Am I a Soulless Zombie now like everyone else?
Weird cycle where I seem detached from it all and just trying to discern why.
Weird cycle where I seem detached from it all and just trying to discern why.
I think Standing Rock is one of the events where you’re going to see which side of the veil people are on. Where they are at consciously; which perspective of life they are living their lives through.
I was so certain that we were all DNA experiments from different races of ET’s
Going through hell after meeting someone that brings up deep-surface emotions – that is not love. That’s society’s misinterpretation of love.
Standing Rock is more than just protecting water – it’s standing up for your soul – for what’s right – it’s no longer conforming to that which is wrong.
I’m really hoping these guys on the front-line there, standing up for this one thing that is making it’s way around the world, that it at least inspires people to come together regardless of the outcome because more standing together / cooperating / helping each other is something so very missing from the core of so many areas of our lives – that which our soul’s can no longer tolerate.
Ramble about a dream, edgar cayce, when the soul enters the body, my lack of any feelings lately – unaffected by everything, and missing energy
Trying to figure out best way to harmonize opposing views; 1.) “allow life to show you and adapt to the changes” vs 2.) “this is how it’s been for generations and anything else is wrong”.
Experimenting with binaural beats & exploring in Theta-mode, realizing that my role for the past few years has been one of destroying my identity and being an explorer of different beliefs – a “belief explorer”.