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Philosophy & Spirituality

Are you awake?

I don’t like these meme’s that encourage “separateness” instead of flowing with what is, and yet, I find this so helpful personally – not as an attack or criticism of anyone that is not choosing to live in the ‘awake’ column (because we’re ever experiencing new-levels based on wherever we’re at & the newness we are constantly experiencing from our individual interpretations of an experience we have never had because this moment has never been lived before by us – our unique slice of this universal pie — there is noone like you, you are uniquely experiencing the same movie screen with your own unique lens)…


Cheat Codes for Life

Accept what is happening as part of life. Choose to allow it to help transform you into a better you. Don’t judge it in a negative way – see all of it as serving your life in some way, as cycles of expansion.
