Surround yourself with people who get it

You pickup the habits, attitudes, emotions, beliefs and the energy frequency of the people you surround yourself with. This includes your co-workers if you spend a lot of time at work and your family if you spend a lot of time at home. (Not just who you choose to hang-out with in your free time or your social media buddies). You influence the people around you and they influence you.
If you are currently “stuck” surrounded by negative energies and “bad vibes”, there are many other ways to surround yourself with that which is going to serve you and what you want to achieve in this lifetime and how you want to feel on a moment-to-moment basis. You can choose what you download into your mind i.e. Youtube videos that feed your mind, podcasts & audiobooks that resonate with you, courses & hobby groups where you can meet like-minds, books & kindles, music that moves your soul, self-hypnosis audios (brainsync, holosync, etc), staying away from the ‘water cooler’ and anyone that brings in drama and hate into your being.
‘Let go’ of those that keep you suppressed to your true potential or where your gut instinct gives you a “no”.
Social media is easy.. co-workers/loved-ones not so easy hehe, but you can enjoy the contrast with that which you have no control over and use it as a personal growth tool. Be the example – be the change, resonate your own vibe and hope that it brushes-off on them or that when they are feeling particularly “narky” – that they prefer to move towards the others that are on the same frequency rather than try and infect you with their toxic energy. If you stay in a place of awareness – you can limit your time with that which gives you ‘bad vibes’ and lean-towards that which gives you ‘good vibes’ naturally – it takes practice and staying in awareness.