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Ebola Virus Audio Notes

Preparing for an Ebola Pandemic (notes after listening to 16 hours of Ebola-pandemic audio files, on strengthening your immune system and being prepared if/when Ebola comes if not contained immediately)


Pain has a Purpose: Hardship is the catalyst for changing the world.

Society is screwed up ! Don’t base your thoughts and decisions on what society’s told you since you were born or what your parents told you cos all they ever know is what society told them! And yet, your heart usually says something different, right? Click here to read more of the transcript from an awesome speech from Markus Rothkranz as he speaks from his heart about health and self-empowerment. Learn how hardship makes us better people, how pain makes us stronger and allow him to inspire you to be the real you.

Pain has a Purpose

How to end war and create global harmony

Is this really how I think? Someone writes a status update on facebook about global harmony and it brings up all of these thoughts in me that I have to let pour out of me. Thinking about and writing about it didn’t bring me any new insights yet on how to end war, but rather made me even more confused on how best to achieve it and whether it should even be aimed to be achieved. Aargh. My brain hurts.

end war, create global harmony

Pineal Gland Experiment

I am re-inspired to work on the pineal gland this week after a few articles crossed my path, I lost enthusiasm for my other experiments and want to work on this one and see if I can re-experience the visions that I had a couple of months ago.

decalcified pineal gland

[Daniel Quinn] Ishmael (Fave Quotes)

I haven’t read Daniel Quinn’s books and I can’t say that I totally agree with all of the opinions I’ve found online so far (maybe I need to read the books.. and I intend to), but he certainly has some good quotes that I really resonate with…

daniel quinn