Reddit thread on the Afterlife
Interesting Reddit thread on the Afterlife
Interesting Reddit thread on the Afterlife
According to an entity called Hatonn (via group meditation) some of us desire to seek something outside the physical illusion. This post details the illusion, why we are here, why they are here, and about becoming aware of the infinite creator.
We’re here to experience every single thing there is to experience. oh my god.. this guy is “ME”! Except better able to explain things :)
Jamie Butler interviews the collective “Ra” as channelled by Darshana Patel
Aurelio Mejia from Colombia is a popular hypnotherapist in Spanish speaking countries, that found that all those under his hypnosis share the same message. It’s very interesting and something to ponder. Here is some of the “english” text sourced from his website about the 16 commonalities obtained from his regressions
Expressing random thoughts about everything on my mind from nephews to conspiracy and natural healing
Finally you’ll find out why I’m so fascinated by the I Ching as I share actual readings that have helped me in key moments of confusion in my life.
Ice, Psychiatric Drugs, Conspiracies, WW3, Spirit Guides, Angels, Bible, Aliens, Seth, Ra, Thoth, Dr Who, Cosmic Disclosure, Corey Goode, David Wilcock, Reptilians, Evolution, Ascension, DNA, Religion, We’re all one, Egyptian Pyramids, Solar Flares, The other 99%, Flat-Earth, Hollow Earth, Inner Earth Beings, Giants, Fairies, The Last Avatar, Ghosts & Spirits, Exorcisms, Energy, Fear, Shadow, etc. Don’t believe anything we talk about.
Asking the I Ching questions about the universe and common concepts that are brought up that have conflicting accepted answers from skeptics and believers alike.
40 minute ramble about all sorts of topics on the way home from camping