, add 3 tbls of powered “lobelia”, 3 tbls “hyssop”, 1 oz of white apple cider vinegar, 2 tbls of powdered cayenne red pepper.
- Keep boiling until about a pint of water has boiled off, (it will turn dark or reddish like coffee).
- Let cool until you can strain (i used a nylon stocking).
- Sweeten with sugar or honey to taste this will keep in fridge for a week or more
- Take 3 bottle caps a day or more
- You can also use a heating pad on chest and do a number of “vigorous exhales” for about 15 minutes after taking
- Do not throw away the roughage that you strain off the tea – it can be re-boiled 2-3 times more (to last 3-4 months)
- Can’t find his original post yet, but it seems he “cured” someone of emphysema 12 years ago with above recipe (127)
- For getting up mucus and cleaning the lungs – formula cannot be beat. Can walk without getting out-of-breath, and jog. Can still feel shortness-of-breath on days with high humidity. (128)
- 3 or 4 months later he put his oxygen bottle aside. (129)
- Opens the lungs right up. Completely cleared up in one day. (130)
I have no experience with this.

Mullein (131)
- Either take 40 drops of tincture in a glass of water 2x/day
- or simmer a handful of leaves in a quart of water for 15 minutes, allow to cool with leaves in the water, then STRAIN THROUGH CHEESECLOTH (else the little fuzzy stuff irritate your cough center), and drink the entire thing once a day.
- Pick leaves in the fall, just before frost. Look for plants in areas away from main roads. Do not use the flowers. Dry on a towel; store in a dark cupboard.
- Leaves are more potent than the tincture.
- Do not pick leaves from mullein with deformed stalks. Deformed stalks indicates the mullein has been exposed to contaminants.
- Only harvest from the straight stalks, crooked stalks indicate a high level of chemical contamination of the soil. (132)
- Used mullein extensively and successfully for upper respiratory conditions such as colds and asthma, ear infections, and joint pain (it has anti-inflammatory properties as well as antibiotic and antihistamine properties) (133)
No experience with this either.
- Chew on a licorice stick (from the root of a licorice plant) to curb nicotine cravings & calm the nerves. (134)
- A general medicinal dose is 1-2 cups of licorice tea a day. 1/2 to 1 teasp. of licorice root or powder is infused to 1 cup of boiling water. Tincture: 1/2 to 1 teasp. twice a day. For therapeutic use, it is recommended that licorice be taken before meals. (135)
- A formula made by combining liquid extracts of oat seed (50%), licorice root (25%), and lobelia (25%) is reported to be particularly useful in overcoming tobacco addiction. Licorice root is included to help with cleaning the lungs & promoting adrenal gland function. (136)
- Licorice can help to calm the nerves. Several years ago, I had a man call and asked if I had anything that would help him give up smoking, as he had quit smoking that morning and was having severe withdrawal symptoms. As we had just dug some licorice and had it drying, I offered him a stick that we had cut into 8cm lengths (similar length and size as a cigarette) and suggested he hold it in his mouth like a cigarette and suck the end. Within a couple of minutes of giving him the stick to smoke, his nerves had calmed down, and he said he no longer had the desire for a cigarette. For the next 10 minutes, he kept sucking on the stick, and looking at it, wondering why it did not have smoke coming from it! He was able to kick the habit of smoking. I have shared this incident with other people, who have done likewise and given up smoking. A licorice stick can be used over and over, many times, whenever the quitter has the urge to light a cigarette. (137)
- Research shows its usefulness as an expectorant and a cough suppressant, with action resembling codeine. (138)
- Licorice has been given many remedial applications: coughs, colds, wheezing, lung complaints, hoarseness, mucus congestion, tonsillitis, abdominal pain, nausea, poor appetite, fatigue, food poisoning, fevers, fluid retention, edema, burning urine and kidney, bladder ailments, gall stones, allergies, cancers and melanomas, conjunctivitis, earache, toothache, age spots, senility, hyperglycemia, menstrual discomforts, vaginal thrush, endometriosis, infertility, candida, ankylosing spondylitis, muscular dystrophy, skin allergies, hemorrhoids, mouth ulcers, nervous tension, insomnia and anxiety, depression, hysteria, indigestion and gastritis, diabetes, drug withdrawal, malaria, inflammations, cramps, Addison’s and Parkinson’s diseases, epilepsy, poor circulation, to lower cholesterol, headaches, earache, herpes, wounds, burns, cold sores, psoriasis, carbuncles, syphilis, abscesses, shingles, and to fight staphylococci. (139)
Want to try this but have only purchased the tea. Not being much of a tea drinker, I’ve only had 2 bags in the past few months, so yeah, probably not the best person to comment on this.
Chinese Medicine / Herbs:
Herbs that are acrid with warming properties relieve Cold phlegm. This group of expectorants includes: (140)
- pinella tuber
- arisaema
- brassica (white mustard seed)
- typhonium
- inula flower
- polygala root
- Cold phlegm is marked by the expectoration of watery and thin phlegm, profuse phlegm from the lungs or a cough accompanied with nausea and vomiting when an excessive amount of phlegm accumulates in the stomach. (Dong et al., 1998) (141)
Herbs that are acrid with cooling properties are commonly used to relieve Heat phlegm. This group of expectorants includes: (142)
- platycodon root
- trichosanthes fruit
- fritillaria bulb
- loquat leaf
- laminaria
- polygala root
- sargassum
- peucedanum
- aristolochia
Chinese Medicine explanation:
- Heat phlegm is marked by the expectoration of yellow, thick phlegm, with or without the symptoms of fever, and a yellow, coated tongue (Dong et al., 1998) (143)
Herbs that control or relieve asthma (antiasthmatics) include: (144)
- ginkgo biloba seed
- perilla leaf
- ephedra
- bitter apricot kernel
- lepidium seed
- lemon grass (Herba cymbopogon distans)
- datura flower (flos daturae yangjinhua).
- Herbs that suppress coughing and wheezing are called antitussives, those that discharge phlegm are called expectorants, and those that relieve asthma are called antiasthmatics.In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), these herbs are generally grouped together and are known collectively as herbs that alleviate phlegm, coughs, and asthma (Zhang, 1988) (145)
Suppress coughing and wheezing, and lessen excessive phlegm with these Chinese Herbs: (146)
- pinella
- fritillaria bulb
- loquat leaf
- stemona root
- rhododendron
- brassica
- lily bulb
Chinese Medicine explanation:
- Coughing can be caused by an attack of external (Wind-Cold) pathogens on the lungs or it can be the result of a functional imbalance of the internal organs. (147)
- Drink a minimum of one quart water per day. (148)
- Water – is used to hydrate cells and flush waste. Only water counts as water, not juice, coffee, etc. (149)
As previously mentioned, when I was at my sickest, I increased my water intake to approx. 3 litres, and am now down to 6-8 glasses of filtered water daily (but my diet is mostly plant-based now too so I’m getting a lot of ‘water’ from the plants that I consume)
- Water is critical to the detoxification process. It is an essential ingredient needed by your liver for its role in the detoxification process & is also needed to flush out your system. (150)
- Water acts as a solvent for the myriad chemicals that need to be processed & eliminated, and is the major constituent of the transport medium through which many toxins are eliminated from the body. (151)
More Info:
- Antioxidants such as N-acetylcysteine and Nacystelyn, have been shown in vitro experiments to block the release of inflammatory mediators from epithelial cells. (156)
- Antioxidants N-acetylcysteine has been shown in recent studies to reduce exacerbation’s of COPD. However, its effectiveness has yet to be proven. (157)
- More energy and better breathing. (159)
I had this years ago and noticed more energy with it, but it’s not a cheap product and haven’t purchased it for several years.
