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You are not evil. (Parasites Feeding off Negative Energies)

This is an “add-on” to my last post (The dark days are over. Back to Crazy-Land!) The post was getting a bit big, so I decided to have a separate post with my notes on negative entities (of which, for the record, I’m still on the fence about, but “even if there is truth” to it, it doesn’t change much about anything, except to be aware, vibrate higher, and trust your gut.


Everyday you are given the opportunity to evolve. Everything is significant in our growth and expansion. What would love do?

My purpose is just to love, to be an example of unconditional love and compassion. That will either be the beacon of light or the seed that is planted that people don’t “need” to suffer. To show them that they have a choice. Red pill. Blue pill. And accept whatever journey they have come here to experience, in whatever way fits best for their own evolution. Because they are me, and I am them. Their perspective/perception and experience is just as valid and part of this whole thing as any. I am here to help those who “want” to experience it without suffering because that’s my super-power to share, that’s what I came here to learn, and that’s what I share as I learn. xo
