Dark mark on my soul after betrayal
What could I have done to prevent myself getting into that situation and why didn’t I pay attention to logic
The ongoing Battle with my Ego
My Egoic judgements of others, is it my authentic self or my social conditioning
My Dark Night of the Soul musings…
life is easier if you realize you are always adapting to that which has never been created before
Making Hostile Forces “innocent” for Self-Work
Choosing to take responsibility for our own place in the game.
Doing my “inner work” in the workplace
Accepting that each of us are exploring a different slice of this perspective-pie.. whilst still attempting to retain authenticity and sincerity…
Life is giving us no choice but to go within (New Timeline / Catalysts)
Grateful to be here right now, especially now in this timeline, as these massive changes happen all across this planet.
[I Ching] Dark night of the soul
Trying to glean more understanding about last year’s “Dark night of the soul” experience
What does spiritual ascension mean? Why is it just happening now? What happens after?
My personal reply to a question in a facebook group – What does spiritual ascension mean?
Resistance is not listening to intuition, not having faith, not trusting
I see something “unfolding” here.. playing-out.. we are a part of something.. and we’re not alone.. everything seems to be playing-out to help us.. collecting keys to helping each other.. to uniting.