- Inhaling Apple Cider Vinegar & removing Mold in house (160)
- One day he was applying Desenex (for foot fungus) to his feet and his emphysema immediately got better. He then inhaled the residue of the powder when stirred up. His emphysema disappeared and hasn’t come back. Found out that his emphysema was a result of mold, a fungal infection in the lungs. Instead of inhaling Desenex, with all the chemicals attached to it, inhale Apple Cider Vinegar (also treats foot fungus). (161)
Apple Cider Vinegar is now a mostly daily staple for me. At my sickest, it really caused a lot of coughing and my congestion was broken up just with the fumes, which sounds scary – especially for someone with emphysema, but somehow, it is a good thing, not a bad thing. It also has other great health benefits when consumed. At the start, I was taking it every morning in hot water instead of my morning cuppa. It smelt disgusting, and although I got ‘used’ to it, one day when I had a coffee instead, I loved my coffee so much that I went back to my old bad habit of having a coffee upon waking. Now I add Apple Cider Vinegar to my salads, which I have daily. I only have 1-2 capfuls of this a day, but sometimes I add more. I also use it as a hair conditioner. Several months ago I remember saying on Facebook that I couldn’t ‘live’ without this product and that it was really noticeable when I ran out. But now I don’t think my body needs as much of it because I can go a few days without it and not really care either way or notice anything either way, but there was definitely a time when it made a noticeable difference. I think our bodies tell us what we need/don’t need and we just have to learn to listen to it. It takes a bit of getting used to, the smell is awful and the taste is ‘acquired’ (it grows on you.. ).
Recipe for bacterial infections/flu for clearing mucus from lungs: (162)
- Mix 3/4 cup mothers apple cider vinegar, 3/4 cup honey, 2 lemons, 3 cloves of garlic, 1 tablespoon cayenne pepper, 2 cinnamon sticks, 1 gallon of water.
- Take 1 or 2 shot glass a day.
- You can add 1/4 cup ginger, 1/4 cup horseradish if you like.
- Good for the lungs. I was able to go hunting for 2 day first time in 6 years no oxygen. I also take symbicort. (163)
- 6 teaspoons of MSM powder in 3 litres (5 pints) of water, drank throughout the day. (164)
- MSM must be taken with Vitamin C
- In Australia & New Zealand, MSM has Vit C already added
- Used with Nebulised baking soda & Magnesium Chloride
- From not being able to walk to the toilet, to being able to walk everywhere with noticeable improvement after 3 days (165)
I purchased MSM just recently (about a month ago?). I’ve been taking a small amount and sipping it slowly throughout the day. The brand I bought also has added vitamin c powder already mixed. I can’t comment about any breathing improvement because my breathing was already improved prior to purchasing. I consume 1/2 to 1tsp with 750ml water about twice a week.
At the start, I was taking fish oil capsules. But then I listened to a podcast and read a website about a guy who was anti-fish oil capsules and I haven’t had one since. I think I took approximately about 28 before stopping. I don’t know if it made a difference one way or another. Here is my post that goes into more detail.
- After years of being prescribed anti-biotics, probiotics was introduced as a way of healing the compromised immune system. (174)
As previously mentioned, probiotics is only new to my regular regime, I don’t think I’ve been on them long enough to comment. (I actually don’t notice a difference at all whether I take them or not.. nothing is different.. nothing is improved, nothing is worsened.. it might as well be water that I take.. but I do think it’s going to be more important that I do this as I start cleansing my organs this year)
- Beta glucan (175)
- To amplify the immune response and help the immune system kill and eliminate the pathogen. (176)
- Natural anti-pathogenic (179)
I’ve been adding oregano essential oil (doterra) to the bottom of my feet before sleeping at times when I’m feeling rundown and want to aid my body to detox. I have only recently purchased a bottle of oregano oil capsules but am yet to take any at this time. I just figured it was a good “medicine cupboard” thing to have on-hand. I don’t anticipate that this is something that I will regularly take, but if I feel cold or flu symptoms, I will bring it out of the cupboard and start using them. However, at the start, I would’ve been taking this every single day, possibly in massive doses, but life is different now. I honestly haven’t noticed one way or another whether this is doing anything, but considering the very low doses that I have, and the fact that I haven’t yet taken them internally, that is probably to be expected.
Caprylic Acid = No Experience
Saturated fatty acid (Coconut Oil & Butter) = Regular part of my diet, and I want to increase the amount of coconut oil that I consume.
Coconuts = I buy fresh ones occasionally to use the liquid in smoothies and eat the flesh. It’s a pain in the bum to crack them open though, and very messy lol. So sometimes I buy them and they go ‘off’ before I get motivated to open them up.
Emphysema: “You are not doing things your way. Doing what others say is right for you because you are not devoted to yourself and doing for yourself first. Not able to be yourself.” (191)
Lungs: Make sure you are doing things your way. (192)
Lung Cancer: Self destruction. Not being devoted to yourself enough to resist others telling you how to do things. Giving in and doing things their way. (193)
Lung Disease: Failing to Fully Take in Life due to Feelings of Unworthiness (see also: Spirituality) (194)
Mindset has been one of, if not THE biggest thing that has changed my health and my whole life, and is constantly surprising me and helping me improve everyday. I went from a complete zombie heading for death’s door, to on this journey that you are now experiencing. I don’t want to write too much on this post, it’s already the biggest post ever, but going from deep depression with no hope, to someone who feels “free” and happy, and now ‘knows’ I will live, rather than fears that death is near.. it’s just mind-blowing the leaps & bounds I’m making with my mindset. If I can encourage you to work on anything at all on this page.. I would say, study mindset for a few months and start taking baby-steps towards feeling ‘good’. Stop focusing on disease & dying and start focusing on health & living. Is there one thing that you would like to do before you die? Maybe start working on that. It changes everything to move ‘towards’ something instead of ‘give up’. But depression is not a switch you can flick and everything will be “ok”.. it’s a progression, a journey, and you are where you are, noone can reach you except you, and let’s just hope there is still a little seed of hope somewhere buried within you, that you can cultivate and grow to become who you are.
Gratitude: Man healed himself of double pneumonia within 24 hours by dwelling upon one sentence of gratitude every hour: “Thank you God for all the blessings I have and for all the blessings I am receiving.” (source: unknown)
Problems with the lungs represent depression, grief, and fear of taking in life, not feeling worthy of living life fully. (195) p106
The fifth chakra closes down because people are afraid to stand up and speak up for themselves. They are afraid to speak their own truth. They do not trust the world with what they have to say and they do not trust themselves to go ahead and say it. Sacrificing one’s own true expression results in loss of identify and loss of self while trying to please others. All this results in loss of trust in self and life. (196) p123
Both of these are so powerful to me too.
I did a “21 day” gratitude challenge, basically looking for something to be ‘grateful’ about every day. And it was really hard to think of a single thing at the start. I was repeating myself because my mind was trained to only see the negative and the bad. But after a week or so, I started to notice all sorts of things to be grateful for. It’s about training your brain to start searching for the positive, so that more positive experiences come into your life. If you only see the negative, you live in ground-hog day over and over, the same thing, except it just keeps getting worse. I highly recommend getting a journal and taking your own challenge, start finding the good in your life again. There is always something to be grateful for, you just have to notice it.
Speaking up for myself. Always my big fear was how other people perceived me, making other people happy, and so on. Again, I write about this subject so much on this website already, I don’t need to take up too many paragraphs right here in this post, so I’ll keep it short. Start living your truth, who you currently are in this current moment, without fear of being wrong and life changes and opens up. It’s also a progressive step, something that is taken in baby steps. A relationship I was in, kept me muffled, unable to speak my truth. I had adjusted myself so much to the point where I was going crazy – all I wanted to do was be me, but I wasn’t “allowed” to be me, and I had lost who I used to be, I had forgotten and didn’t even know who I was anymore. Getting this diagnosis, was the worst and best thing that ever happened to me. I lost everything, house, business, health, relationship. But out of the ashes, and after the months of despair and heartbreak and hopelessness, a seed was born. It took ages to get to that stage though. Sometimes the worst ever things can end up being our greatest gift. More on that .. well, all over this site. :)
Failing to Fully Take in Life due to Feelings of Unworthiness
Every moment we make a choice of how much life we take in by every breath we take. Air contains the only vital life force that we need constantly (ten minutes without air and most people die). Significantly our breath is also the only physical function that we have complete and conscious control over. That happens because by choosing the quality of our breath we are given the opportunity to choose the quality of our life. When we breathe deeply, we nourish our body profoundly. When we fail to do so, we slowly starve ourselves.
Breathing disorders, like eating disorders, are a reflection of an individual’s beliefs about their worthiness to receive the nourishment that gives life. Those who cannot breathe deeply cannot live fully. Those who cannot live fully usually come from a place of mistakenly believing they are not worthy. The truth is everyone is a child of God and it is that and that alone that makes everyone worthy of life.
