5 Things we put off that we know will Supercharge our Reputation and Business

disclaimer: 2am post
These very well-known effective methods are things we all know we should be doing to super-charge our online publicity, but for some reason, we put off:
- Create a Book / Kindle or Paperback
- Webinars/Teleseminars
- Podcasts
- Guest Blogging
- Have an active mailing list / autoresponder
- Free PDF syndicated to eBook sites, forums, social media profiles, doc sharing sites, etc.
We put them off because of the learning curve and time that needs to be invested into them, but we know instinctively that if we just did it, it would make a huge difference to our reputation and business.
The book – even if it’s a kindle – provides you with authority “you are now an author”, and even though it isn’t as big a deal anymore – it still lifts your reputation and if it is good and people like it and get value out if it, will increase your popularity, reputation, and enable people to trust and want to follow you.
Webinars & Teleseminars are awesome at connecting with your audience. People will pay a premium for access – but even if it’s offered for free – if they get value out of it, they will signup for your lists, courses, products. The recordings can also be packaged up and sold, or used to syndicate through various audio/video-sharing sites which gives you more exposure and traffic.
Podcasts is an often overlooked but very valuable way to connect with your audience on a personal level. You have their undivided attention – they are listening to your words right in their ears while they are on their way to work or on their daily walk. You get to speak directly into their ear buds – so powerful and personal. Again, if they like your podcasts, if you provide value – they will become raving fans. Subscribing to hear more, signing up to your newsletters, buying your products. The mp3 files can be packaged up, syndicated, downloaded, shared. I honestly trust every single Podcaster that I subscribe to – that is so powerful, and I’m always constantly scouting out their websites as well.
Guest Blogging – we know we should do it, it gives us exposure to readers of other experts in our niche, and if they provide value and have loyal readers, you writing an article on their site with their approval, will give you authority in the eyes of the loyal reader.
Active Mailing List / Autoresponder – most people setup their mailing list and then never email it again, maybe occasionally, after the subscriber has already forgotten who they are. Setting up a series of autoresponder messages – filling up an entire year’s worth of useful, valuable and interesting content would solve that problem. It takes time and creativity to do this. Some marketers can write an email regularly to their subscribers with ease, whilst others setup their “thank you for subscribing” message and leave it at that. Having new blog posts with links to related posts automatically or manually going out to the list, as well as valuable tips, news and information, is something we should all be doing – probably the most effective out of all methods put together if done the right way.
Free PDF – and last but not least, the free ‘step-by-step-guide’, ‘secret’, ‘tips’, ‘expert advice’, etc. Having a free downloadable PDF (or free video) to entice people to optin to your mailing list so you can followup with them. Yep, it’s on everyone’s todo list. I’ve written at least 20 that have never made it past my computer into someone else’s hands. We know it’s valuable, yet we put it off. It does take time unless you outsource it. But sharing your expertise, opinion, secret tip etc, provides value & builds trust. It also has the added benefit of being able to be placed into many different formats for promotional purposes. .PDF & .DOC format can go to all the doc-sharing sites. .PPT format can go to all the slide sharing sites. The screenshots / images / photos can go to pInterest & image-sharing sites. The PDF can be converted into video and go to all the video & audio sharing sites. There’s just so much promotion that can be done from just creating a valuable short report.
What valuable traffic method have you been putting off that you just KNOW will make a huge difference to your business?