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Fear is like the tool for ascension

it is this awareness that the dark and light are one.. that the dark is here to help the light.. it might not seem like it is helping from some of our multi-faceted perspectives, but that all that seems negative, dark, fear-based from our 3d perspectives looks like a total game of chess from another perspective.. that those who have come here to evolve / ascend.. how do they do that if they are already complete? Without the helpers.. those that would come and challenge them, test them, help them grow and expand.. show them their light….. that you don’t need to fear your demons if you see them as helping you – they also become the “friendly” helpers, who are serving your highest good. (I see demons = fear/tools/guidance, angels = guidance/higher-perspectives/awareness).. you know I don’t believe in either, but metaphorically, this is how I would explain them to my juvenile amnesiac perspective.


Step into the highest version of you.

You’ve already experienced everything before. If you want to experience anything in this dimension, you just pull/receive/download that energy into “this” you. Receive it and step into it, naturally, appreciate it, intend it, focus on it, receive it into existence, open your heart to receive it, this is the way you bring things into this creation, this is how you create it, you become aware of it.


Everything coming to the surface now – it’s time to deal!

With great pain comes big changes. Speak your truth, let go, have faith and behold your unfolding. This is a massive shift and even those who are not aware of it are feeling it’s effects. They are seeing the signs and symbols and getting the insights. The ego is going through it’s own little death-throes trying to hold onto your old identity that no longer serves you.