Hydrogen Peroxide:
- Hydrogen Peroxide (15 drops of 35% in 6 oz of apple cider and drink). (198)
- Hydrogen Peroxide (5-6 drops of 29% in morning). (199)
- Hydrogen Peroxide (spray – dosage?) (200)
- “A friend of mine wrote an ebook on how his father-in-law beat COPD & emphysema in six weeks with h202 (hydrogen peroxide). This was over 20 years ago and he is still alive also he continued to smoke. This is who I learned of H202 from. I put 15 drops of 35% in 6 oz of apple cider and drink. I first did the drop treatment for six weeks but only once a day. I don’t do it daily even and Wow-I don’t have to take the pills anymore. The achiness and early arthritic soreness in my body that I’ve felt for a number of years is Gone. No more muscle spasms either. Hallelujah” (201)
- “I am drinking 5-6 drops of 29% in the morning only. Difficult to adjust time in afternoon and night. Feel more strength, more stamina. Better Lung function. Nails blister, I am 40 but looks like 30. Face is whiter (previously dark brown/yellow). So far so good. Just the taste a little bit awful when taking in high dosage. I guess I’m going to stick with 6 drops for awhile.” – Fred (202)
- “just did my first spray this morning. almost instantly felt my breathing more and a little energized” – Cody (203)
- Hydrogen Peroxide notes from Ken (204)
We’re not going to use 35% hydrogen peroxide, we’re ONLY going to use 3.5% hydrogen peroxide (that’s three point five percent). You should read the articles on my site from Bill Munro. He used 3% hydrogen peroxide in a small nasal sprayer and inhaled the mist and cleared himself of lung cancer when he was in his late 70’s He’s about 89 today and still going strong without a hint of cancer. Personally, I would not use any drug in the sprayer. I would only use 3% hydrogen peroxide or a 50/50 mix of 3% hydrogen peroxide and colloidal silver or just distilled water until I gradually built up the number of inhale sessions and then gradually I would switch over to full 3% hydrogen peroxide. You can use the same nasal sprayer for spraying 3% peroxide into each nostril. I would do only one spray per nostril until I got used to it. You can also spray peroxide into each ear 3 or 4 times.Here’s a few more simple ideas to absorb some hydrogen peroxide into your body. (205)- After showering , towel off lightly, and then spray a mist of 3% hydrogen peroxide all over your body (but not your hair which will turn blond) I use a pump handle sprayer (like you see on Windex) in a 16 oz bottle that they sell hydrogen peroxide in at the drugstore.
- Buy a few gallons of 35% food grade hydrogen peroxide from Guardian of Eden in Texas and put 2-3 cups in a warm bath of water (about half filled) and soak for 20-30 minutes. Scoot down into the water so it covers your chest. (to make 3.5% peroxide, you take 9 parts of distilled water and add to one part of 35% food grade peroxide)
- Get a room nebulizer such as the ultrasonic types which produces an instant mist, yet uses no heat. Put either 50/50 3% peroxide and distilled water or fill it up with 3% peroxide and breathe that mist while sleeping. Start slow and easy. Place the mister in a outside hallway and keep the door open. You need to get used to this GRADUALLY. Over time, bring the vaporizer into the room where you sleep. If you cough too much, then cut down the mixture to 50/50 peroxide and distilled water. The idea is to be able to sleep comfortably but still breathe a steady, tiny TRICKLE of fine misted peroixde into your lungs. You’ll cough a lot in the beginning and bring up a lot of junk, so you need to start very gradually and build up to 3% concentration.
- If you got an ozone machine, you could make and drink ozonated water daily. Also take a teaspoon of ozonated olive oil daily, and breathe the mist from ozone that is first bubbled through olive oil.
- I would get Hulda Clark’s books and also the book on hydrogen peroxide by Dr William Douglass. If you can find someone in your area who administers hydrogen peroxide intravenously, you will speed up your recovery process.
- Taking MSM (methyl sulfonyl methane) might be a good idea as it has a reputation for re-building cells walls back to their original elasticity. You can get that at a health food store.
- No response from the initial asker, but based on this, I’ve started adding hydrogen peroxide 3% to my own essential oil diffuser
I still have Hydrogen Peroxide 30% on my wishlist, but I purchased several bottles of Hydrogen Peroxide 3% and used it in my diffuser as well as in drops in my ears every night. It definitely helped break up congestion, it helped me feel better, breathe easier, and lessoned colds and ear pain caused by colds.
Brett Wilsey, 70, was congested most of the time, had chronic sinus problems, was getting allergy shots for dust and mold, and was on several inhalers for this asthma plus emphysema. He had asthma for 8 years.
He had oxalate, urate, and all three phosphate variety crystals in his kidneys. He was started on kidney herbs. His blood test showed high “total carbon dioxide” or “carbonate” showing that his air exchange was not good. His potassium was low, showing that his adrenals couldn’t keep his electrolytes (sodium, potassium and chloride) regulated, in turn, giving him muscle weakness.
His LDH was very high, showing that his heart muscle) was in distress, too. Fortunately, his RBC was slightly elevated, to help with oxygen delivery.
His eosinophil count was high, as is the rule for asthmatics since they all have Ascaris worms. Besides Ascaris, he had pancreatic and intestinal flukes in his lungs (!) plus Heterakis (a chicken roundworm), human hookworm, and Prosthogonimus, another fluke.
He was started on the parasite herbs. Two weeks later he felt a lot better although he still had some Ascaris. He was toxic with barium and hafnium (which were traced to his dentures) nickel, tin, rhenium. He stopped using commercial “denture-soak.”
His wife stopped using hair spray and they started leaving the car out of the garage and walked around to the front door, instead of using the attached garage. He also started drinking homemade comfrey tea. This made him feel still better.
When he removed his watch he got rid of his nickel source. Nickel has an affinity for lungs (as well as prostate and skin). He was now down to one puff of inhaler instead of two, only four times a day instead of hourly. He could breathe deeper than before. Then the lead in his water was found and traced to a single “sweated” joint in the pipes. He was started on food grade hydrogen peroxide, working up a drop at a time; now his cough became ‘productive’, he was coughing up a lot.
He got the plumbing fixed and did a liver cleanse after which his fatigue lifted. He couldn’t stop laughing and joking about the “emphysema” he was so worried over earlier. p. 139 (206)
After you have found the parasite interlopers hiding in your body you can kill them electronically. And after you have identified the pollutants stuck in your organs you can stop eating them, breathing them or putting them on yourself. In response, your body will begin to heal.
Heal from multiple sclerosis, emphysema, myasthenia? Yes!! Some healing will be swift. Some healing will be slow. P46 (207)
In the next 12 months, I’ll be doing all the organ cleanses properly (colon, liver & gallbladder, kidney, parasite, lung, and heavy metals). I have been using a zapper for years, maybe a decade, and swear by it’s ‘magic’. But I am yet to do the full cleanses properly.
I have replaced all my chemical products (except the last few, listed here).
I don’t wear metal jewellery, and I removed mercury from my teeth many years ago (although I’m pretty sure I haven’t detoxed the mercury out of my system properly since that time)
- Liver Cleanse (twice a year) to eliminate allergies and improve overall health (208) (209) (210)
- Dr Hulda Clark maintains that you can’t clean a liver with living parasites in it (so do a Parasite cleanse first) (211)
- Tobacco smoke, prescription drugs, and over-the-counter medicines must all be processed by the liver before they can be eliminated from the body. (212)
Note: (213)
- When the liver is dysfunctional it puts stress on all systems. The liver is a primary organ of detoxification.
- The lungs & liver and synergistic. They need each other. You need both to live.
- Cleansing the liver dramatically improves digestion – the basis of your health.
- Many or all of your allergies will disappear with each subsequent liver cleanse. Each liver cleanse “cures” a different set of allergies, suggesting that the liver is compartmentalized – different parts having different duties.
