Dreamtime Healing with Steve Richards (Holographic Kinetics)
A long interview with Steve Richards about Holographic Kinetics
A long interview with Steve Richards about Holographic Kinetics
Interesting Reddit thread on the Afterlife
Just had dinner at a friends house and one of her friends that I met tonight is a Holographic Kinetics practitioner and had an interesting perspective on life.
Vaccination Memes
Alison Coe explains a couple of interesting QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique) sessions she had with a couple of clients that shared the same message about new earth.
Someone on Facebook asks for suggestions on protecting yourself from psychic attack – this is my reply. Every vibration is another experience of the reality we are creating.
In this morning’s meditation, I was shown the journey of my last 5 years and the big, life-changing spiritual awakening experiences that have changed my life (so far).
Every day we wake up in the same room and follow the same path to live the same day as yesterday. Contemplate.
You do not change the road you’re walking down, by continuing to walk down it. You change by changing perception, and then everything changes.
People with implants can be implanted with thoughts that are not their own, addictions, sexual perversions, and self destructive behaviors. People have been mind controlled through implants and sent low vibrational energies. Energy vampirism occurs with implants as well as psychotic tendencies which in extreme cases can be diagnosed as schizophrenia. Some implants can move underneath the skin and a crawling sensation is felt. It is estimated that most all humans on the planet suffer from one form of implant or another.