High Pagerank Sites Linking to Your Site – Free!

Remember your time-management…
40% of your time should be spent “attracting” new clients.. you should
have a link to your site from all of these.. this is what you should
add to your time management program.
1. Google Website (pages.google.com) – A brief profile page, “your personal story” with a video/audio, and link to your website.
2. Google Blog (blogsearch.google.com) – Make sure all your blogs are listed at blogsearch.
3. Radio Blog (blogtalkradio.com)
4. Squidoo Blog (squidoo.com)
5. YouTube (youtube.com)
6. Facebook (facebook.com)
7. MySpace (myspace.com)
8. Meet-up (meetup.com)
9. Linked-In (linkedin.com)
10. Ning Classroom (ning.com)
11. Digg profile (digg.com)
12. Mashable Profile (mashable.com)
13. Twitter (twitter.com)
14. Utterz (utterz.com)
15. Stumble (stumbleupon.com)
16. Delicious (del.icio.us)
17. Flicker (flickr.com)
18. 40 Video Sharing Sites
19. Wikipedia (en.wikipedia.org)
20. MyBlogLog (mybloglog.com)
21. Blogger (blogger.com)
22. HubPages (hubpages.com)
23. Google Docs – (docs.google.com) – Your Brandable PDF or Slideshow
24. Ebay About Me (pages.ebay.com/help/account/about-me.html)
25. Google Sitemaps (google.com/webmasters/tools)
26. Blogger Radio (bloggerradio.com)
27. Free IQ (freeiq.com)
This will be edited as I go along :)
Modified from Steven Barchetti’s Marketing Plan: http://stevenbarchetti.googlepages.com/stevensevent
Just thought I would take some notes as I was listening to his
conference call and even though I’ve gone through most them in prior
tips to the “start here”, it’s good to have a little list from someone
else to know we’re on the right track and there were a couple of newies
in there (google docs, radio blog, etc).
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That is a nice list. Thanks for sharing.