- If the liver is stressed, it may not be able to work properly to detoxify the body. (214)
Starting my liver cleanse soon (30-45 days.. as kidney & colon cleanse are supposed to be done first.. and the kidney one needs 20 days and I haven’t got all the ingredients yet, but I’ll update this post later in the year with my results)
- Bowel Cleanse (colon cleanse): Remove impacted waste to prevent systemic problems. Accomplished by the use of special enemas that irrigate the colon, maintaining sufficient amounts of fibre in the diet (lentils, black beans, lima beans, peas, artichokes, Brussels sprouts, pears, dried figs, apples, blueberries, bran flakes, oatmeal) or taking fibre supplements such as psyllium. (215)
- Inadequate digestion results in undigested residue lingering in the bowel, which will interfere with the proper absorption of the nutrients you are ingesting to help with your COPD.
Planned within the next 30 days (when my products arrive).
Supporting Research:
- The Framingham study proved that smoking accelerates lung tissue damage by as much as 50%. It also proved that when smoking ceases, the acceleration stops. (218)
- Cigarette smoke induces interleukin-8 release from human bronchial epithelial cells. Bronchial epithelial cells release monocyte chemotactic activity in response to smoke and endotoxin. (219)
- The tar from cigarette smoke contains over 5,000 different organic compounds from which the water-soluble components, such as aldehydes, categchol and hydroquin-one are extracted out into the epithelial lining fluid. (220)
- Cigarette smoke is a major causative factor for many conditions. As a result, individuals who have cigarette smoke-induced COPD frequently also have other smoke-related conditions. (221)
- Several cell types within the lung can be activated to produce inflammatory mediators in response to cigarette smoke. Smoke can activate both alveolar macrophages and airway epithellal cells to release a variety of chemotactle factors and inflammatory mediators. (222)
- Researchers have figured out that a chemical pathway in the lungs called NRF2, involved in macrophage activation, is wiped out by smoking. (223) (224)
Don’t need to be a genius to figure out that we shouldn’t be smoking, emphysema diagnosis or not. This is something I’ve been struggling with, but something I know that I will figure out. I did have a masterplan written up, but as I learn more, I get new & better ideas, and I’m now going to adjust it to coincide with the organ cleanses (with the upcoming water & juice fasts). I think, at the very least, people should realize that you can get so much “health” back just by cleaning up your diet and mindset. Don’t just judge & disregard what I share just because I’m still smoking. Realize that through what I’ve actually done so far – I’m back at work, happy, and taking back my life instead of who I used to be not too long ago – a dark shell struggling to breathe with no hope for a bright future & scared that I wouldn’t make it through the night.
Point you should be pondering right now: I still smoke, and I’m better. What does that tell you? (No, it doesn’t tell you that smoking is ok, lol). It’s bizarre that I’ve been able to clear my lungs and breathe normally again, and I’m just as shocked as you probably are, and yes I’m STUPID for smoking, but what can we learn from my stupidity? What does that say about how IMPORTANT the rest of the stuff is? The mindset, the diet, and the other daily toxins and chemicals we are exposed to… any or all of which could be the difference between life or death and breathing or choking. Quit smoking, of course, but don’t discount all the other stuff that you can do towards health because it could be something else you are doing that is keeping you sick.
Remove the fear. If you are still struggling to breathe, you need to look at ‘your own’ lifestyle, not fear or negatively judge others. Thinking you ‘know it all’ doesn’t help you or anyone else, we need to look at our selves as if we know nothing, and question & seek our own solutions for everything. Fear-based mindsets brings only defensiveness – a negative & backwards energy – which doesn’t help you or anyone else. The way to heal is to remove your fear, and take manageable steps in the direction of health (which helps to remove the fear). Do what you can do now, today, and do not fear or stress about the things that you don’t think you can do right now (whether you can’t afford it, you have ‘issues’ or ‘addictions’ to work on, or whatever situation you happen to be in that stops you from taking action on some of the things you think are keeping you sick). There will come a time when you are ready for your bigger vices, and there are so many baby steps you can take in the direction of health that can make a huge difference to your quality of life & confidence in the meantime. One baby step builds momentum for the next baby step. Don’t put off “everything” waiting for that “one big thing” to be more manageable, do what you can with where you’re at and what you have access to. Do not wait for all the ‘stars to be aligned’ for you to start moving towards health.
I’m starting to realize that life unfolds a certain way for a reason, even though sometimes we don’t understand what that reason is. Now that I’ve been through hell and back, I think that maybe I’m still smoking to be able to find the ultimate quit smoking plan for those who really can’t quit with all the traditional methods. Years ago I quit smoking fairly easily, so I understand that to some people, they think it’s just as easy as making a decision and sticking to it.. that you can just stop smoking and never smoke again – and right now, I get to experience what it’s like when people are in the “it’s impossible” mindset. I know nothing is impossible, but some dark corner of my mind doesn’t quite get it. Everytime I try and quit, something keeps returning me to the trap. I don’t even like to explain this to others, because I don’t want to explain anything that messes with what I want my mind to believe.. i.e. I don’t want my mind believing that “everytime I quit, I return to the trap”, etc. What you think about, you bring about. And that is a mantra that is very dangerous & probably one of the reasons why I haven’t been successful yet. Subconscious minds are tricky, especially when you are trying to re-wire ‘wrong thinking’. I need to continue to reprogram my mind to knowing that it’s ‘easy and possible’ and to visualize what life is going to be like being ‘happy and smoke-free’.
So maybe I’m glad right now that I get to experience an understanding to a level that most that quit successfully don’t realize happens, and use this experience to figure out a way to get past it, rather than constantly battling with myself and making myself feel like a complete failure, I’m going to use this experience for the greater good. I’m in a unique position here where it’s “not” easy, where I have done all the traditional methods (see the masterplan to see what I’ve done & currently doing), and have been giving myself grief for it for years. Now – I’m just going with the flow, letting my stress go, moving towards the good and not worrying or fearing the bad. I think the cleanse is going to be part of the answer. I’m going to incorporate abstaining from nicotine (& coffee) on a 2 day water fast. After the water fast is a juice & green smoothie fast, organ cleanses, and so on. So aside from getting my ‘mindset’ right, participating in the ‘masterplan’ previously mentioned, and the cleanses, I think the total body & mind cleanout will be my unique answer to this problem, but if reading a book or just quitting is your preferred method, then do whatever works for you :) I’m ready to quit, I feel the time is close.
I will be able to use my own body as a test dummy for the methods that I will execute that might not necessarily be the “norm”, but might actually be the key to helping someone one day or even thousands of others. You just don’t know ‘why’ sometimes life leads you down certain paths. I just know that I’ll continue to be honest and that speaking my truth – even the truths that I would rather you didn’t know about like my smoking habit when I have emphysema, will actually help people one day, that sharing my struggle with the inability to stay a non-smoker will help people one day. I can’t explain why I know, I’m just following what feels right and trusting my instincts and seeing where it leads me, and so far, I’m loving everything I’m learning and the more I learn, the more I want to learn. Maybe those who were able to go “cold turkey” learnt something too, in their unique journey, you can even see what I learnt the first time I quit when I thought you could just read a book and quit (I still recommend this method to everyone btw).. but maybe through my determination, I’ll learn something too, something different that might help those unique souls like me, who just couldn’t do it your way. You just don’t know. But keep focusing on health!
If your breathing muscles are weakened or paralyzed, how deeply you breathe and your ability to cough or blow are affected.
- Fill your Whole Lungs (225)
- Your whole lung can be used to process oxygen. A shallow breath fills up only part of the lungs – typically, the upper part. Deeper breaths, which inflate both lungs entirely, give your body more oxygen per breath. Deep breaths use every part of your lungs to pull oxygen out of the air. (226)
I don’t know if I really ‘deep breathe’. I learnt the Buteyko method of breathing many years ago which helped my asthma, and that’s how I breathe now. Pretty slow and kinda shallow really (compared to what I would consider deep breathing), mostly in & out through the nose, sometimes in through the nose and out through the mouth. I found it really useful when I was at my sickest, to breathe in through the nose, and “blow” softly out through my mouth, through ‘pursed lips’, and that really helped break-up congestion in the lungs and get mucus up so that I could breathe.
