My Health Purchases (which, why, where & how much)
Non-Perishable Health Products I’ve bought over the past year and a half including where I purchased, why, and how much.
Non-Perishable Health Products I’ve bought over the past year and a half including where I purchased, why, and how much.
Stop putting disease-badges on yourself. Because when you label yourself as a disease – you’re walking around life with these labels “I am sick” and you are keeping yourself sick, small and limited, and you are telling your body that you will never change.
If you blindly learn something and it’s serving you, do not question it, stay with it and never deviate from it, it will always work.
noone is immune to what is going on in our toxic modern-day environment/lifestyles… all of us need to go through this transformation of change.. all of us get the wakeup call…
Unexpected ramble about pathogens being cause of a lot of illness and could explain why I healed myself and why I think outside of the box..
All physical ailments, illnesses, and discomforts are misaligned thinking. Every ailment you have is reversible. Heal-able. Beliefs rule your life. Your natural state is already at bliss and perfect health. Transmute the negative and you will reveal your natural state. Decide who you are every moment.
Believe, know, step into, become, BE, embrace, live, create, have faith and trust that is what I already am and just STEP INTO IT.
I’ll edit this and make a podcast out of it later.. but in case I die today.. I just felt compelled to publish it now before I go to work. This is just the thoughts I wrote upon waking this morning.. and it really needs a bit of re-organizing, adding to and fixing :)