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The Download of Knowledge from Source

Finally sharing my March weird vision that I had. Yep, finally showing the world that I might actually be a little crazy… in the hopes of finding some like-minds that might not think this experience is crazy… so that I don’t have to book myself in.

speak your truth and the truth will be revealed

Why do humans need to question the ‘why’?

I don’t want to be delusional. I want to be ‘right’. Why do humans need to ask WHY, what is the truth about spirituality or religion. Are we just ants or parasites, or is there something more to us, something to the reason we have the ability or are conscious enough to question our own realities.

Why Ask Why

Don’t we all challenge our existence?

I feel like I’m surrounded by empty shells, people who never question anything, just live a bs life – get a job, get a car, get a house, watch mindless tv or play games, make babies, blame everyone else for their problems, and believe everything they see on tv, really – that’s it? Why?
