[Hatonn] Spend time in Meditation
Qualify yourself to reach out to your fellow man and lead him from the darkness of confusion that he is experiencing back into the light that he desires.
Qualify yourself to reach out to your fellow man and lead him from the darkness of confusion that he is experiencing back into the light that he desires.
According to an entity called Hatonn (via group meditation) some of us desire to seek something outside the physical illusion. This post details the illusion, why we are here, why they are here, and about becoming aware of the infinite creator.
Found my food diary photos in 2014 when I was super healthy. Hoping to be inspired again from my old self to inject that nutrition into my current self.
This page includes philosophical and channelled messages from random sources (Tobias, Adamus, Eckhart Tolle, Gregg Braden, Tom Campbell, Jürgen Ziewe, Paul Selig, Matt Kahn, Bentinho Massaro, Abraham Hicks, Pamela Aaralyn)
I love these Ouija readings about the 2020 catalyst including the messages “pre” the virus that seemed to hint at something upcoming for us to experience
They’ve said that this is the first time in a very, very long time which I assume means thousands of years, where humanity has been dealing with a collective event, they say even a world-war, is resolved by the participants of the war, and there are countries that are choosing to operate in this way, this is something beyond that, and that the entirety of humanity is having to experience something together for the first time, and that this can be a time of possibility if we allow it to be.
In 2018, I posted these questions to Facebook and FB has decided to remove “notes”, so I’m posting it on my blog for my future life reflection :)