[IChing] Queries about Poker
Everyday you have the opportunity to expand your outlook and re-look at situations from multiple perspectives / lenses.
The I Ching for me, is like taking into consideration the advice from an ancient wise man.
That being said, I just found that when I was having a 2 month “Poker Phase” in my life (where I went to poker every day/night) for fun and also to try and make some money. I didn’t do very well and gave up hoping that I could make a living out of it. Anyway, during that time, it looks like I consulted the I Ching a few times. The answers are interesting so I thought I’d share :)
I want to manifest $40,000 quickly to pay off HomeR, Linda and have financial security. How do I go about this and still keep my house without anyone dying. I’m thinking poker or lottery… I don’t know how to tap into abundance.
#30 Clarity > #22 Grace
- A fire made of straw will blaze brilliantly but soon burns itself out.
- Gather your wits
- A moth beating itself against the window does nothing but exhaust himself.
- Better to devote attention to increasing your awareness and self-remembrance.
Why do I feel bad when I make a mistake or have a bad beat?
#62 > #40
- Sometimes you just cannot beat the system.
- Pay attention.
How do I leverage the universe in my poker game?
#32 Duration
- Stay grounded.
- Adjust to highs and lows.
- Don’t let it knock you off centre.
What happened tonight, what caused me to be card-dead.
#48 > #63
- Lack of self-worth.
How do I fix the well?
#11 Peace > #9 Small
- Don’t get thrown off balance by others.
- Alert to manipulative tactics.
- Self-discipline and maturity.
- Have a “good time”.
Why have I shifted… Why am I no longer “in the zone” in poker? What is the problem or what can I do to fix it?
#6 Conflict > #47 Oppression
- If you engage in an unjust conflict, even if you win, you will lose.
- A hollow victory will bring you under repeated-attack.
- You persist & win, but it’s an empty victory.
Can I make Poker my career? Can it be less of a hollow victory? Can I be spiritual and play poker for money?
#40 Liberation > #32 Duration
- Enjoying your success? Tempted to flaunt your recently acquired wealth? Don’t set yourself up for others to rip you off.
- It’s easy to get carried away by the sudden sense of liberation.
- It’s not the best moment to launch any grandiose new schemes or inflate your ego.
Please help me manifest enjoyable and profitable poker games.
#6 Conflict > #40 Liberation
- Assert yourself to resolve conflict.
- Bring in a mediator.
- Proudly winning through aggression is not something to command respect.
- You can win but a victory will bring a lifetime of defending your prize.
- Expect good results.
- Temporary success will gain you nothing.
What do I need to focus on then?
#18 > #52
- When you know you can’t win, retreat.
Was last night at poker when I finally decided “I’m done for now” the way it was supposed to play out? What is my lesson?
- Learning to appreciate times of having little influence.
- Make repairs in preparation for greater possibilities.
- Eliminate habitual and unproductive modes of behaviour.