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Taboo / Divergent

Pathway to your Potential (Pro/Con list)

This exercise shows you where you are aligned. It shows you your boundaries, value-system, where your integrity is; where you’re at & where you ‘wish’ you were at. It shows you a pathway to being your potential – what you aspire to be, what you are learning in this human life, what you REALLY value and what is actually important to you.


“Neediness” vs “Love”

As I see the desperation in others now, that neediness, that “begging” kind of emotion that they are feeling when they are “in love” with someone, from this new space of what I identified as being “disconnected from my heart”, I realize that there could be something to this. That they are also identifying “love” as this “needing another to approve of them because they don’t feel worthy enough to do that for themselves”


Purifying negative so that Evil cannot enter

Anyway, so I have these 2 conflicting experiences / beliefs. That they are either real, or a conjuring from the collation of negative-influences within my own sub-conscious. Even if they are real or not real, the answer is the same… you have to ‘be solid within’ – be aware of your own weaknesses, fears, vulnerabilities and cultivate inner-strength and an ‘environment’ that negative doesn’t like to reside/dwell. That fear or any kind of negative-influences cannot ‘run the show’ or ‘attack’ if you are not ‘open for business’ – so the answer is to be-friend that ‘negative’ exists and cultivate inner-strength and purify the negative thoughts within.


Live in your own integrity (align with your soul)

Morning pages. Live each day in alignment with your soul. Wherever / whatever you are is an opportunity to experience creation from your unique aspect, so nowhere is really a mistake, always just opportunities to experience creation; to learn about yourself/creation through interacting with or observing creation from wherever you are.


Life is always uncovering who you really are

The truth is, life is always giving you opportunities to uncover who you really are, to take off the masks, to reveal your inner-truth, and to live in flow in nature. Life is wanting the best expression of who you really are. Limitations are life’s way of teaching you unique abilities in yourself, strength’s and newness.
