Posts by Author

Penny (PennyButler.com)

WP-Cron Control

How I use WP-Cron Control First, I disable wp-cron from running on every page load by modifying the wp-config.php file and adding this line near the top: [snippet id=”240″] Then you install WP-Cron Control per normal (install/activate) which will give you a […]


[Abraham] Ask and It Is Given

Ask and It Is Given – Learning to Manifest Your Desires by Esther and Jerry Hicks (The Teachings of Abraham) Currently reading this book and if you like the law of attraction, then you’ll like this book too. It was […]

Ask and it is Given

Email Smasher WSO

This was a WSO, but I can’t find the original source. There is Nothing new here for those who have bought 1000 WSO’s.. just.. pick a niche, build a squeeze page, get aweber, create a free giveaway, drive traffic, daily emails, and redirecting to an affiliate product. Don’t expect to learn anything more than my notes if you buy this WSO, it doesn’t go into any further detail about what you see here.

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