Roadtrip Final: Can’t stop smiling… happy.. loving this..
Finally the trip takes a turn for the better.. can’t stop smiling, found my happy place, really want this to be my everyday-life ..
Finally the trip takes a turn for the better.. can’t stop smiling, found my happy place, really want this to be my everyday-life ..
3 days into the roadtrip, was still feeling yuck about the wrongs in the world, as well as having crazy dreams that I couldn’t get out of my mind.. and was starting to wonder if I was going to get anything out of this trip.
Feeling guilty / burdened about not being able to help with Fiji.. then Syria.. etc.. and going on my roadtrip anyway because it is what it is and hope that the removal of distractions, realigns my rubix cube and helps me find clarity.. travelling to Daylesford area, Victoria, Australia.
Realizing that this whole thing is a self-love journey, when I was connected with all, everything was easy, then when the doubt came in – everything fell apart