Our Miraculous Self-Healing Body and how to Reverse Modern Day Cell Damage
![Miraculous Self Healing Body](https://old.pennybutler.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/008-self-healing-body.jpg)
Our Miraculous Self-Healing Body and how to Reverse Modern Society Cell Damage
Our bodies are so very resilient. They will adjust to years of abuse. The damage we do to our cells is hard work – it takes a lot of consistent, ongoing abuse to cause serious diseases.
It takes ignoring the symptoms: the aches; the pain; the rashes; the breathing difficulties; the fatigue; the stress; the depression.
Made easier to ignore with drugs like Aspirin and Ventolin and steroids and antibiotics and so on.
Covering up our symptoms helps us to ignore the problem and continue the damage…until the body can no longer function.
It takes a long time and a lot of abuse before our bodies show any symptoms and a lot more abuse to get chronic illnesses.
Therefore, it also takes a lot of time to hinder/inhibit/cure and repair the damage.
We can heal cuts and broken bones and even cell damage.
Cell damage can be stopped within days – weeks, but the healing process can take months and years dependent on what our brilliant but poor bodies had to do in order to survive.
We can watch in awe the things that we can physically see, such as a cut or graze or rash clearing up/healing. But we can’t see the extent of the damage or the healing process at a cellular level, so we don’t know just how close or far we are from hurting/healing.
We are so accustomed to instant gratification in this industrialized world, that many will try a natural remedy once or twice, not realizing that it is actually healing and then giving up before it has had a chance to heal. “Tried that, didn’t work for me.” The instant cure we seek, is not possible.
Pills can numb our pain within minutes, but they don’t cure the underlying cause. They don’t stop the damage from progressing.
Only YOU have that power.
You have the power to stop doing / subjecting yourself to the many things that are causing the damage in the first place. You have the power to reverse the disease. That power – the cure and the cause is all within you.
And once you realize that it’s up to you, you are responsible to find out everything you can as to what is causing the damage and how to stop and reverse it.
I had excema – horrible, embarrassing and disgusting excema until I was 28 years old.
Chronic Asthma. Depression, Fatigue. Hatred. Emphysema.
All of these things had a cause. I was just too naive to know they did. I put my health in the hands of a medical professional instead of in my own hands, and because of that, I was prescribed antibiotics, steroids, creams, pills and inhalers. I spent my childhood in hospital, my school camps with an oxygen tank, and my teenage years in misery. Noone ever told me that these things could be reversed – that was never a solution offered; instead I was given a “bandaid” fix – drugs to mask & subdue the symptoms, but I continued to subject my body to whatever was harming it – I continued to do damage to my body – none of those medications were for ‘curing’, they were all for controlling the symptoms. My tonsils were also removed at a time when doctors didn’t realize the importance of tonsils as a immune function. I am learning all the time about the “why” I spent my whole life being sick, and unless I take my health in my ‘own’ hands, and start making health-changes ‘away’ from the doctor (away from those who mask the only clues I have – my body’s signals), I’ll be paying for those prescriptions for life and my health will continue to deteriorate.
I spent a fortune on prescriptions and supplements. Died twice. Missed out on young love. My Self-esteem and confidence were non-existent. And it was all for nought? That life could’ve been so much different. The ailments & disease all can be cured, stopped, reversed?
I came to realize that medical practitioners only provide temporary relief – the aspirin for your headache.
The “CAUSE” is still there and “slowly’ (because our bodies are awesome), our bodies make us sicker and sicker while trying to save us. Our bodies give us signals and is very effective at giving us the warning signs and alarm bells we need to change but WE are very effective at inhibiting those signals with drugs and band-aid fixes.
We need to feel the pain. See the rash. Monitor the breathing problems. To listen to our bodies and work out “WHY” it is giving us these signals – what does it want us to stop? Or, What does it need?
Don’t mask it. Find the cause and eradicate it.
What is the cause?
More than half will be an ‘allergy’ to “Modern Life”:
- Toxins, Chemicals, Radiation
- Parasites
- Refined foods, sugars, dairy, meat
- Moulds
- Fumes
- Antibiotics
- X-Rays
A lot of our modern conveniences comes at a price – our health.
It’s time to wake up and start reversing the damage.
- To Eat more Plants
- Herbs & Spices
- To seek our body’s Natural state
- Eradication of Parasites
- Cleanse our bodies, our organs, our cells
- Protect & Shield ourselves from chemicals & radiation
Arm yourself with knowledge
The convenience of modern life gives us KNOWLEDGE at our fingertips.
And health-giving, life-supporting, plants haven’t been eradicated (yet) – there is simply no excuses.
The entire world’s knowledge can be received by you mostly for free. The internet has indexed most of the world’s books, medical journals & research. Most of the answers to our problems are already out there, they just need our focused attention.
If you don’t have time to research the knowledge, find someone that has already done it – outsource it!
You can reach out for free to others with the same diagnosis or you can pay a health professional who keeps “up-to-date” on the latest research.
So much of our cell damage is caused by diet alone. This is one thing you definitely have control over.
Eat Real, not Fake foods
Orange flavoured lollies, strawberry flavoured icecream, packaged blueberry pies, processed apple juice.
Why do we manufacture fake flavours when we can easily and cheaply access “the real thing”?
We still have affordable access to:
- Real oranges.
- Real strawberries.
- Real blueberries.
- Real apples.
Why the hell are we adding artificial “flavours” like these when the real thing tastes so good and is within our reach?
A weekly shop to your local fruit and vegetable store will cost $27 for 4-5 BAGS of food – enough to fill up 1/2 a fridge.
An organic shop will set you back about $40-$70.
Is that more or less than what you already spend?