- Remove lung secretions / congestion. Moving the air through all parts of your lungs with deep breathing reduces the collection of natural secretions in your lungs. Also, frequently moving your body around helps break up and move around the fluid in the lungs. (227)
- Your lungs produce secretions. This is normal and natural. But, secretions can become a problem when they build up and pool in the lungs. This is called congestion and makes getting enough oxygen hard. If these secretions stay in one place for too long they can act as glue, causing the sides of your airways to stick together and not inflate properly. This is called atelectasis. They can also collapse part of the lung. (228)
When I was sickest, when I wasn’t staring into space and not moving, talking or participating in the world at all, I would go through spouts of being extremely angry, depressed & stressed (all at once) – angry with the world, angry with what I did to myself, angry with my ex-partner, angry with clients who didn’t pay, angry that I lost my home, angry with what my life had come to. And then I would walk. And keep walking. I would walk for hours and hours. I did that for about 3 weeks in total over about a 3 month period, just walking and walking.. walking with anger, crazy mad walking. And zombie-sitting.
I’m admitting this embarrassing story openly here because those 3 weeks of walking, might of actually had something to do with my healing, maybe it was breaking up lung congestion or getting the lymphatic system moving that may not of been able to budge without that angry-movement. Or maybe it was a stress-release process for my mindset to start kicking into a new direction. Or maybe I just needed to get away from anyone and anything and be completely away from my problems for a while, even though my problems were the only things that went through my head at the time. I was just crazy helpless, feeling sorry for myself, blaming everyone including myself, and in a really negative & hopeless state of mind, but the walking.. was an addiction.. maybe it released something good, maybe it was the only ‘good’ that I got and my body took-over and just ‘walked’ to get whatever energy it could get that wasn’t just staring into space like a mindless zombie.
- Improve posture (229)
- Poor posture can squeeze the lungs, making it harder to expand them and get air. (230)
- Percussion / Assisted Cupping: (231) (232)
- Lie on your side, with the side that you think is “gunky” facing up. (233)
- Have a helper cup his or her hands and essentially pretend he or she is playing the bongo drums on your rib cage. The “cupping” is important. It’s what creates the effect that breaks and shakes the secretions loose. The sound should be hollow, almost like a “galloping.” If your helper’s hands are too flat, you’ll hear a slapping noise; it will hurt, and you’ll end up red and sore. (234)
- Loosens gunk in the lungs. (235)
I’ve had a lot of experience with cupping in my life. After a car accident when I was 15, I had 8 months of physio cupping, and assisted cupping from my family throughout asthma attacks, respiratory drama and congestion after that time.
As the years went by and I got older, I didn’t have anyone to do cupping for me anymore. My partner did it a couple of times, but he would get bored after about 30 seconds. So I’ve been “self-cupping” for years, which is especially useful when you have copd. Although I couldn’t reach the ‘trouble point’ that I really needed done (the right-side of my lung was the most congested and I needed cupping on my back), but I would do cupping on my front anyway to try and break it up. If you have any kind of congestion stuck in your lungs, I highly recommend you do cupping and it’s way more effective if you can get someone to do it for you. If they have their hands cupped correctly, it won’t hurt you – but if they are clueless, it will be painful and red. So learn how to do it on yourself and then show them how to cup their hands so that they don’t hurt you.
- Postural drainage uses gravity to drain those secretions from the bottoms of your lungs up higher so you can cough them up and out. (239)
I don’t think I ever consciously did this, but do this automatically without thinking about as it makes sense to me.
- Rebounding
- The lymph doesn’t move much unless you do, the legs, arms & chest expansion and contraction are the pump. (240)
I don’t have a rebounder, but we have a trampoline in the backyard. So once or twice a week, I go out and bounce around with my 2 gorgeous nephews for about 30 mins. I started slowly (jump, bounce, sit, bounce, sit) and now I’m bouncing around and jumping like a champ, jumping high and often without any sitting. I think it’s something you work up to over time :) although I do think that it would be beneficial to do this for about 15-20mins daily, I don’t see that being a reality for me, at least not right now.
- Exercise (241)
- coming soon
- Strengthening muscles. Weight Training to make your breathing muscles stronger. (242)
- As various breathing muscles contract, they allow your lungs to expand. In normal breathing, inhaling is work, requiring muscle strength. (243)
Mold/Mould Fungus Cleanup:
- Immediately eradicate mold or fungus that is growing in the house
- If you have mold or fungus growing in the house, it must be eradicated immediately. This can be done effectively with a cleaning product containing d-limonene. D-limonene comes from orange peel and other citrus and is wonderful for eradicating mold and fungus. These cleaners can usually be purchased at regular stores or online.
- Cleaners with chlorine and other noxious chemicals will irritate the lungs of an emphysema patient so it is essential to keep things clean with cleaners that they will not be sensitive to. The cleaners with d-limonene leave an orange clean smell that is pleasant and generally not irritating to the emphysema patient.
This is really important, you need to eradicate mould from your life – stop eating it (bread, peanuts, etc.) and stop breathing it (bathrooms, damp houses, damp cars, etc.) I used hydrogen peroxide, vinegar, bicarb soda, tea-tree oil, and went to town on all the mouldy areas. I think this is also why my last house was killing me (but I couldn’t access where it was coming from – the water pipes). Mould massively effects our respiratory.. and I think aside from possibly the steam breaking up lung congestion, that the reason some COPD sufferers struggle to breathe so badly in the shower, is because their bathrooms are breeding grounds for mould spores.
- Avoid synthetic material that trap moisture on the skin. (244)
- Many synthetics trap moisture on the skin: cotton and silk are recommended. (245)
I really need to update this post with the latest research on clothes… there is much more than trapped moisture to be concerned about so I hope I remember to add the research the next time I’m updating this post.
First & Foremost, no bra’s (only wear a bra at work, and remove as soon as you are home, and switch to a bra that is not constricting the lymph glands beneath your arm pits – camisoles are ideal, but there are lighter, less constrictive bra’s available – the maternity section usually has the most versatile, comfortable bra’s or bra-alternatives). Bra’s are now being found to be the leading cause for breast cancer as it stops the toxins from being able to leave the breast area through the lymph nodes.
No constrictive clothes (no tummy or thigh flatteners or tight clothing at all), it slows down & can even cut off the flow of your lymphatic system. If you want to stay sick, sluggish and tired, keep restricting your lymphatic fluids.
Stay away from Polyester, Acrylic, Spandex, Nylon, etc. and choose loose, comfortable clothing made from 100% cotton or natural fibres, …
… and preferably without toxic dyes (very hard to avoid..but important especially if you feel itchy, get breathless, get rashes, have phantom headaches, feel nauseous, or feel more fatigued wearing certain clothes).
Stay away from ‘treated’ clothing.. waterproof, some athletic gear (anti-perspiration), fire-proof, etc. Unfortunately “Made in China” clothing seems to be the worst culprits and that is where most of our clothes are made, but any factory can add toxic substances to the clothes – it’s not restricted.
Tight clothes can also constrict your breathing and your lungs and muscles.
As far as synthetic clothing goes, that can cause a host of respiratory and cellular problems from the synthetic fibres getting into your lungs (you inhale it), to the dyes and chemicals on the clothes (you breathe it and it touches and is absorbed by your skin).
As I said, so much to keep in mind, and something that has to be done slowly over time (unless you are a millionaire). And all of this should be forefront of your mind when you purchase other items such as mattresses, towels, sheets, baby clothes & bedding. I’ll add more when I’m on the other computer and have access to all the research.
Research in Progress:
- A vitamin found in eggs and milk (retinoic acid, a derivative of vitamin A) can reverse damage caused to the lungs by the previously incurable disease. (246) (247)
- The retinoic acid compound worked on tissue cells in the lungs, causing them to regenerate. (248)
- The research was based on a chemical compound of retinoic acid taken from Vitamin A, and not from a dietary intake of the substance. (249)
Just knowing that they have actually found something that has completely repaired damaged lungs back to normal is great news, even though we won’t see it for a decade (after all the required trials and pharmaceutical companies have messed with it) or ever if it is shelved. But hey, at least they have found something. A shred of hope is all some people need to make much needed life-changes towards health. So even though they deliberately noted that they didn’t achieve the results from a dietary version of the compound, it is still probably worth keeping in mind this research for similar studies on eggs/milk, Vitamin A and retinoic acid.
- Study proposing a tissue engineering approach for lung regeneration. (253)
- Tissue engineering is the creation of living, physiological three-dimensional tissues or organs utilizing specific combinations of cells, scaffolds, and cell signals.
