Need to transcend my judgement of others
I don’t like to be judged about where I’m at, so I need to transcend my own judgement of others about where they are at
I don’t like to be judged about where I’m at, so I need to transcend my own judgement of others about where they are at
It’s so easy to hate & fear. It takes so much courage to choose to be positive & loving… but it feels better to take the high road.
What would my higher-self do? Every moment brings opportunities to grow. Ramble trying to investigate different insights I have received.
Negative vs Positive Polarities, Demonic & Evil Entities & Energies, Evolving on Multi-layered octaves, Spiritual Emergencies.
Are we 100% responsible for what we experience or just how we interpret the experiences? Have we agreed to experience this prior to coming in?
Feel like I have my purpose back, helping people and having love and compassion again. No self-doubt now. Feel really clear.
So delving deep into past traumas yesterday didn’t feel good at the time, but I have experienced so much “release” from it.
I’m not there even though I have learnt a lot that can help others.
Overlays are the illusion our minds create when we are in a situation that we don’t know whether we can handle, that we believe will be easier to deal with.
Living in the darker realms at the moment (don’t worry about me though). I’m mindful about where I am, observing the show.