Places Scout – the best SEO Software for Offline Marketers

IN Marketing & Wordpress
  • Updated:6 years ago
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How much would you like a complete and current list of local business leads in your area like:

  • Auto Dealers in Sydney
  • Plumbers in New Jersey
  • Chiropractors in England
  • Dentists in Paris
  • Accountants in New York

I’m talking dozens, hundreds, thousands! of laser targeted leads complete with:

Places Scout ScreenshotBusiness Name
Business Contact Name
Business Email Address
Business Address
Business Phone Number
Estimated Employees
Estimated Years in Business
Website URL


The most valuable part is that it also includes complete data containing:
checkmark Where are they ‘Positioned’ in Google? Organic? 7Box?
checkmark Is their Google Places Page Owner Verified?
checkmark Whether their Google Places has Photos, Videos, and Reviews (and how many)
checkmark Does the Business have a Facebook Fan Page? and the URL if they do
checkmark Is the Facebook Fan Page Owner Verified?
checkmark Does their business have “Checkins”?
checkmark The # of comments that has been shared on facebook with their business url
checkmark Website PageRank
checkmark  Backlinks
checkmark Page Authority
checkmark Whether they have a Mobile Page setup

AND Complete Social Media Metrics:
check Facebook Likes
check Fan Page Likes
check URL Likes
check URL Shares
check Tweet Count
check Google +1 Count
check Google Buzz
check Digg Count
check LinkedIn Shares
check StumbleUpon Views
check Reddit Score
check Delicious Bookmarks

AND.. Keyword Information, such as whether their “target keywords” are in their:

  1. Content
  2. Website Title
  3. Domain Name
  4. Description
  5. Header Tags

If you are an offline marketer or do any kind of SEO, Social Media, Local Marketing, or Reputation Management work for your clients or yourself, you are going to be doing the *happy dance* along with me when you check out this software. Places Scout has just been released and it’s TOTALLY awesome.. it’s now my new *must use daily* software (it’s even made it to my permanent “task bar” – it’s “That” good): For internet marketers, it’s an absolute must-have tool.

  1. For keyword research (specific to Google Places)
  2. For finding out exactly what you and your competitors are ranking for in Google Places
  3. For monitoring the ups and downs of the rankings
  4. For clearly seeing what the competition is doing (do they have facebook, google plus, how many citations, 3rd party reviews, photos, videos, their business name and address, how they are optimizing their H1 tags, fan page likes, tweets, google buzz, digg, stumbleupon, reddit, delicious)..

Compared to MapPI ($297), Consulting Leads Pro ($997), Power Leads Pro ($997), Power GMaps Pro ($147), GPscraper ($347), etc. it just..towers ahead of them in terms of features, flexibility (drag n drop everything, sort everything, client reports, etc.) and price, and ease of use. I’m really happy that I got onto it straight away, and they are talking about adding so much more to it in the coming months. And the support is fast and friendly. It also works in all of these countries:

  • Australia (YAY!)
  • United States
  • United Kingdom
  • Canada
  • Bahamas
  • Belize
  • Ireland
  • Jamaica
  • Malaysia
  • New Zealand
  • Singapore
  • South Africa
  • and the Virgin Islands

 Google Places Scout SEO Software

Places Scout

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Penny (
Penny (

Truth-seeker, ever-questioning, ever-learning, ever-researching, ever delving further and deeper, ever trying to 'figure it out'. This site is a legacy of sorts, a place to collect thoughts, notes, book summaries, & random points of interests.


  1. Ezra says:

    Yes the price is $197 now but I agee Places Scout is great, I think the guy who made it has made it his full-time income now so that is good for us because he keeps it updated with the latest Google changes, not like other crap Ive bought.

  2. Seo Ramon says:

    Can definitely attest to this software being totally awesome. I also use it on an almost daily basis.

  3. Val Barber says:

    Hi Penny, I discovered your blog after a Google search for Places Scout. I just want to know whether it’s still being updated now?

    1. Yep, a year later and it’s still my fave software.. price has gone up though but they have added a new Reputation Management module too

  4. Over 1 month later and it’s still my fave piece of software – I use it every single day, several times a day.

    Even.. check out the type of client reports it spits out for clients:

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