Solutions for Freedom
Brainstorming ideas for freedom solutions – downsizing, minimalism, entrepreneurship, scrutinizing expenses & debts… and more…
Brainstorming ideas for freedom solutions – downsizing, minimalism, entrepreneurship, scrutinizing expenses & debts… and more…
Where I post my latest van updates now (Youtube and Facebook) – join the community if van dwelling or freedom-mobile living is of interest to you.
Creating a “Ready-to-Go” Bathroom Bag for Van Dwellers without a Shower
Using Chair Cushions as Bedding
Learning to let go of negative-automatic reactions through the speaking your truth and living authentically… dealing with dark moments by actually living through them – witnessing yourself and the event as if you are watching a movie trying to understand the characters and the why’s – rather than ignoring or suppressing the hurt feelings.
In hindsight.. I don’t think they meant me to spill the beans on my whole philosophical view of the world LOL.. but this is what came out when I answered the question…
Whilst on my VIC to SA roadtrip, I met a couple who owned the exact same van as me. I call their van HomeR’s lady-friend. This post contains photos and a quick video.
Went to Ikea the other day and picked up a few goodies for the Van!
Video update – tour of my campervan – progress and intended changes. And some new piccies as well :)
Quick update on a life-milestone moment – I got my new Home on Wheels !