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Taboo / Divergent

Mission, Legacy, Soul’s Calling

The negative agenda is helping people wake up faster, by poisoning the air, food, water, taking people’s rights and liberties away, media brainwashing, cost of living is skyrocketing, and the system is wired for people to fail… but I really feel like it’s the catalyst to waking people up.


Spiritual Awakening vs Psychosis (6 months in)

What would my higher-self do? Every moment brings opportunities to grow. Ramble trying to investigate different insights I have received.

Negative vs Positive Polarities, Demonic & Evil Entities & Energies, Evolving on Multi-layered octaves, Spiritual Emergencies.

Are we 100% responsible for what we experience or just how we interpret the experiences? Have we agreed to experience this prior to coming in?
