[QA] Do Atheists believe in souls or higher consciousness?
Posed this question to my Facebook friends … lol.. I guess I was asking for it.. although I really was curious.. as to whether Atheists believe in souls or higher consciousness
Posed this question to my Facebook friends … lol.. I guess I was asking for it.. although I really was curious.. as to whether Atheists believe in souls or higher consciousness
Society is screwed up ! Don’t base your thoughts and decisions on what society’s told you since you were born or what your parents told you cos all they ever know is what society told them! And yet, your heart usually says something different, right? Click here to read more of the transcript from an awesome speech from Markus Rothkranz as he speaks from his heart about health and self-empowerment. Learn how hardship makes us better people, how pain makes us stronger and allow him to inspire you to be the real you.
I just read the teachers manual version of ‘A Course in Miracles’ and have taken some notes based on ‘where I’m at in my spiritual journey’.
Here are my notes from ‘The Master Key System’ by Charles F. Haanel. Weeks 9-12Week 9 (Law of Growth)Week 10 […]