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higher consciousness

Life is always uncovering who you really are

The truth is, life is always giving you opportunities to uncover who you really are, to take off the masks, to reveal your inner-truth, and to live in flow in nature. Life is wanting the best expression of who you really are. Limitations are life’s way of teaching you unique abilities in yourself, strength’s and newness.


Standing Rock – hope for humanity

I’m really hoping these guys on the front-line there, standing up for this one thing that is making it’s way around the world, that it at least inspires people to come together regardless of the outcome because more standing together / cooperating / helping each other is something so very missing from the core of so many areas of our lives – that which our soul’s can no longer tolerate.


Being Human (Best way to Navigate Life)

Being true to yourself & being understanding and accepting of others, and decreasing the idea of “right and wrong” – freeing ourselves from prejudice & being authentic and honouring your soul and the souls of others is the best way to navigate life.


You can’t go into any of this with baggage

Deal with your own baggage before pointing the finger. When others are harmful, hurtful, doing anything that insults your soul – don’t lower your own virtue to match their vibration – you become an “enabler” – that just enables them to stay there which does nothing to help them; and your soul will wrench your heart with all it’s might until you free yourself – you will experience the suffering that comes from ignoring your own values. Keep true to your own soul’s truth. They may not understand, but that’s not your role. Your role is to live true to your own values. To follow your own pure heart’s guidance.
