“Limited-Beliefs” Remover to release old patterns and blockages and become Empowered

Tues Oct 13th & Wed Oct 14th Morning Pages
Belief check. Reality check. Note to self.
You don’t want to become a non-smoker, lose weight, be healthier, remove yourself out of poverty, etc.
You want to experience (create) a reality where you feel good and are always at your best self.
- Where you have no feelings of perceived failure, less than, limited.
- Where you feel you have something to contribute to the world.
- Where you create what you want, do what you want, have good experiences, have a good life, a vibrant and happy life.
And you believe that those things are standing in your way and stopping you from doing that in your reality.
That you can’t enjoy every experience fully while these less-than, limited feelings are swimming around.
You want the experience of kissing someone and losing yourself in their energy, becoming one, uniting with them, and not having that experience tainted by a lack of health, vitality, smelling and tasting like cigarettes, and having thoughts of that experience being less-than it could be if you were at your best self.
You want to experience the moment, any moment, without having to worry about finances, work, having to “be somewhere” else – other than where you are at right now. You want to experience and linger-longer in good moments without feeling like something has control over how long your moments can be, you don’t want to be a slave.
You want complete freedom over your time, how you choose to spend your time while you are in this form.
You want to experience moments without “lack”.
You want to experience “every moment” without “lack”.
So why are still you creating a reality with lower vitality, addictions, where your body is not in optimal shape, where you feel the need to go to have a job as a wage-slave?
You have come this far, you feel awesome, you are finally happy, and you have completely turned your health and mindset around. You have proven that your thoughts create your reality. Why are you still keeping yourself in a “less than” reality? Why are you keeping yourself so small? Why are you limiting your full potential
What reality can you step into, where you can be your best self, still feel awesome & happy, and still have access to whatever perceived value or benefits you believe you are getting from continuing this self-sabotage?
What are the benefits you still perceive? Let’s knock them on the head right now!
Why haven’t I given myself permission to let go of this?
Today, right now, what are all the benefits and value do I get / perceive from continuing to smoke?
- My way of connecting to and resonating with the people I feel called to help
- My way of having control over my life – noone has power over me
- My way to show people that cigarettes have nothing to do with your disease – it’s your beliefs about the cigarettes that cause the disease
- My proof of concept. That I healed myself of the impossible without quitting smoking. My proof that thoughts create your reality. That your intentions and beliefs are what heals you.
- It was the big thing that really showed me that your thoughts are what heals or harms you
- Get to enjoy more time outdoors, sun, clean air (irony?)
- Community / Friendship / New-ness conversations with new people daily
- Sticking it to the system. It’s such a scam that they keep raising prices of cigs under the charade that it’s to force people to quit, yet if people quit, they are the ones that would lose out. Seeing through the veil of conformity, slavery, tricks. Calling bullshit on the scam. Standing on the side of the oppressed. Resonating with those who are being abused, pushed-around, manipulated.
- My way of keeping myself “less-than” to stay connected to those who feel so trapped.
- My way of finding “the way” that helps others become free easily.
- Keeps me balanced from ego getting out of hand. Showing the world I’m not perfect, that I’m limited. I have obstacles. I am “like you”. I value your imperfections. I am not “better than you”. I see me in you. I am flawed too. (wow??)
- As a quick, reliable radar to see who judges others, a test of their character. To see who has the capacity for unconditional love. To see who accepts others for who they are and where they are at in their journey. A lazy way of not trusting my instincts (because you get instant feedback on people’s belief systems and judgements).
It’s my method of judging others? Shit
- To have empathy and compassion for those who are suffering.
Shit. I believe I’m helping people by contaminating myself with toxic, smelly, poisons?
It’s all a bit flawed when I am really honest with what comes up as the ‘why’, sharing my thoughts that I don’t speak out-loud about, much-less think-about ‘consciously’. However, when I see it all written like this, my flawed thoughts and beliefs – I see a clear pathway out!
I see a way to replace these beliefs that I’m holding onto that are sabotaging me from being my best-self.
Time to create this pathway out of this level. Time to be strategic with my creation.
First, I’m going to experience “stepping-into” the best version of myself, the one that has already transformed these self-sabotaging traits. I’m going to feel the reality of what life would be like, through her eyes, senses, belief-system, thoughts… and unearth what other limitations and blockages that brings up in me, what’s preventing me from stepping into her? What emotions, thoughts, beliefs, blockages are coming up to be dealt with and cleared / released?
Who is this person? How does she experience this reality and what does she create in her reality? What thoughts does she have and what can she do without these limitations? How does she still get the benefits that you think are so important & valuable that you keep sabotaging yourself and holding onto?
If everything I am experiencing now is a result of past-thinking. I need to change my past-thinking by pulling in my best-version of myself into my past. The future self that has already succeeded and come into her best self. I am going to step into her, place her in my past and experience her reality.
What would/does it feel like to be a non-smoker? To have full health & vitality & energy? To be of an abundant mindset instead of a poverty mindset? What does it feel like to be a powerful creator of your own reality (we are doing it anyway, what does it feel like when you do it ‘deliberately’ instead of ‘unconsciously’?) What does it feel like when you have accomplished this level?
- Her mouth feels so fresh and clean. She smells so good. Her clothes and belongings smell clean and fresh.
- She is closer to others. She can reach out and connect closer with others. She can step closer to the people she wants to help or be near.
- Share her value, her love with the world, and her appreciation for their existence.
- She can show them a way out of their suffering. She has a way out. She is no longer trapped.
- She has unconditional love and compassion for their struggles and is now an inspiration and beacon of light, a representative of what they will experience when they step into their best selves.
- She is even more strongly connected to her powers of creation and has ever further confirmation that thoughts do create your reality which helps her have a deeper connected experience in all aspects of her creation.
- She now has more abundance flowing into her life that she can use to help have a better experience, to help others, and to do more things than she was able to do before. To expand.
