Health Blog
Natural Healing…
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Betrayal – The Autoimmune Disease Solution They’re Not Telling You
In a divine timing kind of synchronicity, I came across this series today on healing the so-called incurable auto-immune conditions.
[Solutions] Copper
We need copper: whether we’re combatting nanotech, venom, bio-weapons, fake-viruses, pathogens, or a myriad of chronic diseases, here’s a super simple, cheap, and convenient way to get copper back into your diet to fight back against these lying globalists and their “iron deficiency hoax”.
[Solutions] Regrow Gums in 2 Weeks
Hidden Oral Infections = Heart Disease, Cancer, Alzheimer’s, Diabetes, systemic disease… more… and a method that regrew a patients gums in 2 weeks.
Time-Saving & Cheap Health Shortcuts
Time-Saving Convenient Healthy Food, Herb, and Detox Shortcuts I’m applying to my life to combat the NWO-food and other atrocities we’re facing in these dark times.
[Lecture] Gut bacteria, Mind control, & Immunity
We are dealing with NWO-Food (lab-substitutes, toxins, gmo’s, chemicals, antibiotics in livestock, pesticides, blah blah blah – it’s endless) which wrecks havoc on our bodies. By now we all should be realizing the importance of cleaning up what we put in or on our bodies, but one important and often overlooked area is our gut health.
[TedTalk] How to make diseases disappear
After his son nearly died and was unresponsive & lifeless, this medical doctor had a wake-up call. 3 days later, it was discovered that his son had a low level of calcium in his blood caused by a low level of Vitamin D. When his son nearly died from a preventable vitamin deficiency – and he as his father was a doctor that knew nothing about it, he was harrowed in guilt and started reading and learning a lot of science that he did not learn in medical school. From that turning point, he realized that diseases are just an illusion….
[Solutions] Eat Fresh & Local Food FREE without Growing a Garden
What the bad guys don’t want you to know… no matter what happens, food is free.
The Truth about Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide [Book Notes]
Great book that you can read cover-to-cover, especially the chapters full of anti-medical-establishment draconian, evil and corrupt industries meant to suppress cheap effective and natural alternatives in favour of experimental expensive drugs.
Zombie Parasites & Hairworms Mind-Control
These fungus spores and hairworms take over it’s host’s mind – I reckon the whole planet should go on a Parasite Cleanse
Healthy Motivation for me
When I was healthy, happy, positive, and full of energy, this is what I posted on Instagram as my “accountability” challenge. Years later, I am nothing like this person. This post is to re-motivate myself to start doing what I know works. Food is nature’s medicine that completely transforms everything, and has never been more important to put this front and centre back into our lives.
If you must drink alcohol…
I don’t drink alcohol, but I know many enjoy drinking so wanted to research and find the best option to suggest.
[QHHT] Case Study: Scarred Lungs and Asthma – Healed
I counted her out of trance and I don’t think I will ever forget what happened next. Lisa’s eyes flew open and she sat bolt upright. She tossed off the covers she had over her body and leapt out of bed. She started jumping around the room like a human pogo stick sucking in deep breaths of air. “Oh my god, Oh my god, Oh my god!” She said over and over again. “Listen! Listen to me BREATHE!!”
Self-Punishment / Being Over-weight – EFT Tapping & Affirmations
Just found these notes on affirmations and EFT tapping techniques for being over-weight. Before I lose them forever, thought I’d publish them to my blog so that I can refer back to them.
[4] – Personality Disorders, Handicaps & Illness
Wanderers have as a general rule some form of handicap, difficulty or feeling of alienation which is severe.
Purifying water with sound, colour and symbols
I woke up this morning with a ‘knowing’ that we can purify our water with sound and symbols.
Supplements I’m using to boost immunity
Ramble about supplements I’m adding to boost my immune system
Top antioxidant foods
Top antioxidant foods (according to researchers at the Human Nutrition Research Center on Ageing at Tufts University)
First try of Chaga Mushroom Tea (Yum + Health Benefits)
Cancer fighter, immune booster, energy, stamina, tasty, & detoxing elixir of life
My Health Purchases (which, why, where & how much)
Non-Perishable Health Products I’ve bought over the past year and a half including where I purchased, why, and how much.
Wearing the “Sick” badge is keeping you sick
Stop putting disease-badges on yourself. Because when you label yourself as a disease – you’re walking around life with these labels “I am sick” and you are keeping yourself sick, small and limited, and you are telling your body that you will never change.
Matrix Energetics and Reconnective Healing [Notes]
If you blindly learn something and it’s serving you, do not question it, stay with it and never deviate from it, it will always work.
How to counteract what this modern lifestyle is doing to your body… This is your Wakeup Call
noone is immune to what is going on in our toxic modern-day environment/lifestyles… all of us need to go through this transformation of change.. all of us get the wakeup call…
Candida Mind Control
Unexpected ramble about pathogens being cause of a lot of illness and could explain why I healed myself and why I think outside of the box..
[Bentinho Massaro] Everything is a reflection of your vibration – Health
All physical ailments, illnesses, and discomforts are misaligned thinking. Every ailment you have is reversible. Heal-able. Beliefs rule your life. Your natural state is already at bliss and perfect health. Transmute the negative and you will reveal your natural state. Decide who you are every moment.
Working on my BIGGEST limited belief right now.
Believe, know, step into, become, BE, embrace, live, create, have faith and trust that is what I already am and just STEP INTO IT.
