[Ramtha] The White Book 5 What is Joy?

Notes from ‘The White Book‘ by Ramtha
What is joy? Joy is the freedom of movement without interruption. It is the freedom of expression without judgement. It is the freedom of being without fear or guilt. Joy is knowing that you are creating life on your own terms. It is the sublime movement of self allowed. That is joy.
Why is joy the grandest state of being? Because when you are in a state of joy, you are in the flow of what God is, and in that flow there is no room for jealousy, anger, bitterness, or war. It is difficult to hate anyone – it is difficult to besiege anyone; it is difficult to hurt anyone – when you are in a state of joy. When you are happy and joyful, you love God seen in all things.
In an exuberant state of joy, you are at peace with everything about you. When you are in joy with life, you cannot feel remorseful or insecure, fearful, angry, or lacking. In a state of joy, you are fulfilled and complete, and life, wisdom, and creativity flow like a mighty river from within your being. In a state of joy, you are inspired to the heights of greatness and the
depths of feeling.
How do you become joyful? By knowing that every moment of your life gives you the freedom and opportunity to express joy, if that is your desire, and by knowing there is nothing that is ever worth separating yourself from happiness and joy and God – nothing – and by loving yourself completely through and through, for you love God when you do.
There is no greater love in life than the love of self. There is no greater love, for it is from that embrace of self that freedom exists. And it is from that freedom that joy is born. And it is from that birth that God is seen, known, and embraced. The greatest, deepest, most meaningful love is the love of the pure and innocent self, the magnificent creature that sits within the walls of flesh, that moves and contemplates, creates, allows, and is. And when you love who you are – however you are – then you will know this magnificent essence that I love, that is behind all of the faces and within all things. Then you will love as God loves. Then it is easy to love. Then it is easy to forgive. Then it is easy to see God in all life.
When you love who you are, there is no thing unconquerable, no thing unreachable. When you truly love yourself, you live only in the light of your own laughter and travel only the path of joy. When you are in love with yourself, then that light – that united force, that happiness, that jolliness, that mirthful state of being – extends itself to all humanity.
And when love abounds within your wondrous being, the world with all of its displeasures becomes beautiful – life becomes meaningful and takes on joy – and joy, through the exuberance of your being, uplifts and glorifies all life and declares your being pure.
There is no greater purpose in life than to live for the love and fulfillment of self, and that can only be achieved by participating in this life and doing those things which bring you happiness, regardless of what they are, for who shall say it is wrong or that it is not good for you? God would never say that, for he will be every direction you turn and the result of everything you experience. And don’t ask others what they think. What would they know of joy when their lives have been burdened by the same limitations that have plagued yours.
The more moments you spend being happy and joyful and loving yourself and allowing yourself to be, the closer you are to being the God force of all life. If you will live your life in such a manner – that everything you pursue in life, you pursue to make yourself happy – you will live your life to its grandest destiny.
You will achieve miraculous things. You will be a remarkable example of the love of self and God. You will experience and understand the grand beauty and the wonderful enigma that you are. And, behold, in what is termed the final analysis, you will have seen the face of God by realizing that it is your own. Then you are off to another eternity of life experience in a new and grander understanding.