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Electroculture is the ancient practice of increasing yields utilizing certain materials to harvest the earth’s atmospheric energy. Using basic materials like copper wire (and/or magnets) to vitalize the soil and increase yields by 100% – 300%. It also eliminates the need for fertilizer and pesticides.


[Ra] The Law Of One – Book 1

I didn’t resonate with the whole thing, actually it gave me the heeby-jeebies and some of it made me very uncomfortable or was extremely boring, but I took from it, little things that I resonate with at this time or things I want to ponder upon more, or things I really just didn’t understand when I was reading it, that I wanted to come back to have another look in more depth. Here are my notes from Book I


Truth about Cancer – Episode 10 Notes

This episode is from cancer patients that cured themselves using natural methods – who also happen to be doctors. Nutshell version: personal accounts from Doctors who went natural on themselves with their own cancer diagnosis… and what they would do if they were diagnosed today.


Truth about Cancer – Episode 5 Notes

Mother Nature has the answer to cancer. Nutshell version: Dark red/green fruits/veg, figs, leafy greens, superfoods, seeds, hydration, beets, selenium, iodine, chromium, bromide, seaveg, No SUGAR, curcumin, yeast overgrowth, music, humour
