1 Giant Leap² : What About Me?
2008 Documentary
2008 Documentary
You are here as awakened beings to be, not to do.
Just processing my own thoughts about choice-points and being more heart-centred again
The truth is, life is always giving you opportunities to uncover who you really are, to take off the masks, to reveal your inner-truth, and to live in flow in nature. Life is wanting the best expression of who you really are. Limitations are life’s way of teaching you unique abilities in yourself, strength’s and newness.
Discover what is truly important to your life. Your legacy. Your mission.
Work on yourself, be that which you want the world to be, and transform society. The Pyramid and the Pool: Why things are better than they seem [Martha Beck]
Who are we? Why are we here? Do we have a purpose? How do you make sense of these questions?
Any of those things that you perceive as being “done to you”, is something that you were doing to yourself.
The person – and we mean this in the nicest possible way – is irrelevant. You’re just using them as your excuse to lineup or not lineup.
According to Ra, it is an illusion carefully engineered in order to give the Creator the opportunity to know Itself. You are every thing, every being, every emotion, every event, every situation. You are unity. You are infinity. You are love/light, light/love. You are. This is the Law of One.