- It was a 6 Month Study done on Fetal rat lung cells (They basically dissected the rats, took out their fetuses, removed the lungs, washed them, minced them, then inoculated them onto Gelfoam sponges, which they then injected into other rats.)
- Most studies have focused on the use of stem cells for tissue regeneration. This study focuses on an alternative by the development of bioengineered implants (where the recipient provides the cells that will be used to repair his or her own damaged tissues in a type of “auto-graft.”)
- With optimized cell culture conditions, the number of these cells could be amplified in vitro before the application in vivo. While some of the alveolar-like structures formed within the sponges are similar to alveolar units, the overall morphology of this “lung tissue” is still not perfected.
- Only tested on mice, yet to be trialled on humans, after first probably being trialled on dogs, pigs and rabbits (254)
Basically this study just shows us what some researchers out there are working on, and when I read this article, apart from being mortified about what they did to the poor rats (and that they are suggesting the study be more ideally suited to dogs, pigs and rabbits), I am now even more convinced that my natural path to cell regeneration is the direction I still want to be heading – this kind of engineering looks years off being ‘brought to market’. So I will continue to research other methods, and have another look into what they are doing with stem cells (specifically using our own stem cells) since that is already available.
Other Journal Articles to Review:
- American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, Volume 185, Issue 12 (JUNE 15, 2012)
Next-Generation Regeneration – The Hope and Hype of Lung Stem Cell Research
- Cell Press, Volume 147, Issue 3, 28 October 2011
Endothelial-Derived Angiocrine Signals Induce and Sustain Regenerative Lung Alveolarization
- The Journal of Clinical Investigation – American Society for Clinical Investigation,
The three R’s of lung health and disease: repair, remodeling, and regeneration
- Science 30 July 2010: Vol. 329, June 2010
Tissue-Engineered Lungs for in Vivo Implantation
- Development – For advances in developmental biology and stem cells –
Lung development: orchestrating the generation and regeneration of a complex organ
And more (2014)
- Wiley Online Library – Stem Cells – Volume 32, Issue 1, January 2014
Concise Review: Current Status of Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine in Lung Biology and Diseases
- The Scientific World Journal Volume 2014 (2014)
Hematopoietic and Mesenchymal Stem Cells for the Treatment of Chronic Respiratory Diseases: Role of Plasticity and Heterogeneity
- Biomaterials, Volume 35, Issue 10, March 2014
Comparative decellularization and recellularization of normal versus emphysematous human lungs
- Landes Bioscience, Jan 2014
Future prospects for tissue engineered lung transplantation: Decellularization and recellularization-based whole lung regeneration
As stated at the beginning of the article, every time I find any information on how to help/cure emphysema/COPD, I will update this post with the notes and references, and when my research is finished, will try to organize it in an easy-to-understand way.
I am not confirming that any of these methods actually work, I’m just trying to collate all the information that is “out there” and putting it here to sort through. So far, I’ve only attempted the easy ones that I can do with products on-hand.
I hope this list saves you hours and hours and weeks and months sifting through the information that is out there. For me, it’s a reference point so that I can see what I can try for my own emphysema.
Join the Conversation COPD Facebook Group (280)
Read my list of Saved Conversations from the COPD Group (281)
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I’m impressed, I have to admit. Seldom do I encounter a blog that’s equally educative and amusing, and let me tell you, you have hit the nail on the head. The problem is something too few folks are speaking intelligently about. I am very happy I stumbled across this during my search for COPD cures.
Thanks for collating this for everyone. Do you mind if I quote a couple of your posts as long as I provide credit and sources back to your site? My blog is in the exact same area of interest as yours and my users would genuinely benefit from some of the information you present here. Please let me know if this ok with you. Appreciate it!
I have been diagnosed with asthma, COPD, and mild emphysema. I also recently had whooping cough, and so have had some alarming breathing periods. I mostly managed by avoiding the allergens that created the asthma, etc., namely wine, cigarette smoke, sulfites.
Gradually, I came to try the gluten free diet when I was wrongly diagnosed with lupus. Many chronic symptoms, including GI, along with chronic rhinitis, improved.
And then I realized that the gluten free was not enough — all alcohol bothered me, caused my lungs to “clog.” So, no beer, no wine — even sulfite free, no saki, no grain alcohol.
I then pursued anti-candida diet — amazing results with some of the things I learned about here, including the candida diet. When I have any kind of grain — or Sugar — I can’t breathe.
And when I take the enzymes to destroy the candida, I breathe freely.
It’s quite remarkable.
I don’t know as much as you know. However, I do know that if I have Sugar and grain, I get asthma attacks. I also take quercetin to help and Natural Factors Lung, Bronchial & Sinus Health.
Hi Penny,
I like to have your advice on how to have a positive attitude constantly. My mind wavers between a good mood and a depressive mood – after the diagnosis.
I have a million bits of advice for this, I’m going to start a podcast soon with everything I’ve learnt on this journey so far, because I think by far the mindset (coupled with diet) was the most important turning point for me.
Definitely read the “Mindset” section in this post..
Emphysema: “You are not doing things your way. Doing what others say is right for you because you are not devoted to yourself and doing for yourself first. Not able to be yourself.
Take what you want from that, but that rang “SO TRUE” for me at the time.. I was not doing what I wanted, I was not speaking “my truth”, I was living to make “other people” happy, to do what I thought was expected of me, I was doing nothing to take care of “me”.
I’ll try and summarize some of the things that helped me to see if any of these resonate with you, but I also recommend spending about a week or so in my “Mindset” section, because every single “note” that I took from all the books I read, helped put a ‘splinter’ of hope in my mind, everything that I read, helped “undo” a lifetime of brainwashing and help reboot me to a new me.
Noone could’ve “reached me” in the state of black that I was in.. noone. I had to undo it myself, piece by piece, bit-by-bit, step-by-step. And that “mindset” section is exactly how I did it, but I know I will have more to share on the podcast.
I hope some of it resonates with you and helps put the splinters of hope in you, so that you can lift out of the “hopeless” situation into a life of knowing that you still have Much to do in this world.. there is still a reason for you to be here, that you still have something to share with the world, and it starts with taking care of you, and starting to be the “true you”, the you that you have hidden from the world.. once you start being yourself, speaking your truth without fear of what other people might think or say.. it’s lifechanging, but it’s a long road to get there, because we don’t even “know” ourselves anymore..
Diet definitely helped remove my depression (I also removed gluten/breads/pastas/junk) in addition to ‘finding something to live for’ and the beginning of ‘living my truth’ but along the journey, I also found several helpful ‘tools’ to help get me through each day..
Such as:
– EFT (this ‘intention’ like tool has helped even war veterans remove negative emotions that have been consuming their minds for years.. this helped me a lot to get over things in my early childhood that my subconscious was still holding onto)
– positive thinking (I would think of all the things that were making me angry/negative/sad and try and train my mind to do the exact opposite)
– I made a list of all the songs that make me ‘feel good’, and put them on an iPod and would listen to it whenever I felt like I was going to burst
– I did a 21-day gratitude challenge (hard in the beginning, I couldn’t think of anything to be grateful for, or I would keep repeating the same things.. like “I have a roof over my head”, “I have access to the internet”.. “Im alive”.. etc but as the 21 days progressed, I started training my mind to ‘seek’ more things to be grateful for
– Juicing and doing anything ‘towards’ health, like even drinking a glass of life-giving water, taking a long walk, getting sunlight on my skin, .. any little ‘step’ towards health made me feel a bit better
– Bucket list – I wrote a list of all the things I wanted to do before I died, and picked something that I could work on today .. even if it was just ‘thinking about it’. (This helps if you are depressed because of not having anything to ‘look forward’ to, which was one of my problems when I ‘gave up’ and was ready to die. It helped something stir in me that I still had things I wanted to do)
– Helping others – I went on Yahoo Answers, and looked up topics that I am good at, and just started helping other people (mostly wordpress related). I guess this one made me feel good because it made me feel ‘useful’? I dunno, but I recommend it.. or if Yahoo isn’t your cup of tea.. LinkedIn Answers, or any forum that has topics of your interests, etc. There are heaps of people asking questions all over the internet who need help.. and there is something ‘you’ know or ‘you’ have experienced, that you could help them with (even helping Facebook groups with depression now that you are going through it.. you can learn a lot by helping others with problems you are going through, we are both the teacher & student in life), transferring our knowledge & experiences to each other.
