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Conduit – Abraham

[Abraham] Everything that happens offers improvement & expansion

Everything that happens causes you to offer a clear vibration of improvement and expansion, everything that you don’t want – offers a contrasting preference of what you do want. The non-physical part of you has benefited from your life experience and has expanded as a result of it. It is through your exposure to life experiences that your expansion is born.


The Power of Intention

Notes from “The Philosopher’s Notes’ discussion” about the book: The Power of Intention by Wayne Dyer Intention Serotonin Act ‘as If’ Making everything sacred. Saying ‘yes’ to life Connect to service, find your purpose in serving Be what you want/desire to […]


[Abraham] Ask and It Is Given

Ask and It Is Given – Learning to Manifest Your Desires by Esther and Jerry Hicks (The Teachings of Abraham) Currently reading this book and if you like the law of attraction, then you’ll like this book too. It was […]

Ask and it is Given