Words of Wisdom from Self-Made Billionaires

Words of Wisdom From Self-Made Billionaires (Incredible Tips For Extreme Success)
Get ready for a lot of rejection and at the same, exact time – do the things that others don’t want to do. Do what’s necessary, do what it takes no matter what it is, and try not to hurt anybody along the way. John Paul DeJoria $4 billion
At a dinner table, something could come up that could be an opportunity. Half the people do not see it as an opportunity. A lot of people are actually comfortable in what they are doing – they don’t want change. They don’t like the idea of risk. Phillip Green $3.3 billion
From day one I just … I never tried to hide that I was the girl in my apartment with the red backpack. It’s like, this is who I am, And I find that people are rooting for you and opening more doors, if you are really honest early on. Some people start businesses and they try and make out that they are much bigger than they are because they think that’s the way they are going to be taken seriously. But if you know your products great, and you know why you made it, you don’t have to apologize for being out of your home or being small. Sara Blankely $1 billion
I work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and that’s what I cared about, I cared about solving problems, being successful and anytime an obstacle presented itself, I used it to my advantage, and made it work. And I never heard the word ‘no’. If I heard the word ‘no’, it meant ‘maybe’, and then I made maybe ‘yes’. Jerry Weintraub $200 million
In the end, ‘luck’ plays a very important part in how successful you are, but the harder you work, and the longer you work, the ‘luckier’ you are going to be. Michael Bloomberg $25 billion
People need to understand that we cannot take a breathe. That we have competitors that want to take the food off of our tables, we have an economy that is 8% unemployment here, 9% unemployment in the U.S.. Starbucks coffee company is not something that you ‘have to have’. and so the mentality that you need in a business today, Starbucks or otherwise, is to build ‘sustainable’ success and enduring success. You have to eradicate the human behaviour of relaxing – the human behaviour of feeling like ‘we have won’. And what I have said in the last 2 years of Starbucks is ‘there is no celebration, there is no victory lap, we haven’t done squat. Howard Schultz $1.5 billion
You have the power. You can sit down. You can code something. You can try it. It doesn’t matter to you if someone thinks its a good idea or not because you have the power to go put that online and then y’know and then see if it resonates and connects with people. Stay focused on the stuff that you’re providing to your users. You are going to make a ton of mistakes. It doesn’t matter. You don’t get judged by the mistakes. People don’t remember those years from now. They remember the things that you did that were good. Mark Zuckerberg $9.4 billion
There’s always going to be an element of luck but I think more important is putting yourself in a business that can be ubiquitous that really doesn’t have limits because otherwise, there’s always going to be a grind to it, but if it can’t be something that you can visualize every business using or every consumer using, it’s going to be tough to scale or to be big enough or to have the perceived value to get you to that billionaire club. Mark Cuban $2.3 billion
Now Apple, fortunately is one of the half a dozen best brands in the whole world. Right up there with Nike, Disney, Coke, Sony. It is one of the greats of the greats. Not just in this country but all around the globe. But even a great brand needs investment and caring. Steve Jobs, co-founder Apple
What fear is stopping you in your tracks and burning the souls of your feet? What if conquering that fear – whatever it is – keeps you from being what the creator intended for you? What if you could unleash everything great in your life? Would you do it? Would you say yes to that? Oprah Winfrey $2.7 billion
Don’t allow anyone. Friend. Family. Acquaintance. Teachers. Whoever it is. Don’t allow anyone to tell you, that what you are dreaming for yourself and your family is not possible. It IS possible. Don’t be one of those people 20 years from now are gonna be walking around in a 9-5 job miserable and angry and bitter. Howard Schultz $1.5 billion
Companies like Google are not getting rich on user-generated content, they’re getting rich on the content of companies like Viacom, we’re not gonna put up with that. We’re not gonna put up with someone that is taking our product and not paying for it. They want our product? They can have it, at the right price. Summer Redstone $4.4 billion
New companies generally shouldn’t exist. Existing companies are usually pretty good at what they do. A new company has to bring a product to market that is better than what exists. Marc Andreessen $600 million
How can you achieve your dreams? I’ll tell you the secret that nobody ever follows. Just do things in life the way other people don’t do them – change the status quo and then you will succeed. Now I’ve said that a thousand times – nobody listens. Sheldon Adelson $20.5 billion
If you do anything, you’re gonna get in trouble. If you don’t do anything, you won’t get in trouble, but you won’t get anywhere either. Ted Turner $2 billion