Was the world better because I existed?
Everything heals you from a place of hope. Woke up with something on my mind.. this is what came out. Now that it has been expressed, I can move on. Journalling is good soul-food. Live true to your soul.
Everything heals you from a place of hope. Woke up with something on my mind.. this is what came out. Now that it has been expressed, I can move on. Journalling is good soul-food. Live true to your soul.
Today Im caught up on thoughts that do not serve me. I dont know how long I have left, but whether its hours, days, months or years.. I want to live my truth. I choose to love fully. I choose to speak from a loving place. I choose to care deeply. I choose to be myself. I choose for people to know the real me not the mask that I wore all my life. That however long I have left in this experience, I choose to share who I really am, to be me.
We are here to be happy and freedom is a major road in that direction. Choosing what we love, doing what we love, pursuing what we love. It all comes down to us. It takes bold courage to be free. Totally free. Free from what others think. Free to self-express as we like. When we don’t, something feels off. We feel like there is someone else inside of us and we are holding that free spirit prisoner.
Syncronicities and lessons that show up when you are vibrating at different frequencies. How to use emotions as a personal guidance system to direct your life.
Who you are – the world has never known – this whole (human) experience is the reason why you are here. Embrace the now – everything is here to help you evolve – Love yourself and every lesson that comes to teach you. xoxo
4 Hour video with clearing affirmations & statements to help you release subconscious beliefs that no longer serve you.
I feel we need to allow ourselves to be open to see things from different perspectives…question the status quo… the lifetime of conditioning.. be the change
Become who you are – Stop wearing a mask & living a lie – Speak your Truth
There is nothing wrong with where we are at. Life is a journey of different perspectives & experiences. Our biggest fear is what other people think of us – and that was brainwashed into us – we are conditioned since birth to conform. To hold our tongue. It’s a hard habit to break because it’s automatic. Once you realize that your beliefs are not even your own – you are free to Question Everything and have absolute Empathy and understanding about where other people are – you realize that nothing is real, everything is fake – a mask. Time to start thinking for ourselves & allowing others to explore their truths / go through the process of un-brainwashing – even though none of us know what is real from our tiny perspective.
A loving person lives in a loving world. A hostile person lives in a hostile world. Your ‘actions’ create the ‘reactions’ of people around you. The world is your mirror.
Here are my notes from ‘The Master Key System’ by Charles F. Haanel. Weeks 21-24 Week 21 (Predominant thought = […]