– De-Clutter your life… you can do a spring-clean and give-away some of your stuff to others who need it.. homeless, children, local community, etc.
– I also wrote down everything that made other people depressed.. like, when you are depressed, you also see more ‘bad/negative’ about other people, so I would write down everything that ‘they’ were doing wrong (in my mindset back then, which was very black).. but then with each of those ‘recipes for depression’, I would have to come up with an opposing thing (what ‘they” would have to do to fix “their” problem).. and by doing that, I actually had an “anti-depression recipe” that I could pick and choose to follow for myself, to realize things in me that I thought was only in ‘other people’.
– I purchased various meditation/self-hypnosis mp3s from brainsync (im not sure if they did anything, but it was a tool that was calming/relaxing and may of changed something on an energy level)
– Letting Go – this was the one that took the longest amount of time, and was the hardest to see when I was going through the darkest patch. Taking 100% responsibility for changing my life.. it took months to stop blaming everyone else and starting to try to create my own journey.. I don’t know if I can explain it here because I’m still on the journey and still trying to comprehend what happened.. but it was about doing what I can do now & not pressuring myself about anything that I had no control over.. and.. I “Let go” of all the things I was holding onto that was causing me unnecessary stress.. things that were keeping me in that dark place.. hate, anger, guilt, unforgiveness.. I had to heal myself of the things “other people” did to me.. and that was the hardest thing to get my head around that I hope to be able to explain better one day.
I’m starting to think the key to understanding that is in quantum healing or similar (something to do with ‘energy’ & ‘source’ is where my mind is currently sourcing the answers). It wasn’t about forgiving other people for their sake, it was about.. um.. wishing the best in others because what you wish for others you wish for yourself..because when you think “anger/hatred/sadness” thats what you see, thats the world you create.. and so it was about creating a more joyful life by letting go of things you can’t change, healing ‘yourself’ of the things that ‘you’ have a negative view about (yeah I dont think Im explaining it very well here, but Ill leave it in just in case it does make sense on some level.. you never know)
Thesedays, now that I’m happy again, I have a list of things on a piece of paper, think of it like an “in case of emergency” list.. if I ever let things get to me, I have an ‘instant go-to’ that can ‘turn me around’.. including funny youtube videos that always get a smirk out of me, i have 3-4 songs that ive left on my iPod that I can listen to whenever I feel down that make me feel like ‘dancing’ or just ‘tapping my foot’ and I have a funny one on there that makes me go “heh”, I have my fave ‘quotes and affirmations‘, and I should probably redo the list and add things like what I look forward to in the future, achievements so far, people I love, funny jokes, etc.. etc. probably lots of things that I could add to be able to get an instant “repair” whenever I lose myself.
Hope some of these ideas help somewhat… even if something is just a first step.. any ‘step’ towards a better life is a step away from the life you don’t want. It all starts with a baby step, and that step gives you the motivation to take the next. Don’t be overwhelmed by anything, when you are in a dark place, just asking the question you have started to heal, and just do what you can, in the circumstances that you are in, things you think you can do.. step-by-step you can reclaim the light.. x
When I look back at what has actually kept the depression from coming back I think it was the accumulation of cultivating good steps/habits, and bit-by-bit making them more of my ‘daily life’, taking 100% responsibility for everything – good & bad – that is in my life and making a conscious effort to repair/heal the bad and embrace the good.. and because I am now in a habit of moving ‘towards’ life, ‘towards’ health, being willing to change, and I’m on a mission to ‘leave a legacy’ for my loved ones.. (so I have something that I’m working on, that is more important than me.), this ‘moving forward’ thing feels important/helpful/empowering.
Wow! In the end I got a website from where I
can genuinely take useful information regarding my
study and knowledge.
I believe that copd is atleast partially reversible.
I like to know the kind of gains ( in terms of fev1) after inculcating some of these changes, so that I can gain some perspective. Im 35 , diagnosed 8 months back. My fev1 is 65% , and 69%(post medication).
Hiya Robin, Way too hard to do that type of research since none of it is available.. sorry.. I wouldn’t know how you would begin to find that out.. I’d imagine you would have to try every single remedy and every person would have to have the exact same lifestyles, with the exact same diet and nutrition, the exact same mindset, the exact same lack of toxins, even the same genes, etc. I would have no idea how they would even start to try and accurately study something like that given the vastness of all the variations of remedies on this page,.. sorry but I just don’t think it would ever be possible, but I don’t think it’s needed either.
The closest thing, but it still won’t be helpful to you as an individual, is to ask other individuals for exactly what their lifestyle, diet, and mindset and environment and other ailments are, and see if they will share their before/after levels for you.. but I don’t even think that would be helpful because everyone, even people living in the same household as each other, are completely individual :) and you will never know exactly which ‘remedy’ or if it was a combination of certain ones that helped them.
There is no one ‘fix’ and everyone will be cured.. (unfortunately! hehe).. there is just the things that caused “your” cell damage and what you can do correct your health (which is just, moving towards health, step-by-step), most people know what damage they are causing, they just choose to ignore it because it seems painful or too hard to make big changes towards health, but if you just take baby steps and do ‘what you can’ right now, the next baby step will be much easier, and so on. You don’t have to completely change your life all in one go, and you don’t have to do anything on this page if you don’t think they are relevant to your unique situation.. you need to just work out what you are doing that is keeping you sick – and stop doing it, and if you can’t right now.. then you need to start doing the things that you ‘can’ do right now, towards health.. give your cells the best chance they have at repairing, healing & replenishing.
I don’t have any coughing anymore or mucus coming up.. and I used to feel like I was 120 years old.. there was a pain in my right lung for many years, brain fog, fatigue, a big list of symptoms that I can’t write at 5am (I really need to sleep now).. and I’ve said “goodbye” to this world way too many times, but I don’t think that the exact changes I made to myself would provide “equal” results to someone else trying the same things.. there is too much that could be the cause.
This post is just a “collection” of what other people have found useful for various aspects of this disease. It was gathered for my own personal research (and it’s still updated regularly when I find new things that people recommend). Use this post to get ideas & more awareness of the types of things that could be affecting you, and for ideas about what you can do about it, use your gut instinct .. what feels ‘relevant’ to you, and do even more research related to your individual symptoms (noone has the same symptoms, and emphysema was not my only ailment, that was just the scariest one, but there’s a long list of things that were wrong with me, and almost all of them are gone now that I’ve had a lifestyle cleanup, but I’m still learning, still applying changes, still testing, still adding new ‘healthy habits’ to my life every week.. I don’t just want to be free of lung and respiratory complaints, I want whole-body cellular healing…. I want to be a vibrant and shining example of what is possible when you start taking baby steps towards health and away from disease). I honestly had no idea whether these things would work for me or not, and over 70% of the things on this page, I probably haven’t tried at all yet, but the things that I ‘have’ tried, some of them have worked, something miraculous happened and I’m getting my life back. months ago, I was still crying, living like I’m a zombie, and breathing & coughing like darth vader and not having any hope that my health would return, I’m glad that I did this research, because it was via the ‘act’ of researching, that a seed stirred in me, and I started to randomly try a few things, and that gave me momentum to try more, and noone is more surprised at me at the turnaround of my health.. you can even see it happening in the group I’m in.. from the start when I was a negative, depressed, dying shell, to now, giving people hope, sharing my tips, sharing what I think worked for me about various different experiments. A transformation in progress, and it’s only upwards from here :)
For me, the biggest most noticeable improvements came after a few months of a mindset & diet cleanup, replenishing my cells with the nutrients it was so lacking over the years, and trying to ‘brainwash’ myself with positive thoughts (the negative and dark thoughts were very overpowering at the time). I stuck at it anyway, and I dunno, maybe the combination of them both at the same time, eating better improves your mood, and all the things I was learning about mindset, something must’ve ‘stuck’. I still smoke at the time of writing.. but that’s one of the next things on my list to remove.
Hi Penny,
Thanks for your reply. If you quit smoking, your improvement would be even more dramatic. Wish you good luck on your quit.
