Philosophy & Spirituality
How we’re transforming society: Find yourself & Be that
Work on yourself, be that which you want the world to be, and transform society. The Pyramid and the Pool: Why things are better than they seem [Martha Beck]
[QHHT] Spiritual Hypnosis – all clients shared the same message
Aurelio Mejia from Colombia is a popular hypnotherapist in Spanish speaking countries, that found that all those under his hypnosis share the same message. It’s very interesting and something to ponder. Here is some of the “english” text sourced from his website about the 16 commonalities obtained from his regressions
[Nithyananda] The Completion Process
Any action that is unfulfilled as per your expectation, due to either an inner hindrance or outer hindrance, is incompletion
[QHHT] Each of us are in different stages of our evolution (Alba Weinman)
Rrandom notes from Alba Weinman QHHT session videos
[Bentinho Massaro] Nothing ever happens to you
When you feel bad, your thinking is wrong. When you feel great, your thinking is correct. Simple.
Service to Others in the Workplace | Definition of Love
Rant about people hiding behind company policies, defining love, and talking about the difference in perceptions in seeing the world and how you are flipping between love-based and fear-based realities.
You’re Not Crazy, You’re Awakening – Ramble from the Soul
There’s so much about this world that is not right in our souls, allow life to be your teacher.