How to be on top of Google and get ahead of your competitors

How to be on top of Google and get ahead of even your most Heaviest competition.
If you want to get ahead of your competitors online, the formula is a pretty simple… you have to be doing more than your competitors online.
My name is Penny Butler – I run an internet marketing company called WebWooky and in a nutshell – what I do is make sure that you are doing more than what your competitors are doing online.
It never ceases to amaze me how many people say they want #1 for a heavily competitive keyword yet they don’t actually want to do the work or pay someone to do the work involved to actually do it. They just want it to “magically happen”. They get a website and think that the traffic will just start coming in. It doesn’t happen that way – not anymore, your competitors are right there with you, doing exactly the same thing, why should Google show your website above theirs? What are you doing that’s any different than what they are doing?
Secondly, we know that pretty much 80% of people searching online, click on the first 5 listings in search engines, so we know that if you are in the top 5 of search engines, you are getting 80% of all the business. More and more people are trusting that the first listings are going to provide their needs and are going to be the best and most relevant information to match what they are typing in.
They are not going to scroll to even the next page to find what they are after – do you? Just look at how you do your own searches and I think you will agree that unless you are in the top 5, you are not getting much attention.
So the first question people should be asking themselves before starting their marketing blueprint is: What do people ‘want’ when they do a search for something? The answer of course is that they want the most relevant, quality, trustworthy information for whatever it is they are searching.
And Google’s job is to provide them with that. So Google wants unique, relevant, quality content, in order to provide a good user experience for it’s customers which are OUR customers. People use Google because they trust that google will give them the most relevant information.
And content comes in lots of forms… Documents, Articles, Blog Posts, News, Videos, Contact Information, Slideshows, Status Updates, Audio, Podcasts, Images, Discussions and more.
So we know that: Top 5 = Phone Rings, Not Top 5 = Phone Doesn’t Ring. And we know that to reach Top 5, we need to provide more relevant, quality content than our competitors.
So how do you even start to do that?
As a business, you will be creating content based on what you think will help your customers find your business, so the next step is to think about what your customers might be typing into search engines that relate to a problem that your business, product, or service solves.
[dropcap]I[/dropcap]f I was car dealership, straight up I would have a website with all my cars, a Google Places account showing the location, contact information and brief description of my business, a Youtube channel with all my cars, a Facebook page, I’d probably be on all the business directories, and I’d post my cars on all the popular car dealership directory sites, and maybe I’d also use post my ads and deals on the classified sites as well, and I’d also probably have radio, tv, or newspaper ads.
Those are the easy “no-brainer” things that every car dealership is doing.
So if I’m a car dealership who wants to get ahead of my competitors, and I’ve already got the above, I still have to provide “MORE” relevant content than my competitors if Google is going to show my stuff first. I still have to do everything above, because that’s what my competitors are already doing, but in addition, I now have to put myself in my customers shoes and ask.. “what do they want?” The easy answer for a car dealership is that they want to buy a new or used car. But each type of person would have different needs, wants, and questions, based on the type of job they have, their family, their budget, and more. They have questions that need to be answered. And if you are a car dealer, you are the expert in answering those questions.
Everyday people come into your dealership with those very same questions, concerns, needs, and wants, and so everyday you are answering those questions already.. but what if you were able to get in and pre-qualify them before they even step-foot into your dealership? What if you can be the one to help them while they are doing their “pre-research” online?
So what I would do next is look at my car dealership and think about what type of people are best suited to my particular cars? What market am I going after? What can my target market afford? What does their daily life look like, the type of job they are in, their family life, their concerns.. what do they want and need? Then think about what kind of questions they will be typing into search engines that I can help them with.
So perhaps they will search for negotiating advice…So a question they might type into Google might be: “how to negotiate with car salesmen”. Or maybe they want to know what they “should” be asking the dealer to make sure they don’t get a lemon.. “Top 10 Questions to ask a car salesman”. If they are a family, they might search for safety-related questions “Best car for family safety” “Safest cars 2012” etc. If they have been in an accident or have ever been injured in a vehicle, maybe they will want to make sure their next car has airbags. And if their car was a write-off in an small accident, they might be looking to have a more sturdier car next time, so they might type in “top 10 sturdy cars” (or something like that). If they are into the latest technology, maybe they want to make sure their next car has bluetooth technology or ipod connectivity, etc.
Extensive Keyword Research can help you find what your customers are typing into Google so you can start to plan what content you can provide.
There is an unlimited amount of content ideas that you can provide your customers to make sure that “you” are the one that keeps coming up, ahead of your competitors, in that crucial time when they are researching the cars and which dealer they might want to deal with – even before they start looking for a specific make & model, you could have already established trust, authority, expertise and repoire with those customers, even before they have met you in person.
This relates to every industry but I’m using a car dealer as an example because it’s one that most people have had to deal with at sometime in their life and can probably relate to.
Every single question and ‘type of phrase’ that a potential client might type into search engines is a potential piece of relevant content that you can provide to them, by way of ‘how-to’ or ‘demo’ videos, documents, whitepapers, audio, brochures, articles, and images – answering or addressing the most common research questions for your ideal target market puts you ahead of your competitors.
If your competitors are not doing it… and you are, who is going to come up first? And who is that customer going to trust the most?
In some industries, you might find that the competition “is” already doing it, so how do you compete with those guys? Well that’s called “competitive research” and competitive research is when you research exactly what the competition is doing – once you have a blueprint of exactly what they are doing – you can create a marketing blueprint that fills in the gaps of what they are NOT doing, that you do things “better” than they do or that you make sure that ‘your’ content is more “relevant” than theirs.
What I do
Many people don’t understand what I do online, they think I’m a “website person”. I’m not a website person even though I do love spending time on my own websites, but that’s not a very accurate picture of what I help people with. I’m an “internet marketer” and I help people give Google what it wants, in a variety of ways, depending on the niche and budget of my clients. I help people dominate the search engines by way of ‘relevant content syndication’ which includes keyword research, competitive research, autoresponders, video marketing, google places, facebook, twitter, linkedin and other social networks, social bookmarking, crowd content syndication, audio syndication, article syndication, press release syndication, document syndication and more.
So how it works is that first I look at what my client’s needs are, look at what they already have and what they are already doing, what their competition is doing, and then I create a 6-to-12 month marketing blueprint that matches the clients needs and budget. Not everyone needs “everything” that I do, but almost all of my strategies should be used by most industries. I create a plan around their budget and can also create customized step-by-step instructions or staff training via skype for those who want to be able to do the marketing “in-house” or to do it themselves if they can’t yet budget to ‘outsource’ what they need to do.
If you have a business coach, you know that you should be outsourcing anything that you are no good at, if you are wasting your time cleaning the house, a business coach will tell you to get a cleaner, if you are wasting your time updating your website, a business coach will tell you to hire a webmaster, and if you are wasting your time or have no idea what you are doing online, then a business coach will tell you to get an internet marketer.
If you need a plan for your online marketing campaigns, chat to me, you don’t even need to hire me at the end, I will provide you with a step-by-step online marketing blueprint that you can take to any other internet marketer or hire your own people to implement and I can consult and train them in what to do if that’s what you prefer, or alternatively, me and my team can do it for you.
If you don’t understand how your competitors are getting ahead of you in search engines, even after watching this video, I can help you figure that out too.
Contact me to book a time for a free 30 minute consultation so that I can start the process of creating a customized online marketing blueprint for your business.
Thank you for your time, and I hope that you have a much better understanding of how people are able to dominate the top 5 of search engines just by providing their customers with exactly what they are searching for.