Hi Penny, Please help me in order to understand the above mentioned methods, will you please tell me that i have to use all the above methods or any one of the following, and do inform me which method is more useful, is any one using these methods or not, because i am new in this exploring world, I need your special help please guide me
Hiya Farhan, I’m in ever-research mode, and always testing things out on myself. I try one new thing every “payday”. It’s impossible to do all of them. The best advice I can give, is to read through the research and work out what looks right for you – what do you have access to, what can you afford, and what do you think you are missing.
In a nutshell.. we need to detox our bodies (cleansing ourselves of toxins and years of abuse), we need to detox the air we breathe (cleansing our homes & lifestyles of toxins), we need to flood our bodies with nourishing nutrients that we have been depleting ourselves of – that means eating and juicing a lot of fresh, in-season, locally grown fruits & vegetables, and cutting out processed junk, we need to cleanup our minds of debilitating thoughts (having a positive mindset is key).
The above will cleanup a lot to make you start feeling better, more energetic, less toxic gunk coming up, better ability to breathe, and have hope for the future. There are lots of things that can make a difference, but where you start your journey is up to you and where you are currently at. I know that people want a step-by-step this is exactly what to do – but even the people I have known and been close to my entire life have different lifestyles, diets, and beliefs than me – you are on your own individual journey, the toxic choices we individually made has given us COPD, and the choices we individually make towards health will give us back our health.
Start taking steps “towards” health, and by default, you automatically take steps “away” from disease. Focus on the things you can start today, the little things that you can find achievable, and use the momentum from achieving that step to reach the next one.
I highly recommend reading some of the “Conversations about COPD” that I have saved, as this is a topic that is brought up a lot. I especially recommending starting with these ones:
Conversations about COPD (Addicted to Carbs & Dairy)
Conversations about COPD (Baby Steps towards Health)
Conversations about COPD (Anti-Medication)
Join the Facebook group too so you have a support system of others who are going through the same thing you are, with the same questions you have. We all think differently there so it’s a good one to get your mind ticking over to what everyone is trying.
Also, if you have iTunes, start listening to this free Podcast (or just download the episodes straight from their website in mp3 format), they are exploring the latest natural healing methods, and they are normal everyday people who just want to learn about health.
Don’t be overwhelmed by this list. this list is just all my findings so far (and I have a lot more to post) about what “others” are doing for their COPD. I have no idea how many you need to do before you start to see the results because I haven’t tried them all yet, and some of them I have no intention of trying. Everyone is different, is at different stages, and have different diets, lifestyles & beliefs that either support us or hurt us. I don’t believe there is a one-size-fits-all plan for this, I believe it’s all about our unique, individual steps towards health, at a level that we are comfortable with, that will win the race, that taking daily action will make all the difference.
I am totally feeling “normal” now.. I have my energy back, I have my motivation back, I no longer cough or struggle to breathe, I’m off all medication except my ventolin once a week which is more of a ‘crutch’ because I’ve had it ‘attached to me’ since I was a child, and my weight is normalizing. The first few months felt like I wasn’t getting anywhere, but all of a sudden, I was ‘better’, I can’t even pinpoint the moment when it all changed, it was the daily everyday choices that I was making that made a difference I think.
I really will do a post where I tell all about the things I’ve tried, but not just yet, I’m still getting the research up (I still have thousands more notes on my computer that I have to try and condense down into bullet points).
Most people I have observed have made their strongest recovery from:
1.) Quitting Smoking
2.) Eliminating Sugar, Salt, Dairy, Processed Junk, & Grains (and Mucus-forming foods)
3.) Changing their mindset (having hope instead of despair, putting love in their hearts instead of anger/depression, etc.)
4.) Adding nutrient-rich foods to their diets.. flooding their depleted cells with life-giving, cell-restoring vitamins & minerals from real plant sources
5.) Detoxing (their homes, their colon, their liver, their kidneys, their pets, their chemicals, etc.) – there could be one of these things that is keeping you worse.. gotta give your body the best chance by allowing it to focus on repair, but it can’t if it’s continually in ‘damage-control’
I think the 2 most important steps that made the biggest, most noticeable difference for me, was
1.) mindset.. finding something to live for, and
2.) diet – I started with juicing.
But everyone’s journey is slightly different, you need to do what you believe will work for you, or it won’t work for you, your mental intentions to get healthy and your belief that you will is just as important (if not more-so) as the physical steps you decide to take.
I found this too:
Hi, did any of you try this?
Penny, how did you miss this ?
Awesome Devoti, I’ll add both of these to the page after I do a little bit more investigating.. are you a member of the COPD Facebook Group? I’m sure they would appreciate your new find too if you want to share it there too.
I still have hundreds of pages of notes on my computer that I haven’t yet added to the page (I have to cull it down to fit into bullet points and I do it as I get motivated to do so :)
But I don’t recall Frankincense being in my research, I’ll have a look, & do some more digging now and see what I find. (I don’t generally use information from “sales pages” as they are biased, you know what I mean?)
Penny, I really so do appreciate you putting all this information in one place. I have spent many hours,days and weeks trying to sift through all of those different sites. I tend to stick to the remedies already in my kitchen cabinet : thyme, cayenne pepper, raw garlic, onion powder and flax for omega 3’s. Though I am ready to try hydrogen peroxide mist, nebulizer and internally. Some great ideas you have gathered saving for reference.
There is a book author online selling this info along with affiliate links to products used in the book for 48. dollars. Anyway ty for the free info. I will be sure to visit your site. Tom
Hiya Tom,
I tend to stick with what I have in the cupboard as well, although I intend to create a “plan” for myself to be able to do as many methods as possible once I’ve finished scouring for information.
I definitely think that diet is crucial for rebuilding cells – even if it might take 11months to 2 years to rebuild a healthy body, it starts with what we put in our bodies.
I also have started adding hydrogen peroxide to a diffuser (not a nebulizer), and although my way won’t be as effective as the nebulizer, I think it’s “safer” (there are scary stories about hydrogen peroxide, so even though I use it daily and often for many things, I’m still ‘cautious’. I definitely notice mucous breaking up when I have it on, even though it’s not very close to me (about 4 metres away).
I’m adding fresh coriander to as many meals as I can stomach, usually at least once a day in a salad. I’ve added Niacin rich foods to meals (olives, cabbage, lettuce, carrots).
I find that brewer’s yeast causes me to have an asthma attack (usually within 15 mins).. I’m not sure if it’s the bread or the brewers yeast, but that is definitely not on my diet anymore.
I do the raw garlic and try to add garlic to every meal (sorry everyone around me), and add flax, cayenne, etc.
I do the cupping on myself since noone can do it for me, and I do the breathing exercises daily.
There is so much I need to add to my routine though, but just adding steps slowly so that they are manageable at the moment, and then will figure out the plan of attack after I’ve finished researching, but implementing any along the way as well :)
Kind Regards,
Hiya Kevin,
Thanks for the tips :)
I’m making sure to provide references for everything that I add to this post though so that everyone can view the source and double-check whether they trust the information to use for themselves or not.. if you can remember where you got the info for the pineapple, carrot and protein, please let me know so that I can look it up and add it to the sources :)
Also I’m in the process of revamping my naturalhealing website, and I’ve added this post to that site as I think it’s a more appropriate place for it:
Penny, we are in the same boat. Lung regeneration is possible no matter what anyone says. I believe our own human growth hormone can cure or reverse lung damage. We produce it mostly when we sleep, so a good nights rest is important. Also a good shot of protien before bed stimulates production. Still early in research about this but will share what ever i find out with you. Also, google Miracle in your mouth, dont know if your into that kind of stuff but it really helped me. God bless you Penny
Penny Pineapples are a big help, good lung food. Carrots are also good lung food. But i believe our own human growth hormone can repair our lungs. Have been researching about how to stimulate secretion. Most of it is made while we sleep. A good shot of protien before bed is very helpful, i read that somewhere. I will share whatever i know with you from now on. Penny please look up Miracle in your mouth. I dont know if you are into prayer and that sort of stuff, but it really helped me.
penny your a good girl for sharing and not asking for money, thank you!
I have to find the cure myself, so trying to keep all my notes together so that I can try and figure out the best way to regenerate my lungs, might as well have it up where other people can find it too :) I’m really happy that it is appreciated :)
One of us will find a cure