Betrayal – The Autoimmune Disease Solution They’re Not Telling You
In a divine timing kind of synchronicity, I came across this series today on healing the so-called incurable auto-immune conditions.
In a divine timing kind of synchronicity, I came across this series today on healing the so-called incurable auto-immune conditions.
Time-Saving Convenient Healthy Food, Herb, and Detox Shortcuts I’m applying to my life to combat the NWO-food and other atrocities we’re facing in these dark times.
We are dealing with NWO-Food (lab-substitutes, toxins, gmo’s, chemicals, antibiotics in livestock, pesticides, blah blah blah – it’s endless) which wrecks havoc on our bodies. By now we all should be realizing the importance of cleaning up what we put in or on our bodies, but one important and often overlooked area is our gut health.
Fecal transplantation, Probiotics & Prebiotics.. tiny notes from the interview…