- She can enjoy the magic experience of hugging freely. She can heal and be healed.
- She now holds incredible power over her reality. She can do so much more now that nothing is holding her back.
- She is able to instantly vanquish and release beliefs that stand in her way by stepping into the reality where that new creation has already been done.
- She is still able to relate and resonate with those she wants to help, she has the ability to see what they need, and trust that she communicates exactly what they need to hear, feel, or see to extract what they need to be the best version of themselves, to free themselves from old beliefs of self-doubt, lack, grief, not enough and other limitations.
- Money, energy, vitality, weight normalizes, body becomes desirable, vibrates wellness, wholeness, complete, more-than.
- Still enjoys sun and meeting new people.
- More empowerment and potency to do something about change regarding scams and government malpractice, because as a smoker, it comes from a “poor us” mentality.
- Which less toxins & blockages in her energy. She thrives.
- She breathes fresh, clean air and her lungs and all cells and micro-universes within her are renewed and rejuvenated.
- She loves her body and she loves this human experience.
- Energy fills her being and her vehicle looks younger, stronger, more vitality, more energetic, and able to experience what she came here to experience and fully enjoy activities she loves to enjoy.
- She has a bounce in her step and radiates an abundance of energy and higher vibrations to share with all those who are sharing her experience.
- Her voice is clear. She has clarity, purpose, is full of confidence, she knows her purpose and she trusts her intuition.
- She feels super-human – just how good it can get?
- What else is she capable of? What else can she create and experience?
- What else is possible?
- What else can she explore with these new abilities to create whatever she wants to create?
- What can she create “on purpose”, deliberately and consciously into her reality?
- How else can she inspire others to heal themselves and step into their best selves?
- What else can she celebrate now that she is free from limited beliefs?
- She opens and extends her heart to the world. Anything is possible. She feels indestructible, limitless, expansive, connected.
Where does she vibrate now? What vibrations does she create? What frequency does she generate and ride?
What layers of experiences does she bring into her being now that she is free?
- Freedom, Limitless, Expansive, Unstoppable
- Unconditional Love, Loving, Compassion, Kindness, Integrity, Connected
- Powerful, Creator, Manifestor, Confident, Empowered, Conscious, Mindful, Aware, Intuitive
- Appreciation, Thankful, Gratitude
- Energetic, Vibrant, Joyful, Blissful, Happy
- In-flow, Clarity, Trust, Harmonious
What could you do when you combine these vibrations? What does it feel like to vibrate all of these frequencies?
Free, Limitless, Expansive, etc?
About to set about recording this part an audio tool to use, to experience and combine all those frequencies. Stay tuned! Or subscribe to my YouTube channel to be automatically notified as I’ll upload it there first.
[ Tool for vibrating and experiencing all of those frequencies ]
In the meantime, you could create your own tool or meditation to bring all these vibrations together, as a harmonious cocktail frequency of your highest self.
What does unconditional love feel like, what is the definition of unconditional love for you, what does it mean for your life, how does it help you, how does it help others?
Unconditional love, is …
I now choose to step into the best version of myself, place the best version of me into yesterday and experience what it feels like to be what I have been consciously trying to create but sabotaging my efforts to create. What does it feel like to be free of any perceived self-sabotaging beliefs and thoughts? What does it feel like to have permission to do all you wanted to do? What does it feel like to ‘be allowed’ to be all you really are? You have permission to be whatever you want to be:
Step inside and “be” those things, what does that mean for your life, what do you / can you do now? What does a day look like in the new you? Walk through activities that you can now do as a result of having these old-beliefs released and this new vibrations in your reality.
Is there any resistance to doing this? What emotions come up? What thoughts come up? What feelings come up? Feel into those frequencies until they dissipate. Know that it is already done. Thank them for coming up and helping you, and neutralize them by nourishing them with love and compassion. Buried fears and resentments do not die, they merely fester and cause dis-ease. Your soul wants to live authentically in the now.
I choose to release and let go of any feelings, thoughts and limiting beliefs that doesn’t allow me to become the best version of myself.
What does future you, best-self you want to share with you, that will help make this transition easier?
What does current you, in your best-self, want to share and communicate with your past, that will help make this transition easier?
Helping your “past” you, helps your current and future you’s. Go into every version of you across time, space and dimensions that needs love, help, guidance, healing and heal them / help them. Give them the abilities and insights and love you have. Give them the awareness that this is what we need to do to help all versions of us, and we can all go out and help our past/current/future selves, all parts of ourselves.
Heal the you’s that are still experiencing pain and suffering and illnesses from the reality you created for the lessons, growth experiences you wanted to experience. Undo their pain and trauma and it will manifest and heal your current perspective. Heal every part of you that is burdened and ill, and love every version of you in every reality you have created.
Releasing the “Unknowns” or “Unconscious” beliefs and negative & limited programming that I have unconsciously or consciously implanted:
Everything that is in your reality that you are holding onto, is of your creation. If you are feeling uneasy, low, stuck, or are unable to create the life you want to have, you still have some undesired beliefs in your programming. Something you have the power to clean, discard, release. Something you have unconsciously or even consciously taken on in the past to serve you that is no longer serving your current reality. It can be let-go in an instant, it is already done, but something in our programming doesn’t believe that it can be that simple and easy. So we create processes or certain rituals to give ourselves permission to move forward in our lives. We give ourselves meaning & excuses to why we have held onto these beliefs for so long, and we use and create these modalities to surrender the old, and begin-again in the new.
This is the process I am going to create today for such a purpose. I want to bring-in and adjust different modalities, mix them up (take on / create what works for me), and turn them into “permission slips” for me to release the old and step-into the new. To create the reality I want to create.
I plan on using various aspects of my own understanding about what Access Consciousness, Hypnosis, EFT, NLP, Self-Clearing, Acupressure, Deep Breathing, Psychology, Neural Pathway Reprogramming, Ho’oponopono, Matrix Reimprinting, Timeline Therapy, Sound Healing, and Meditation is to me.
The intention of this process is to Delete/Clear/Uncreate/Eliminate/Shift ‘Unknown’ (Unconscious) Blocks and consciously overwrite them with new beliefs, thoughts and vibrations. To basically give myself permission to release the past limited thoughts and step into my new way of thinking without unconscious, limited beliefs creeping in.
But in reality, it’s all just “permission”. It’s bringing awareness to what may be unknown or are “unable to be spoken”, about our conscious and subconscious beliefs and giving myself “permission” to let it go. If I didn’t have any limited beliefs, I could just decide what I wanted to do and just do it, it is already done, but I am creating this because I still have limited beliefs that I’m holding onto that feels the need to create a powerful modality to use as a ritual and permission slip to release the past, and step into my best self.
No one’s going to give you permission to be yourself, except you. No one is here to give you permission to be your best self, except you. No tool will give you permission to be yourself – it’s all you. It’s up to you to use whatever you have access to, resonate with, or create, to give yourself permission to shine.
You have permission to be the best you that you can be, and experience what you came here to experience, in fact: This is why you are here. This is why you came here. This is what you want for the people you love, what they want for you, and what you want for you.
You are a great and powerful being. You know all the answers. You know what you need to do, and if you aren’t doing it, the resistance will show up and keep slapping you around until you do it. You came here to create, explore, experience, love, expand. If you have reached a place where you no longer feel like you are doing any of those things, you feel like shit, sick, or stuck. When you are following your inner calling, you feel awesome.
Create something that works for you.
I intend to create the above audio for stepping into a higher vibration (that I can use throughout my life), and creating a separate audio to release the past. Here is the draft of the transcript I’ve done so far, if you wish to adjust it and record your own version that matches what self-limiting beliefs you wish to clear or make it more relevant to you, or adjust the modalities that you feel comfortable with and believe will work for you. If you do not believe something in my process will work for you, then you need to remove it or just focus on the parts that will. Make up something that will because we are creating all of this.
Transcript for Deleting, Clearing, Uncreating, Eliminating, Releasing and Shifting Unknown Blocks & Limited Beliefs
Drop into your heart and feel grateful that all of this has already been resolved.
Briefly think about becoming a non-smoker. Ask: Are there any emotions related to becoming a non-smoker?
Mentally imagine (pretend/make-up) seeking and feeling around your body’s energy field, or notice anything different that is happening within your body that comes up. (You are looking for any resistance, blockages, dark patches, discomfort, lower density – any energy, pain, or anything that you sense is different)
Once you feel it, see it, or sense it, hold your hand (or give focused attention) to that area. Place your awareness there, and communicate with it as if it’s conscious energy. Acknowledge it and take responsibility for it. Know that something within you is suffering because you are holding onto it. All energy has a consciousness and it knows already what to bring up to be released and cleared.
Say, read, think about, or feel the truth in this:
I accept that I brought you in to serve me in a time of my life when I needed you, when I wasn’t aware of & didn’t trust in my own capabilities, you were there to serve and defend me, when I felt lost, confused & insecure. Thank you for being there in my life and for all the lessons I learned. I’m sorry for carrying you with me so long to keep serving and protecting me – please forgive me. It’s time for me to surrender to a fresh perspective and open my heart to new possibilities, to create, experience and allow life to unfold without automatic prejudices, beliefs & thoughts that don’t fit into my current experience. To believe in my own capabilities from an awareness of unconditional love, compassion, kindness, integrity, blissful, limitless and expansive vibration, and to trust my intuition and my own wisdom, that I receive from being my highest & best self. I love you. Thank you for giving me one more chance to let you go so that we can be free. It’s ok to be released back into the universe now.
Wait for the energy to shift/flow/release, the wave to go through, then relax.
Imagine a balloon, and release it to the universe.
Or take a few deep breaths and allow the new energy to come in on the in-breath and the old energy being released on the out-breath.
Or tap acupressure or EFT points.
Or imagine light coming into you, purifying and cleansing you.
Whatever ritual you need to do or thought you need to have, to release and surrender control over keeping that emotion, limited belief, or thought that is keeping you from being your best-self, from being healthy, from being the loving, powerful being you naturally are.
Now we are going to convert that big paragraph of acceptance, forgiveness, appreciation, new energy and awareness, into a single power-word of your choosing.
It can be one word, or a set of words.
Basically, we are now creating a program to use, to define that paragraph into an intention-energy, for the purposes of this letting-go exercise (to make things easier and faster – basically, so that we don’t have to read it every single time, we can make up a word or use a combination of power-words, and use that “magic word” to focus the meaning, the will, the desire, the intentions on the clearing of all the energies and blockages, to give ourselves permission to let go of past-beliefs that continue to cause suffering and no longer serve us)
Feel into that paragraph, read it again, and programme a word or set of words that grasps your full intention to let go.
- Release / Released
- Transform / Transformed
- Clear / Cleared
- Delete / Deleted
- Uncreate / Uncreated
- Eliminate / Eliminated
- Reset
- Vanquish / Vanquished
- Abracadabra
- or make up your own word “Jilly-Jelly!” – it really doesn’t matter what word you programme, it’s the “intentions” and “feeling” and “permission to let go” behind it that gives the word it’s clearing-power. It’s the release you feel when you use it.
- or set of words “Release, Dissolve and Let Go”
For where I’m at in my life, I’m going to use the following because for “me” it brings forward the vibration of unconditional love, compassion, acceptance for what is, clearing the old, appreciating the journey, and trusting the universe & myself.
- Love, Let-Go, Have Faith, Trust, Release.
This is your *Release* program.
Now choose which scenario worked best for you in the above exercise. This is the one you are going to use again to release and let go of limiting beliefs and clear your blockages.This is your *Clearing* ritual.
- The balloon? Tie your clearing-statement to the bottom of a bunch of balloons to release.
- The In/Out Breaths? In = New energy, Out = Old energy
- Tapping? Choose a tapping point or combination of tapping points that you feel relaxes or releases the energy.
- Visualization? Connect to the beam of light in preparation for some major cleansing.
- Or use your own method.
Let’s put your new *Release* program and *Clearing* ritual to work!
Use this program when you see the word: *Released*
Drop into your heart and feel grateful that all of this has already been resolved.
Briefly think about becoming a non-smoker. Ask: Are there any “other” emotions related to being a non-smoker?
Check again for resistance, blockages, dark patches, discomfort, lower density – any energy, pain, or anything that you sense is different.
Place your awareness on the energy and say/feel your Power Word:
- Love, Let-Go, Have Faith, Trust, Release.
Now use your scenario to clear it out of your body.
That’s all we’re going to do. Over and over again during this exercise.
I’m going to bring up things to trigger a clearing. We’re then going to feel what energies have been brought up to the surface to be cleared. We’re going to trust that nothing is going to come up that we are not ready to clear. We’re going to acknowledge, appreciate, and clear them with our power-word, and then, we’re going to release them with our scenario. Just for that extra intention / permission.
Let’s begin.
- Are there any emotions related to this topic? *Released*
- Are there any limiting beliefs related to this topic? *Released*
- Are there any ‘other’ limiting beliefs related to this topic? *Released*
- Are there any ‘other’ limiting beliefs related to this topic? *Released*
- Is there a cause or event related to this topic? Visualise a time line in front of you where the furtherest reach (of your arm) is conception to birth and then move closer to your body. *Released*
- Are there any other issues related to this topic? *Released*
- Are there any other blockages related to this topic? *Released*
- Are there any other blockages related to this topic? *Released*
Are there any resources that would be helpful for me to resolve this issue? Please connect me with my future self that has already resolved and released all these issues/habits, when you feel resonance *Integrate*
You have just experienced my particular understanding of a Matrix Energetics clearing, which I see as more of a generalist and gentle clearing where you don’t have to “think about the past” or bring up actual traumas or events that could trigger you and bring down your energy. Ready for more?
Next, I’m going to use my own particular understanding of Access Consciousness, re-affirming, neural pathway reprogramming to create clearing statements to bring up energy that wants to be cleared.
If a statement resonates and brings things up for you, simple affirm that you are ready to let it go (say yes, or nod your head, or agree), and use your *Released* program to remove the known & unknown suffering – give yourself permission to be your best self.
- All the ways you use smoking as a way to judge others, to use as a radar to gauge their acceptance of you and others and everything that brings up, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate it now across all time, space, dimensions and beyond? *Released*
- All the ways I use smoking as a way to judge others, to use as a radar to gauge other people’s acceptance of me and others and everything that brings up, I choose to release. *Released* I release my need to negatively judge other’s and allow myself to have unconditional love for others without needing their love, acceptance, or approval of me. I allow myself to accept them for exactly who they are on their journey and experience what they have created for their own exploration, expansion, fun, and growth, without needing them to be anything other than who they are right now. *Integrate*
- All the ways where you have defined fears, clouds, shadows, layers and limited beliefs that keeps you in a place of suffering, feeling less-than, lack, or preventing you from being your best self, and everything that brings up, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate it now across all time, space, dimensions and beyond? *Released*
- All the ways where I have defined fears, clouds, shadows, layers and limited beliefs that keeps me in a place of suffering, feeling less-than, lack, or preventing me from being my best self, I choose to release. *Released*
- Everywhere that you use smoking as a control mechanism, to validate power over conformity, slavery, needing approval of others, or as self-expression from your ego-self to demonstrate that you don’t need approval from others would you be willing to destroy and uncreate it now across all time, space, dimensions and beyond? *Released*
- Everywhere that I use smoking as a control mechanism, to validate power over conformity, slavery, needing approval of others, or as self-expression from my ego-self to demonstrate that I don’t need approval from others, I choose to release. *Released*
- Everywhere that you use smoking as a way to prove that thoughts create your own reality, or as self-expression from your ego-self to demonstrate the power over your mind and that life truly is a miracle, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate it now across all time, space, dimensions and beyond? *Released*
- Everywhere that I use smoking as a way to prove that thoughts create your own reality, or as self-expression from your ego-self to demonstrate the power over my mind and that life truly is a miracle, I choose to release. *Released* Life really is a miracle, and my thoughts do create my own reality, and life truly is a miracle. I have discovered a better, healthier, and more powerful way for all to benefit from. *Integrate*
- Everywhere you use smoking as a “barrier” to not get close to people, to keep a safe distance, to guard your heart or fullness of your love and complete self, to not show people who you really are, as a protection, security, defensive or safety mechanism, and everything that brings up, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate it now across all time, space, dimensions and beyond? *Released*
- Everywhere I use smoking as a “barrier” to not get close to people, to keep a safe distance, to guard my heart or fullness of my love and complete self, to not show people who I really am, as a protection, security, defensive or safety mechanism, I choose to release. *Released*
- All the ways you use smoking, old beliefs, limited beliefs, and thoughts that create heaviness, lower density vibrations, anxiety, or negative feelings that bring up worries, fears, not good-enough, or lack and everything that brings up, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate it now across all time, space, dimensions and beyond? *Released*
- All the ways I use smoking, old beliefs, limited beliefs, and thoughts that create heaviness, lower density vibrations, anxiety, or negative feelings that bring up worries, fears, not good-enough, or lack and everything that brings up, I choose to release. *Released*
- Everywhere you use smoking, to self-sabotage yourself and everything that brings up, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate it now across all time, space, dimensions and beyond? *Released*
- Everywhere I use smoking, to self-sabotage myself and everything that brings up, I choose to release. *Released*
- Everywhere you use smoking as a way to enjoy more time outdoors in the sun, take time-out, chill-out, relax, breathe in fresh air, meditate, and everything that brings up, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate it now across all time, space, dimensions and beyond? *Released*
- Everywhere I use smoking as a way to enjoy more time outdoors in the sun, take time-out, chill-out, relax, breathe in fresh air, meditate, and everything that brings up, I choose to release.*Released* I am free of smoking and I can now enjoy outdoors even more than before. The sun is still there, the air is fresher and cleaner, and now my lungs and cells say thank you.
- Everywhere and Anywhere that you use smoking or any other limited belief or thought as a way to make me more approachable by others who smoke, meet new people, and all the ways you use smoking or any other limited belief, excuse, or thought as a way to connect when you feel like an outsider, outcast, weird, different, or less-than your infinite self, and everything that brings up, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate it now across all time, space, dimensions and beyond? *Released*
- Everywhere and Anywhere that I use smoking or any other limited belief or thought as a way to make myself more approachable to other smokers, meet new people, and all the ways I use smoking or any other limited belief, excuse, or thought as a way to connect when I feel like an outsider, outcast, weird, different, or less-than my infinite self, and everything that brings up, I choose to release. *Released*
- There are now no barriers in the way and can now show-up as my best-self and have an even better and closer experience with others. My clothes, hair, mouth, are clean and fresh and my less-than, limited beliefs are no longer in the way for showing up complete and whole when sharing the experience and connecting with others. I embrace that I’m different, that’s what we’re here for and what makes us great. We are here to experience our uniqueness, and create whatever we want to create, and explore whatever we want to explore. Who I am, the world has never known, and that’s what makes me great. Who they are, the world has never known, and that’s what makes them great. Being another me-too, being “normal”, wearing a mask, and conforming to other people’s definitions of what we ‘should’ be, is not what I came here for, I didn’t come here to experience everything the same as others, and I stride forward with confidence, clarity, and divine purpose and embrace what makes me, me. We are all teachers and we are all students, our uniqueness is what we have to share in this reality. Our uniqueness is what inspires and motivates, and gives permission to ourselves to be our best self, and allows others to be their best self.
- Everywhere I use smoking or any other limited belief or thought as a way of saying ‘fuck you’ to the government or corporations that keep us slaves, push us around, nudge us into conformity with their pitch-forks, rip people off, manipulate, and brainwash and everything that brings up, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate it now across all time, space, dimensions and beyond? *Released*
- Everywhere I use smoking or any other limited belief or thought as a way of saying ‘fuck you’ to the government, corporations or others that keep us slaves, push us around, nudge us into conformity with their pitch-forks, rip people off, manipulate, and brainwash and everything that brings up, I choose to release. *Released*
- Love is the answer, not resentment. Anywhere there is resentment is a resistance that eats away at us and causes suffering and dis-ease, only to us. Love begets love. Fear begets fear. What you think about, you bring about.
- Everywhere you use smoking as a way to display your ‘less-than’ perfection, to showcase your flaws, to publicly expose your weaknesses or smallness, to make yourself more available and approachable to others who feel less-than, and to attract people experiencing lack of confidence and low self-esteem or low density energies. All the ways you use smoking to demonstrate your compassion for human suffering, to allow others to know they will be understood, accepted, loved for who they are, and can trust you with their deepest truths, and everything that brings up, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate it now across all time, space, dimensions and beyond? *Released*
- Everywhere I use smoking as a way to display my ‘less-than’ perfection, to showcase my flaws, to publicly expose my weaknesses or smallness, to make myself more available and approachable to others who feel less-than, to attract people experiencing lack of confidence and low self-esteem or low density energies. All the ways I use smoking to demonstrate my compassion for human suffering, to allow others to know they will be understood, accepted, loved for who they are, and that they can trust me with their deepest truths, and everything that brings up, I choose to release. *Released*
- I radiate unconditional love and compassion. Others know they can trust me and that I accept them for who they are and where they are on their journey. I see others at their highest potential and trust that our layers run deep, and that all have the capacity to be their best selves when they are ready, and that everyone is here to experience the myriad of opportunities this reality has to offer, including where they choose to dwell to experience all aspects of this human experience and soul’s journey.Their uniqueness and their adversities they are choosing to conquer is what makes them great, is what makes them shine. Everyone is deserving of anything their heart’s desire and everyone is worthy of feeling valued and loved for who they are.
- What physical actualization of “I still have more negative karma to pay for” are you using to cut off and limit your life and creative capacity to receive infinite benefits from and impart infinite joy and gifts to everyone and everything in the multi-verse? Everything that is and everything that brings up for you, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate it all? *Released*
- I am now willing to release and let go all emotions of past and current guilt, revenge, anger, victim-thinking, rage, fear, self-sabotage, judgement and any other limited, negative beliefs, emotions and thoughts about myself and others through all time and space. They are not who I am, they are emotions that I have brought in for my own expansion and growth at that time to experience, that I programmed into myself many years ago. It’s now time to install a new programme. I am now ready for something better, softer, more empowering, helpful, and healthier. Thank you for helping me, for teaching me, for allowing me to experience these emotions, beliefs and thoughts. It is time to let you go, and release you back into the universe. Love is my natural state. I hand over all of my power to my highest, most loving self. I bring forth the voice of my deepest truth and resolve all matters. I allow all opportunities to come my way, and allow me to fulfil this in the most conscious way for the highest good, and manifest a life that reminds me of how miraculous I am. Thank you, I’m so grateful and appreciative that that all of this has already been resolved.
- Everywhere you use smoking as a way to keep your ego in-check, keeping you in a less-than, limited, imperfect state so that you don’t become “too much”, “too restricted in my beliefs”, “too little ms know-it-all”, and everything that brings up, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate it now across all time, space, dimensions and beyond? *Released*
- Everywhere I use smoking as a way to keep my ego in-check, keeping me in a less-than, limited, imperfect state so that I don’t become “too much”, “too restricted in my beliefs”, “too little ms know-it-all”, and everything that brings up, I choose to release. *Released*
- My unconditional love and compassion, kindness and integrity is keeping my ego in-check. I do not need to smoke and keep sabotaging myself or stay in a less-than optimal vehicle to see myself in others, to validate their experience or my own. I know that confidence comes to those who have succeeded in conquering adversity, and that each is on their own path to expanding and growing from where they are at. There is no right or wrong, we all make it.
- Everywhere you use smoking as a way to hide your nervousness or fear, as dutch-courage, to relax. All that brings up from creation to now, would you be willing to let it go, release it back into the universe, free yourself and reveal the best version of you? *Released*
- Everywhere I use smoking as a way to hide my nervousness or fear, as dutch-courage, to relax and everything that brings up, I choose to release. *Released*
- Everywhere you use smoking as a way of sabotaging your abundance, resources, and as a way of keeping you ‘stuck’ from creating a life of your dreams and everything that brings up, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate it now across all time, space, dimensions and beyond? *Released*
- Everywhere I use smoking as a way of sabotaging my abundance, resources, and as a way of keeping me ‘stuck’ from creating a life of my dreams and everything that brings up, I choose to let it go, release it back into the universe, free myself and reveal the best version of me? *Released*
- What does it mean to live a life of your dreams? It means to live the life you intended for yourself, of what is true for you. Living and authentically expressing who you truly, really are, and experiencing the experiences you have chosen. Life is a dream. There is no other option but to live our dreams. You do not need to deprive any others in order to live your dreams. That is a limited idea that humans have taken on that bares no truth. We have been conditioned to believe that it would cause problems, that it would be unethical, immoral, or would take-away from someone else. Whenever you feel that you cannot express yourself or not do what you desire because of somebody else, see that the idea that frustrates you is simply the idea that “I cannot be myself because of them”. Transform that idea by realizing that it’s not a true statement, and because you believed it was true, it caused frustration and confusion. When you believe in something untrue, it causes discomfort and frustration. Act with integrity (you do not need to deprive anyone else of their desires in order to fulfill yours) and you can transform that statement into something that doesn’t have the same idea of “cannot be myself because of them”. The core of it is that sentence. Follow your bliss, do as you desire. Naturally respect other people’s desires and other people’s free will. Following your desire is not selfish. Let it go. That is just a thought that you gave power for you having to be ‘less than’ in order to not deprive others. You decided to discard your desires because you saw it as the cause of impurity, immorality, selfish, wrong. We associated and mixed desire with deprivation for others.That for us to be us, others have to suffer. They are 2 separate things, they do not belong together.
// reconstructed this to create this statement from listening to Bentinho Massaro - All that brings up from creation to now, would you be willing to let it go, release it back into the universe, free yourself and reveal the best version of you?
- Desire has nothing to do with abusing other people. Desire is your direct connection to source, your authenticity, your field of attraction, beauty, joy, and abundance. Fall in love with desire. Follow your bliss with integrity. You are deserving of anything your heart desires. You are worthy of having abundance in every aspect of your life. You have chosen to be here in this physical dimension because of the myriad of opportunities. If you don’t take advantage of them, what was the point? Your soul wants to live authentically in the now. Become who you are.
Break time. Give yourself some time to process the energies that have shifted. Drink some water, rest, go for a massage, sleep, shower, or whatever you feel you need to allow the transformation to complete.
Shake your body. Release any remaining blockages. Scan down your body and up your body seeking darkness and replacing with sparkly white light, warmth, love, or breathe deeply, do more EFT, or mentally release the rest of your balloons.
Are there any other emotions, beliefs, thoughts that are preventing me from being my best self? *Released*
Create a process to release your old you and step into the new you, or merge the old you with the new you, or bring in all future you’s across space, time, parallel universes and dimensions.. whatever you want to create to give yourself permission to reveal your best you.
Feel into the new vibrations of unconditional love, compassion and the cocktail of good energy vibrations that you created earlier, to fill you up and re-affirm that this new you, of unlimited possibilities and the highest, best version of you is now in the driver’s seat.
Step into the best version of you.
Are you ready now to step into the best version of you or are there any other beliefs, limitations, thoughts and feelings that need to be released?
Be authentic and honest about this. You can’t always expect the truth from others, but you can always expect it from yourself. Buried fears, resentments, suffering and un-dealt-with emotions do not die, they merely fester and cause dis-ease. If you have any feeling of resistance still, it’s now time to bring it to the surface and nourish the energies with love and compassion. Neutralize them by acknowledging, accepting that you brought them in to help you and that you have been carrying them around with you to help you, be thankful for the energies that were with you through all your adversities and struggles and recognize that you have moved beyond those challenges, that the energies that were once there to protect you like a friend, are now preventing you from being all you can be. It is time to let them go and trust in yourself. Accept that your inner voice will always guide you correctly. Express appreciation for what has been, what will be, and who you are. Acknowledge how thankful you are for being provided these opportunities for insights, understanding, and expansion. Trust your soul and ask that only the highest of intentions and energies be present. Release your ego-fears and step into who you are meant to be. Victim consciousness weakens the connection that you have to your soul-source. You are no longer a victim. All change nourishes your soul.
Step into your best self, and if that doesn’t resonate, here are some more clearings you can add before you attempt again, and maybe it will take you time to integrate and release, do what’s best for you. Trust your own intuition and instincts.
Past-life or inner-child work:
If I could communicate with my future self, the best-version of me, what advice would I give myself?
What would the best, most loving version of me communicate to my past self? What advice would I give to make peace and release the fears, anxieties, limited beliefs, and less-than thoughts. Any thoughts or sensations of being unlovable, not worthy, not valuable, not connected. Any thoughts that my current self still holds onto, still grieves over, still gets triggered, suffers, that is no longer serving the life you want to create for you now?
Fill all versions of yourself – past, future, across time, space, dimensions, the vibrations of unconditional love. Untie the knots, dress the wounds, love the parts that are unlovable, fill the emptiness with wisdom from who you are today.
Acceptance, loved, compassion. You didn’t know then what you now know. You don’t know now what your future self knows. Forgive yourself – it is all part of the experience, all part of the journey.
Send a wave of forgiveness, appreciation, gratitude, compassion, hope, happiness, fun, joy, bliss, peace, acceptance, faith and unconditional love into their existence.
It’s that love for one another and experiencing the pain and suffering that helps our souls shine, that shows us who we really are, that expands us to love more. We have an infinite ability to love, we are all part of this. Extend & expand your love out across time, space and beyond.
Connect to that space/field and merge with the parallel version of your best self.
Now here are some more general statements, modified from Access Consciousness, NLP, and what I think will trigger energy to be cleared:
- All the fear, anxiety, resistance and mind fog associated and triggered by uncertainty, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate it now across all time, space, dimensions and beyond? *Released*
- All the conditioning, agreements, oaths, vows and promises that solidify, densify and make real, all resistance to change, expansion and newness, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate it now across all time, space, dimensions and beyond? *Released*
- All the desperation for certainty, control, predictability in order to feel safe would you be willing to destroy and uncreate it now across all time, space, dimensions and beyond? *Released*
- All the events, circumstances, cellular memories, inherited emotions and beliefs, picked up from the collective, entities, and astral entities, that demand, insist, ordain and perpetuate extrapolation of known history would you be willing to destroy and uncreate it now across all time, space, dimensions and beyond? *Released*
- All the ways in which we individually and collectively assume, expect, desire and perpetuate stuckness, sameness, history and limitation, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate it now across all time, space, dimensions and beyond? *Released*
- Every habit, limiting belief, cellular memory, future program and auric imprint that locks, restrains and binds the individual and collective in old, outdated paradigms of fear, distrust, mistrust, lack and inadequacy, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate it now across all time, space, dimensions and beyond? *Released*
- All the ways in which we resonate, amplify, mirror and perpetuate fear, anxiety, insecurity, inadequacy between DNA, energetic DNA and soul family members, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate it now across all time, space, dimensions and beyond? *Released*
- What would it be like to truly know at all times that nothing real can be threatened and nothing unreal exists? Anything that prevents that from showing up would you be willing to destroy and uncreate it now across all time, space, dimensions and beyond? *Released*
- What’s the value of being ignored? What are you trying to prove with getting people to ignore you? Everywhere you try to prove you have no value and your are worthless, will you destroy and uncreate it now? *Released*
- How many pretences of being have you created so you don’t have to show up as you? Everything that brings up, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate it now? *Released*
- Everything you’ve been doing to create everything you are not, instead of showing up, will you destroy and uncreate it? *Released*
- What if keeping you and the gift you are to the world, from the world, is the biggest travesty you could do to the world? Who taught you there is a rightness to doing that? What creation of never showing up and never showing off and never getting attention are you using to destroy your very being? Everything that brings up, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate it now? *Released*
- What would it take to discern between fear and caution, projection and reality, imagination and awareness? Anything that prevents that from happening, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate it now across all time, space, dimensions and beyond? *Released*
- What limited beliefs of having to do it all by yourself, are you using to cut off and limit all the contribution, from the over 7 billion people sharing this planet, who might all be able and willing to contribute to you, if you would only let some of them into your life? Everything that is and everything that brings up, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate it all? *Released*
- Everywhere and every ‘when’ your obsessive-compulsive need-to-be-right forces you to assume what other people will say must be wrong, before you have even given them a chance to speak, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate everything that is and everything that brings up? *Released*
- What virtual, vibrational reality of the ‘wrongness of you’ are you using to lock up and limit your life, your living, and your capacity to transcend your obsessive-compulsive need-to-be-right? Everything that is and everything that brings up, would you be willing to destroy an uncreate it all? *Released*
- What virtual, vibrational reality of “being an adult” and being SERIOUS are you using to lock up, limit and suppress any memory of the child inside of you that finds joy in everything new it discovers? Everything that is and everything that brings up, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate it all? *Released*
- All the judgments, limitations, conclusions, expectations, rejections, separations, projections, fixations, fantasies and insanities of other people’s realities about what is good to eat, and what is not good to eat, which you are locking into your body, as the weight you want to let go of, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate everything that is and everything that brings up? *Released*
- How many expectations, projections, judgements, conclusions, rejections, separations, fantasies, insanities, do you have or are you holding on to around what is healthy to eat or not healthy to eat, are you making ‘more real’ than awareness that you can fully digest anything you put into your body and use it for your spiritual, emotional and physical growth and energy? Everything that is and everything that brings up, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate it all? *Released*
- Everything you are not willing to acknowledge, be, know, receive and perceive about who you are, who you were in the past and who you will be in the future, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate everything that is and everything that brings up? *Released*
- How many books by so-called enlightened people do you have to read and how many caves do you have to suffocate your self in before you will actually be willing to acknowledge, be, know, perceive and receive that you are in fact, actually the true awakened one from time without beginning? Everything that wouldn’t allow, would you please destroy and uncreate it? *Released*
- How many judgements do you have of you, that you have been projecting on to others? All the judgement you’ve locked into your system of what love is, and what love was from your parents’ point of view, and all the unresolved polarity, that still holds a charge in your universe, all that is and everything that brings up, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate? *Released*
- How much abandonment, grief, sadness, neglect, upset, longing, needing, and wanting your parents to show up as something different for you, have you been unwilling to be in the face of, that if you would allow yourself to be in the face of it, without an ounce of judgement, would allow all the unresolved energy to dissolve in its entirety? Everything that doesn’t allow that and everything that brings up, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate? *Released*
