Stop Asthma with Buteyko (Drug-free)

Buteyko Works!
Although sceptical at first, Buteyko has worked to greatly reduce my asthma and I recommend it to every asthmatic I meet.
The Buteyko Method is currently used successfully for the treatment of asthma, emphysema, allergies, snoring, hyperventilation, sleep apnea, hayfever, and many stress-related breathing disorders.
- Learn to stop asthma attacks without medication
- Reduce your medication intake and expense dramatically
- Reduce your symptoms of asthma, sinusitis, hayfever, breathlessness, allergies etc.
- Gain a greater understanding of your condition and medications
- Experience improved performance in sports and exercise
- Sleep soundly through the night and awake refreshed
The Buteyko Method consists of a series of effective breathing exercises. Once breathing patterns are normalized, asthma symptoms dramatically decrease along with medication intake.
It’s more involved than this, but if you are reading this now and want to greatly reduce your suffering, follow the following rules to start with:
- Always keep your mouth shut for breathing
- Never sleep on your back
- Never do deep breathing exercises
- When you are jogging (or playing any sport) never open your mouth
- Even if you are breathing through your nose try to breathe less
The personal workshops give the greatest success rates – but I’m too stubborn to pay such a high price – what do they do that justifies the $600-$1,000 price for a weekend? (… that they can’t do for a much more affordable price?)
Instead, I bought the ebook and workbook online (for less than $50 Australian) and taught myself at home. Remarkably, I have decreased my medication to (at most) one puff per day – I used to have several different types of prevention drugs, as well as buying a Ventolin per week(!) and used to have to keep switching chemists to be able to keep up my dose without having to justify to the inquiring chemists about the large amount I kept purchasing.
I figure if I went to a personal workshop, I’d probably not need to take medication at all (those that I have met, who have been to a workshop do not need theirs anymore), but until they bring the price down – I’m very happy with the current results :)