Brain Health, Food and the Gut ~ Dr. David Perlmutter [Notes]

My notes from Brain Health, Food and the Gut ~ Dr. David Perlmutter
Alzheimers is a preventable & reversible disorder. Working on the ’causes of inflammation’… Inflammation relates to all of those conditions: and heart-disease, cancers, and brain-disorders as well. Gut & bacteria contained within play a pivotal role in determining how much inflammation in your body. Reduce inflammation. Fecal transplantation. Probiotic foods: Fermented foods: kombucha, kimchi, yoghurt, etc. Prebiotics: mexican yam, dandelion greens, chicory root, garlic, onion X Anti-Biotics: Devastating effect on bacterial organisms in the gut. Antibiotics in livestock is in our food-chain. Then I got distracted and wasn’t really listening to the rest of the interview.. sorry.. Source: