[Paul Selig] Book of Truth 3 (Heaven is a higher octave)

You can get the books or learn more about Paul Selig on his website: https://paulselig.com/ or subscribe to his YouTube channel.
“On this day I claim that I give agreement to perceive a new world, and that the investments I have made in what things were is being released for me by the Divine Self know myself as and all the support that is present for me as an initiate on this wondrous journey. The claim that I make now is being imprinted in my field for the purpose of remembrance. As I remember who I am in totality, I give every aspect of my life permission to reflect the Divine truth that I know is in all. I say these words of my own free will, and as I say them, I say ‘yes’ to all that may meet me, all I may know, and all I will witness in Divine truth. I am Word through this intention. Word I am Word.”
You have all become so invested in looking at yourselves, deciding why you are the way you are and what you must do to correct what you perceive to be a problem, that you invest in all of the data from history that would support a kind of self-reflection that is ultimately a reinforcement of the personality and egoic structure.
- The depiction of heaven as elsewhere has confused humanity for far too long. And the truth of the teaching “The Kingdom of heaven is at hand” is that it is here, has always been, and can only be.
- It is a higher octave, a higher level of vibration – dimensional reality, if you prefer – that may be known through you, but only as you attend to it as the one who may perceive it.
More notes related to Paul Selig:
- [Paul Selig] Messages 2020 (March & April)
- [Paul Selig] Book of Truth 10
- [Paul Selig] Book of Truth 9 (Claim yourself as Truth)
- [Paul Selig] Book of Truth 8 (Release Expectations)
- [Paul Selig] Book of Truth 7 (Move past collective structures of guilt or self-blame)
- [Paul Selig] Book of Truth 6 (An inherited belief is not the known)
- [Paul Selig] Book of Truth 5b (I am not the mask I wear)
- [Paul Selig] Book of Truth 5 (You made fear)
- [Paul Selig] Book of Truth 4 (Claim your Freedom)
- [Paul Selig] Book of Truth 3 (Heaven is a higher octave)
- [Paul Selig] Book of Truth 2b (The idea of the Christ as savior is not a wrong teaching)
- [Paul Selig] Book of Truth 2 (Denying the truth because you have accepted a lie)
- [Paul Selig] Book of Truth 1 (The belief you are separate from Source)
- [Paul Selig] Freedom from Fear.
- [Paul Selig] Who you are is who you say you are.
- [Paul Selig] The Book of Mastery – [3]
- [Paul Selig] The Book of Mastery – [2]
- [Paul Selig] The Book of Mastery – [1]
You can get Paul Selig’s books or learn more on his website or subscribe to his YouTube channel.