Once I believed there was a cure, I was already healed.
I’ll edit this and make a podcast out of it later.. but in case I die today.. I just felt compelled to publish it now before I go to work. This is just the thoughts I wrote upon waking this morning.. and it really needs a bit of re-organizing, adding to and fixing :)
Urotherapy (Journey to being Educated instead of Grossed-Out)
Been grossing out about Urine Therapy for a few years but thought since Im in a more open-minded state at the moment Ill try and get a little educated instead of freaked out
Is Mercury Toxic or not? Yes. Why have it in vaccines?
Why they’ve left it in the vaccines is because they say its such a minute amount – it doesn’t really hurt anybody. But that’s begging the question…the question is – is it toxic or not? And it is. It should be out of “everything” that goes into the human body, and our health agencies in my opinion have been derilect in their responsibility of making sure that mercury is out of everything that goes into the human body especially vaccines.
Supplements, Herbs and Super Foods for Radiation Protection [Notes]
My notes (so far) about supplements, herbs and foods to remove cesium (radioactive fallout from Fukushima)
Nutrition, Energy and Fatigue ~ Yuri Elkaim [Notes]
Stay away from these: 1.) Caffeine, 2.) Sugar, 3.) Wheats/Breads (Gluten). One big salad a day will change your life. Clean diet, enjoy raw (ethereal life-force). You are a reflection of the people you surround yourself with. 5-10 minutes of “interval training” is better than long workouts. More plant-based foods – LOTS of vegetables. Non-sweet fruit. Good quality fats. Detox heavy metals / chemicals, & limit exposure. and more…
Adrenal and Endocrine Health ~ Dr. Alan Christianson [Notes]
4000 people in this study and literally – you could be a heavy smoker with a bad heart and you would have better survival odds than a poorly-stress-adapted totally healthy person.
Brain Health, Food and the Gut ~ Dr. David Perlmutter [Notes]
Fecal transplantation, Probiotics & Prebiotics.. tiny notes from the interview…
A Unique Look at Personal and Cellular Nutrition ~ Dr. Jack Kruse [Notes]
Foods are ultimately devised – all their energy – from the power of the sun. People think they need a balanced diet of food, when what they really need is a balanced diet of ‘light’. “Eat sunlight” Food is really just a proxy for light. Life was built from light.
The Neuropsychology of Eating ~ Dr. Srini Pillay [Notes]
The body is an instrument that we can use, to connect more deeply with our own sense of authenticity and reality & the more we do this – the more our concept of who we are will change.
Nourishment, Health and Presence ~ Gudni Gunnarsson [Notes]
We’re prime-creators of our existence & expression. Fear is the ultimate disease. The only thing we have to fear is the illusion of fear. We’re the generators of the faith or we’re the generators of the fear. If we want things to change, we must be the change. We must love ourselves. At the same time that happens, immediately – we have love for others, the planet, and for the suffering that’s going on.
Heavy Metal Chelation (remove toxic heavy metals naturally)
Add these into your daily lifestyle to naturally eliminate & displace toxic heavy metals in your body.
Optimize your Brain [Podcast Notes – Dr Amen]
Notes from Dr. Daniel Amen – Bulletproof podcast interview about Brain Health
QA #6 – How I Boost my Immunity & Regenerate my Cells
How I boost my immune system and regenerate my cells
Food as Healing Energy – Mingtong Gu – Notes [Video]
Chi & Food: How to eat energetic healing foods – Mingtong Gu (Lilou Mace) – my notes
Divine Matrix Notes (You are ALREADY Healed)
Notes from approximately the first hour .. will take notes as I continue watching it over the next few days and add new posts or re-organize these notes.. but I highly recommend watching this so far… it’s very similar to how I healed myself.. and I learnt new understandings as to why I felt like my “intentions” and the “knowing that I would heal” was the very thing that healed me… so more notes to come and watch the video! With Focused Attention to glean as much knowledge as you can – especially if you need to heal yourself xo
If it were bad for us, they would tell us [RANT] Medical Industry, Natural Healing & Ignorance!
This research that I do is the only reason I’m alive today. I have a great passion for sharing how I healed myself with others who are interested – I have no interest in sharing with people who are closed-minded… be part of the solution – share your knowledge, research, genuine questions, and ideas… or rack off!
Truth about Cancer – Episode 10 Notes
This episode is from cancer patients that cured themselves using natural methods – who also happen to be doctors. Nutshell version: personal accounts from Doctors who went natural on themselves with their own cancer diagnosis… and what they would do if they were diagnosed today.
Truth about Cancer – Episode 5 Notes
Mother Nature has the answer to cancer. Nutshell version: Dark red/green fruits/veg, figs, leafy greens, superfoods, seeds, hydration, beets, selenium, iodine, chromium, bromide, seaveg, No SUGAR, curcumin, yeast overgrowth, music, humour
Truth about Cancer – Episode 4 Notes
Nutshell: Detoxification – Chelation therapy, Strawberries, Chlorella, Spirulina, Fruit seeds, Coffee Enemas, Water, Emotions, Epigenetics, Placebo Effect, Lymphatic System, Rebounding, Far Infrared Saunas, Hyperthermia, Colon > Liver > Kidneys, Hippocratic oath.
Truth about Cancer – Episode 3 Notes
Eliminate these Dirty Dozen to Prevent Cancer – Nutshell version – live in a bubble.. everything is killing us (…this we know… )