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CovID-19 (Certificate of Vaccination—ID—2019) is the largest operation to date. It includes rounding up the slaves, which are as easy to manipulate as rats, and mass tagging, experimenting, weaponizing, culling, fencing, and “playing God with” the entire human-slave-force to be controllable from a central location.

[Solutions] Copper

We need copper: whether we’re combatting nanotech, venom, bio-weapons, fake-viruses, pathogens, or a myriad of chronic diseases, here’s a super simple, cheap, and convenient way to get copper back into your diet to fight back against these lying globalists and their “iron deficiency hoax”.


[TedTalk] How to make diseases disappear

After his son nearly died and was unresponsive & lifeless, this medical doctor had a wake-up call. 3 days later, it was discovered that his son had a low level of calcium in his blood caused by a low level of Vitamin D. When his son nearly died from a preventable vitamin deficiency – and he as his father was a doctor that knew nothing about it, he was harrowed in guilt and started reading and learning a lot of science that he did not learn in medical school. From that turning point, he realized that diseases are just an illusion….


Placebo/Nocebo, Faith & Science (Brand/Campbell)

Russell Brand asks Dr John Campbell to explain what “Double-Blind Randomized Clinical Trials” actually means and what that means in terms of the power of both the ‘Placebo’ and ‘Nocebo’ effects. Nice short clip that will remind you of the power of belief, and maybe make you think a little about why the media misledia are keeping humanity in a constant state of fear and hopelessness.
