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Placebo/Nocebo, Faith & Science (Brand/Campbell)

Russell Brand asks Dr John Campbell to explain what “Double-Blind Randomized Clinical Trials” actually means and what that means in terms of the power of both the ‘Placebo’ and ‘Nocebo’ effects. Nice short clip that will remind you of the power of belief, and maybe make you think a little about why the media misledia are keeping humanity in a constant state of fear and hopelessness.


[22] – Faith (as a Polarizing Necessity)

Aiming toward living a life in faith is nothing more than releasing fear, and allowing that which is to be, to be. When we are going against our true nature, when we see ourselves separate from other-selves, when we see some people as “worthy” or “unworthy” of our love, acceptance or whatever other form love takes, it is simply nothing more than separation: fragmentation of myself.


[10] – A call to a life in faith

Thus, the beginning of the creation of the personal myth is a burning, passionate, consuming desire to know the truth, the truth of who you are, of that of which you are constructed, of your relationships to eternity and imperishability. If you seek the Creator, your path will come to you.


Pathway to your Potential (Pro/Con list)

This exercise shows you where you are aligned. It shows you your boundaries, value-system, where your integrity is; where you’re at & where you ‘wish’ you were at. It shows you a pathway to being your potential – what you aspire to be, what you are learning in this human life, what you REALLY value and what is actually important to you.


Fear is like the tool for ascension

it is this awareness that the dark and light are one.. that the dark is here to help the light.. it might not seem like it is helping from some of our multi-faceted perspectives, but that all that seems negative, dark, fear-based from our 3d perspectives looks like a total game of chess from another perspective.. that those who have come here to evolve / ascend.. how do they do that if they are already complete? Without the helpers.. those that would come and challenge them, test them, help them grow and expand.. show them their light….. that you don’t need to fear your demons if you see them as helping you – they also become the “friendly” helpers, who are serving your highest good. (I see demons = fear/tools/guidance, angels = guidance/higher-perspectives/awareness).. you know I don’t believe in either, but metaphorically, this is how I would explain them to my juvenile amnesiac perspective.
