Posts by Author

Penny (PennyButler.com)

[Bashar] There is only one moment in Creation

Found a whole bunch of Bashar files on Archive.org so currently listening to them as a break from my Autism research. Here is one explaining the idea that everything already exists and we just ‘tune-in’ to the perception of whatever we want to explore that is resonate to the theme we came here to explore (or something like along those lines…)


[Kryon] On Autism

This week I’m trying to learn as much as I can about Autism, and aside from the normal ‘mainstream’ resources, I’m just as interested in learning what comes through in channelling. This post is a large collection of Kryon channellings about Autism.


[Q’uo] On Autism

In my new interest after discovering that I believe I am on the Autism spectrum, I’ve been watching a lot of YouTube videos and reading lots of books and articles. But I still have my channelling passion, and so also looking for Autism discussion within channellings. This is what Q’uo has to say about Autism.


[Ra] Why they came?

References in the Ra material regarding why they chose to share this information with humans about the Law of One, which seems two-fold in that they are responding to our call, and as service to the one infinite creator.