Help your cells; they are calling out to you to stop what you are doing – they are asking, screaming, begging for your help.
Movement in the Sun
A little exercise – your body, your cells need oxygen to live and be healthy.
You need to breathe to live.
Take a walk- at the very minimum – take a daily ‘outside’ walk!
Vitamins D & K are essential for cell health.
The sun provides both for free.
10-30 mins in the sun daily. (more if you are dark-skinned, less if you are pale skinned)
Take a stroll. get out in the sun.
Cure yourself.
Eradicate Toxins & Parasites
Eradicate the toxins in all the environments that you can.
Do not spend one more night in a mould-infested house or car.
Clean out your body of all the disgusting parasites that are feeding on your blood, skin, organs, food, and cells.
Take back control of your body and give your cells and organs a fighting chance.
Say NO to Xrays, CT Scans & PET scans.
Doctors and dentists are quick to send people for these dangerous and risky tests to protect their own asses from litigation.
In modern society – they have to. Or they risk malpractice lawsuits.
And we, being totally naive to the dangers, not only allow them – but generally insist on it or we think they don’t care / not listening / incompetent if they don’t send us in to get an xray (or give us antibiotics).
We are a brainwashed & confused society.
It’s time to take back control, to have power over our own health. To stop looking for a wonder-pill that will allow us to indulge in laziness and convenience.
If an Xray is necessary, ask your medical practitioner if an ultrasound (sound waves) or an MRI (magnetic field + radio waves) can be a suitable substitute as neither of these alternatives use radiation.
Give up Dairy
We need to give up dairy. We were never built for cow’s milk. We wouldn’t suck on a cow teet, and we wouldn’t put our babies under there.
There is no logic at all to drinking milk from another species – none.
It’s actually pretty gross if you think about it.
And if you saw what we were actually drinking these days (not the old farmer’s days) but these days – “modern society”. The commercial industry. It’s DISGUSTING! (01) (02)
In nature, we would of never been attracted to cow’s milk unless we were stuck in the middle of a desert with a cow… it’s just weird how we ended up making milk a daily ritual don’t you think? I wonder how we ended up here? Well, whatever the history… when they first started, it wasn’t anything like how it is today. Modern milk practices are disgusting.
Eat more Plant-Based Foods
Our instincts were never to kill and eat meat. It is a learned behaviour, and not at all essential for our bodies.
A plant-based diet with sun & oxygen is all we need for health and vitality.
We can survive on it, our bodies will adapt and allow you to consume many things that are not naturally inclined for our bodies – but that doesn’t make us healthy. We can eat paper and still live – but that doesn’t mean we should eat it or that it’s giving us any benefits.
People can survive on “just rice”, “just corn”, “just bananas” – for years. Just as we do for meat. Our bodies are awesome. But, so many diseases are caused by processed meat, dairy and “fake food”; and the alternative is so nutritious and so naturally delicious to us — MADE FOR US — so why wouldn’t you choose the vitality and health of your cells over the 2nd-rate alternative?
We are clogging up our vital organs with stuff that our bodies are not meant to consume.
Our fake-food obsession has addicted us and brainwashed us into thinking we are doing the right thing.
Young kids getting their main source of food from a cardboard box or plastic wrapper and not even knowing what real food is.
They know only what we teach them. If there were only fresh fruit and vegetables to choose from – that’s what they would eat.
Kids starving in other countries don’t know about packaged foods. They get truly excited and hunger at a piece of rice, a date, a piece of magical, delicious, mouth-watering fruit. Fresh vegetables are a luxury item that many will never see in their lifetime.
We – we are not starving.
We have the luxury of being spoilt.
We have hundreds of fresh fruit and vegetables.
Within minutes of where we live.
We have the luxury of being able to grow our own health-giving, life-giving, vitality-giving food.
What could be more convenient in the modern world than going outside and picking your own lunch?
We are so lucky. So rich. So fortunate.
And SO dumb. So backwards. So naive. So ignorant.
Too brainwashed to realize what we have. Too “marketed” to by commercials who promise us convenience without mentioning the fine-print.
The poisons, the toxins and chemicals, the cell damage that consuming their products are doing to us.
Instead of getting smarter with all the world’s research at our fingertips, we are getting lazy, stubborn, and a heck of a lot dumber.
Brainwashed into thinking canned food and packaged, processed foods are just as healthy for us as the real thing. Blah!
Brainwashed by “low-fat” “no-fat” labels.
Brainwashed by naming products “organic” and “natural”.
We are sheep. What we see another doing, must be ok for us.
That childhood warning of “you wouldn’t jump off a cliff just because your friend does would you?” – THAT IS US!
That’s modern society at its finest. One-by-one, millions by millions jumping off the cliff and slowly killing ourselves just because others are doing it.
How far down the rabbit hole do you want to go? Wish you’d taken the blue pill? Me too – because ignorance truly is bliss.
What we believe has a direct and significant, in fact, crucial deciding factor on the results we get.
If you believe that your ailment can be cured – it will.
If you believe it can’t be cured – it won’t.
Your mindset. Your limiting beliefs also have a direct impact into the health of your cells.
Of the study of 250 cancer patients (who survived), they all had different treatments, diet, alternative therapies, chemotherapy, colon cleanings, supplements, drugs, families, church, prayers, affirmations, and so on. The one thing they all had in common? No matter which treatment they were given – they all believed that their treatment of choice would cure them. (03)
If you have any doubts/negative thinking about your treatment, no matter what it is, your path to wellness will either take a lot longer “a miracle”, or will end in death.
“I can’t” is so powerful. The subconscious which drives your body/cells self-healing might just believe you.
Thank you for letting me get that off my chest..
/ End of Rant :) .. for now…