- How many masks, characters, costumes, roles, ideas, fantasies, illusions and delusions, do you try to put yourself into, in order to be someone else’s version of likeable, loveable, valuable, accepted? Everything that brings up that doesn’t serve your best self, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate? *Released*
- Everywhere you think someone else holds the key to your phenomenal life, will you destroy and uncreate all that? *Released*
- Everywhere you are more invested in being right than in having an amazing, phenomenal life, will you destroy and uncreate all that? Released*
- Everywhere you created your entire life to avoid rejection, and everything that brings up, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate it now across all time, space, dimensions and beyond? *Released*
- What does “ready” mean to you? Everything you are doing to get ready for your life instead of having it, choosing it, and consciously creating it, and everything that brings up, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate it now across all time, space, dimensions and beyond? *Released*
- Everywhere you are creating you as “having it” in the future, rather than having it now, and everything that brings up, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate it now across all time, space, dimensions and beyond? *Released*
- What creation of who you have not yet become as reality are you using to destroy your life and destroy all who you can be? Everything that brings up, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate it now across all time, space, dimensions and beyond? *Released*
- Everywhere you have had money and it was dangerous and you and your family got killed for it, and everything that brings up, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate it now across all time, space, dimensions and beyond? *Released*
- Everywhere you are misidentifying and misapplying excitement as fear, and everything that brings up, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate it now across all time, space, dimensions and beyond? *Released*
- How many of you have been using your body as a way of not allowing yourself to show up as you? What secret agenda with the destruction of you and your life do you have based solely and only on the vibrational virtual realities of this reality are you using to maintain and entrain the eternal struggle of life in order to have a life in this reality? What’s the value of never gifting anything in the universe to you? Everything that brings up, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate it now across all time, space, dimensions and beyond? *Released*
- Everywhere you can be a gift to other people and everywhere you never allow you to give that gift to you, and everything that brings up, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate it now across all time, space, dimensions and beyond? *Released*
- What’s the value of always trying to get and always wanting and never having? What’s the value of never allowing you to just choose for the fun of it? How many times did you get in trouble for choosing? Everywhere your parents taught you to not choose for the fun of it, and everywhere you created a reality of not choosing to keep yourself from being a bad or naughty girl or boy, and everything that brings up, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate it now across all time, space, dimensions and beyond? *Released*
- What if you have infinite amounts of talents and abilities that no one on this planet has been willing to acknowledge, recognize or see in you? How much of you, have you cut off your awareness of, thinking that it can’t or doesn’t exist here? Everywhere you have cut off your awareness to all your gifts, talents and capacities, known and unknown from all your other lifetimes, all the other planets, dimensions & galaxies you’ve lived, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate everything that is and brings up, that doesn’t allow you to be aware of it all in this lifetime? *Released*
- All the talents, abilities and capacities, known and unknown from all your other lifetimes and all the other planets you’ve lived on and galaxies you have lived in, would you be willing to pull those into existence in this life time just for the joy and the fun of the adventure of “Wow, I wonder what else is possible?” Everything that wouldn’t allow that would you be willing to destroy and uncreate? *Released*
- Have you noticed that you don’t exactly fit in on this planet and in this reality or you don’t at all fit in? What if you are completely unique onto your self? All the judgements and conclusions that you have locked into your body, and into your system, that keep you from being this lightness of being that you are, that creates so much magical and miracle in the world would you be willing to destroy and uncreate everything that doesn’t allow that to show up? *Released*
- What have you known from some other galaxy and some other lifetime that if you knew it in this lifetime, would allow you to have an absolutely phenomenal life with total ease? Everything that doesn’t allow that, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate it now? *Released*
- Everywhere you would rather be ‘right’ than be free, have money, have a phenomenal connection, have the body you’d truly like to have, will you destroy and uncreate it please? *Released*
- What secret agenda with the time and place of your birth are you using to lock into existence the age, degradation, disintegration, and deterioration of your body and life that you think you must have in order to fit into this reality? Everything that is and everything that brings up, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate it now across all time, space, dimensions and beyond? *Released*
- Everywhere you have created a judge and jury that is outside of you that judges every move you make, and everywhere you make judgement more valuable than you, will you destroy and uncreate it please? Released*
Everywhere you are making yourself less than others and second best, will you destroy and uncreate it please? Released* - Standard operating procedures are those underlying things running your life; the ideas and concepts that undertow everything. For example, with relationships: everyone leaves me; with business: I have to do it all by myself. All the standard operating procedures you have running your life, will you destroy and uncreate all that? Released*
- What if people would like to pay you? What if the universe would like to gift to you but you reject it around every corner? What if it is a gift for you to receive? What are you unwilling to receive that you truly could receive, that if you would receive it, would change all realities and non-realities and destroy and uncreate your childhood reality about money? Everything that is and everything that brings up, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate it now? *Released*
- Everywhere you have shown up as you and everyone laughed hysterically and you decided you can’t show up as you, and everywhere you have been laughed at when really that was the only way to dissipate the energy and unravel their entire universe, will you destroy and uncreate it? *Released*
- Everything you did to accept the projections, rejections, expectations, conclusions and judgements your parents gave you, and everything that brings up, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate it now across all time, space, dimensions and beyond? *Released*
- Everywhere you have tried to avoid ‘being hated’ or disliked, and it keeps you from being the gift you are, and everything that brings up, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate it now across all time, space, dimensions and beyond? *Released*
- Being superior is different from doing superior. If you function from I can choose, I can have, I can change, I can be anything, then you are superior. Everywhere you kept yourself from acknowledging the superior being you truly are, and everywhere you are refusing to be superior, and everywhere you were accused of being superior and you made yourself inferior ever since, would you be willing to destroy and uncreate it now? *Released*
- What kind of choices could you make that would make you proud of being you? Everything that doesn’t allow you to be, know, perceive and receive that, will you destroy and uncreate it? *Released*