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[Miguel Mendonça] Everybody has their own truth

We’re all seekers. We’re all explorers. You are not your body, you are not your name. You are not defined by outward things. The body and the personality, doesn’t define what you are. It’s an expression, it’s a vehicle, it’s like my car is not who I am, but it’s how I get around, it’s how I get to do the things I’m here to do.


[Ramtha] The White Book 5 What is Joy?

Joy is freedom.
When you are in joy with life, you are at peace with everything about you and cannot feel remorseful or insecure, fearful, angry, or lacking.
When love abounds, life is beautiful, meaningful, purifying, uplifting & it extends itself to all humanity.


[Ramtha] The White Book 3 Why are you here?

The purpose of your life is for your soul to fulfill itself in wisdom. Everything you have ever done was for the sake of knowing. Whatever judgement or limitation you place upon another, so shall you limit and judge yourself. Everything is an experience that provides wisdom.
