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Dark Night of the Soul


Found a Voice Recording from 2 Years ago when I thought I was going to die

Sold my voice recorder today and this is what I found on it before I erased it.. me talking to myself intending to make a podcast 2 years ago. What do people who are dying think about? I don’t know about others, but this is what I was thinking about… seeing every day as being a gift, not wanting to waste my life, ashamed, how to “get myself out of this”, not wanting my life to be meaningless, and especially wanting to BE the real me.


You are not evil. (Parasites Feeding off Negative Energies)

This is an “add-on” to my last post (The dark days are over. Back to Crazy-Land!) The post was getting a bit big, so I decided to have a separate post with my notes on negative entities (of which, for the record, I’m still on the fence about, but “even if there is truth” to it, it doesn’t change much about anything, except to be aware, vibrate higher, and trust your gut.
