Feel like I’m doing more for humanity by getting stable “first”
I feel like I’m doing more to help humanity by dealing with my own shit and taking responsibility for what I put out into the world than anything I tried before
I feel like I’m doing more to help humanity by dealing with my own shit and taking responsibility for what I put out into the world than anything I tried before
Everything is always new, so you can’t go through life flawlessly because you have never lived this moment before.
Life is teaching you in each cycle – it all that you have never experienced before – its always new
Grateful to be here right now, especially now in this timeline, as these massive changes happen all across this planet.
On way to a funeral… death makes you think about certain things… what happens when we die.. and how do we choose to spend our time here on earth.. and is this the only life we get to have here..
The small daily things – its all inclusive – everything is teaching you